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God created them as Gay or Bi, how are they sinning if God created them that way?

2007-05-04 10:14:33 · 28 answers · asked by Rain. 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

If ever there was a "bigot magnet" question... Look at them jumping in with their self-righteous hatred and intolerance disguised as piety.

Hurting someone, hurting yourself, those are wrong. Everything else labelled "sin" is tripe. It's a gross insult to "God" to make "God" the author of senseless hatred and prejudice.

2007-05-04 10:26:07 · answer #1 · answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7 · 3 3

Did God reveal this to you because the God of the Bible makes it clear that any sexual immorality is a sin not just homosexuality. There is no evidence that anyone is born a homosexual. No scientific evidence, no biological evidence, no genetic evidence, and no theological evidence. There is some psychological evidence though and years ago homosexuality was diagnosed as a mental illness. Pressure was brought to bear on the medical community by the homosexual community because they did not like being considered mentally ill. They caved under the pressure and homosexuals have been trying to convince the world that it is a normal and acceptable behavior, but just because they say so, does not make it so. Studies have been done by the psychiatric community and they say that there are two common factors that seem to contribute to male homosexuality. First, they were raised by a strong mother and weak or missing father and second, they were molested by another man. These facts indicate that there is a causality and choice, and yes maybe there was a psychological/mental propensity towards being more feminine than masculine, but a choice was made, just as one chooses to commit adultery with another's spouse. It is all about choice. The Bible is clear that it is a sin and God did not, has not, nor will He ever create a homosexual.

2007-05-04 14:03:34 · answer #2 · answered by Pastor Rick 2 · 2 0

I think that everyone is created with specific challenges they have to learn from. Saying that, even though I belong to a very conservative church, I still believe that people are born homosexual. I don't think it's a sin to BE gay, but it is a sin to ACT on it. Just like it's a sin to act on heterosexual desires outside of marriage. Unfortunately, as far as I know (I can't really speak for God, so I could be wrong) the only real marriage in God's eyes is between a man and a woman. Like I said, I'm not God, and I could be completely wrong. But that's what I believe is right. It's not fair, but no one said life was fair. We all have been given temptations, specifically tailored to us, and we all have to overcome them. If that means not having sex because the only people you want to have sex with are the same gender, then that's your temptation, and you have to make a choice. Either to try to live the way God wants you to, or don't. Either way, He still loves you, and I don't condemn you. After all, none of us is perfect.

2007-05-04 10:40:11 · answer #3 · answered by smlingrl 2 · 0 1

I'm not Christian but I have enough Christian friends to know that in a nut shell the Bible (either the word of God or man) says that it is a sin. I for one have always believed that an intelligent supernatural being would have some logical method to keep the population of anything in control by providing a group within that group that were either sterile or homosexual. Christians refuse to see their simian linage and won't admit that like all other animal groups there are homosexual traits in most, if not in all.

Christians think that their loving and benevolent God would rather create super germs and allow his followers to make war on anyone doesn’t agree with their dogma. But a true loving God or Goddess would be in control of things and would provide a way for people to love who they will, without all the radical religious groups taking charge for the God or Goddess as if they are too busy or dead to do things for themselves.

So id at anytime you know of gays, bi’s or tran’s that want to live without criticism then tell them to either join a Unitarian Universalist church if they want to remain a Christian or join many of the neo-Pagan groups that see them as what they were intended to be.

2007-05-04 10:35:06 · answer #4 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 0 1

It's not. Assuming you value the hebrew scripture,you do have condemnation in leviticus,but for most Christians the only thing that concerns us are the passages in Romans,and they clearly are intended to denounce sexual licentiousness in general. Unfortunately,the only public manifestations of homosexuality were generally highly licentious,so homosexuality got a bad rep with the early Christians. Today most Christians regard the passages in question as referencing only behavior that even most homosexuals and lesbians would probably recoil from,or at least say "Gee,keep that stuff in the bath houses". This parts ways with a literalist interpretation but so what,we have no way of knowing how early Christians might have responded to ordinary gays instead of all that alley-cat behavior you'd see around the Coliseum,everywhere really. I think you'd have to know a bit about daily life in ancient Rome to really understand how that might have affected a person's impressions of homosexuality. Most mainstream denominations accept gays & lesbians,the only proviso is that they lead a blameless life; i.e. abstain from wildly promiscuous behavior. But we expect that of heterosexuals too.

2007-05-04 10:31:41 · answer #5 · answered by Brynn 3 · 2 0

What on earth is the matter with some of these smug replies, I mean seriously what kind of fallacious reasoning is "It wouldn't be fair if homosexuality was biological and for it to be a sin at the same time. That would mean that God made a mistake. And that's not true". So it's not true BECAUSE it would contradict what you've decided to think of as true, so you don't have to think about it? no wonder your reasoning chases its own tails all the flaming time! Gah, you're beyond help - you don't deserve the title of understanding, non-judgemental or loving when your "leap of faith" leads you to leap it on behalf of others without a 2nd thought!

Edit: and comparing same sex couples with murder? Does it hurt you? Does it hurt the person they're with? Does it hurt anybody? Are any families traumatized by a loss when it happens? Please consider what you're saying before you make such slanderous remarks.

2007-05-04 10:47:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First of all God did not create them the way that they are. They choose that lifestyle- God did not create people to be murderers and they chose to kill- We were born in sin- YES, because of our own nature- God created us to be perfect, but we aren't so that is why He sent His Son into the world, to pay the price that we could never pay.

2007-05-04 10:43:10 · answer #7 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

In the begining God created man, male and female created He them. I'm sorry but if your gonna drag God into this (no pun intended) then you must stay within the confines of His rules. God made us male and female. God also made us with a free will to choose good and evil. We choose to be inside the guidelines of the appropriate sexual relationship (i.e. sex between a man and a woman in Holy Matromony).

Any sex outside this established rule by God, is considered sinful. Unmaried sex between a man and a woman is as sinful as same sex relationships.

But it is a lie to think the God of the Bible created men and women to go against their own natural hetrosexual way, and to believe that God put into us that is is natural to be homosexual. God put a sex drive in us, it is humanitys perversion of that Holy Devine gift that is wrong.

2007-05-04 10:42:06 · answer #8 · answered by ImJstBob 4 · 1 1

First, God didn't create them that way. Sexual orientation is learned through early childhood experience. Secondly, simply being homosexual is not a sin, precisely because it is not a choice. However behavior is always a choice. It is behaviors that violate God's law that constitute sin.

2007-05-04 10:37:45 · answer #9 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 2

There are a whole bunch of 'sins' that man suffers from and God allows us all to go through to hopefully draw us closer to him. God didnt create people to be gay and the bible clearly speaks against it (same as adultery and anything else). It (the spirit of homosexuality) is a demonic influence (like many others) that consumes people and perverts the natural order of Man. People in the church need to love the SINNER, but hate the sin. That distinction is often clouded and people think christians just hate gay people. Untrue.

2007-05-04 10:23:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

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