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Do you honestly feel that they are trolling? Do you honestly feel that they are trying to get you to stop believing the way that you do? Can't they simply be asking a genuine question or do you feel that any and all non Christians are out to insult you? Can't a person just be asking a well thought out question and looking for a well thought out response in return? Or are some of you so defensive in your beliefs that you feel the need to lash out and attack others who don't feel the same way as you do? The link to my last question is right there.


2007-05-04 10:08:23 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I know I've said this before but a lot of "Christians" aren't true Christians by practice. There is no reason to lash out on someone because they don't have the same belief that you or I might have. When a "Christian" has to just call you names or criticize you without even answering your question it's probably because they don't really even know enough about their own religion to properly debate you or give you an intelligent answer.
People are like this in general anymore. They think that their point will come across by being loud and belligerent. I think true Atheists are very interesting. The true Atheists tend to be structured and very analytical. Most of our greatest scientists are atheists. These are people that have created treatments for cancer, vaccinations for horrible diseases, and saved thousands of lives. Who are we as Christians to judge these amazing people and say they are going to "burn in hell". People are hypocrites. I have major issues with these people that constantly say well "I'm a Christian" or "I'm Catholic". but they have none of the values that one would think they would.

Since when has having a thought of our own become such a stigma!!

How come these people seem to forget that the 10 Commandments (which the Christian faith is based off of) and the whole "judge not lest ye be judged".

2007-05-04 11:47:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And that is the problem with 99% of the atheists that troll through this area. I use the word troll because this category is Religion and Spirituality. Now as any atheist will be quick to tell you they don’t believe in God yet they are hanging around here. Why?

I can accept that they don’t believe. But why do they feel it is necessary to come here and expound on their disbelief and the vast majority of the time denigrate Christianity and Christians in the process? Why is it any different when Christians question the beliefs of atheists? What if we don’t believe that we evolved from some unknown entity crawling out of some primordial slime pool? Does that make us stupid, ignorant or mindless? That is what the atheists tell us yet they have no proof that such a thing occurred, only the theory that it could have happened. They scream that Christians do not have 100% proof of God, yet they believe that an unproved hypothesis is 100% proof.

Now, if you don’t mind me injecting a little religion here Christ was not sentenced to death because the Roman Empire thought he was a threat. He was condemned because he was a threat to the Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious and political rulers of Israel. By this time His popularity among the Jews had reached the point where they could no longer ignore Him nor could they just kill him outright as a heretic because every time they tried to entrap Him in their legal system he turned it against them. Their solution was to trump up charges of sedition against Him and have the Romans do their dirty work.

Yahoo Answers I believe was instituted with the best of intentions: To provide a place for folks to exchange information. Someone has a question someone has an answer they come together here. Unfortunately it, at least this category, has turned into a discussion forum and a very poor one at that. However, like the government they simply will not give up on a bad idea.

2007-05-04 12:14:34 · answer #2 · answered by John 1:1 4 · 0 0

"Christians do you honestly think that people who ask you tough questions are slurring your religion?"
I'll actually have to see a tough question before I can answer that. :oP

"Do you honestly feel that they are trolling? Do you honestly feel that they are trying to get you to stop believing the way that you do? Can't they simply be asking a genuine question or do you feel that any and all non Christians are out to insult you?"
Some are, some aren't.

"Or are some of you so defensive in your beliefs that you feel the need to lash out and attack others who don't feel the same way as you do?"
Some are, some aren't. Actually, I only saw only one person even remotely attack you.

2007-05-04 10:39:58 · answer #3 · answered by Deof Movestofca 7 · 0 0

My opinion? Well let me start with an example.

I am pro-life. If I go to a pro-choice website and start writing a blog, chances are...I am going to be trying to change someone's mind. There is no doubt about that.

If you were to be a non-believer, and ask a question about God/Religion, Once or twice and not be trying to contradict it....recieved answers and let them go...with learning something..then maybe I would answer no.

But the fact is this: This is a Religion Website.

When you ask a question here, You are going to get an answer that is the best to their own knowledge from the bible or whatever they read, because thats all they know about it. They are Not God or anyone else for that matter.

So why would someone get on a religion website, and constantly start asking question to disprove god?
same thing as my abortion example....

We can and most certainly will defend our belief's, In our part of this website. Expect that.

Don't think your going to change anyone, or make any kind of difference...chances are you won't.

2007-05-04 10:16:41 · answer #4 · answered by chersa 4 · 0 0

For me.. It would depend on how a question was worded, etc. If someone asked a serious sounding question, I would not think that they were trying to do anything bad.. However, I have seen a LOT of times on Yahoo Answers where people will be blatantly insulting in their question.. That's where I think that a lot of people get defensive.. when they're insulted, etc..

At the same time, it's still not necessarily right to respond to something bad by being a jerk or anything.. People should still respond with respect, etc.. Show that they're polite, etc..

2007-05-04 10:14:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just because somebody asks a question about Christianity that seems like a put down, does not upset me. But, if I know the asker is just making a mockery of Christians & my Lord, it does provoke me, but there is such a thing as righteous indignation. Jesus himself got indignant about certain things, so why can't we. We are allowed to set the record straight on issues the asker is way off base on. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I can voice my opinion on things pertaining to my faith.When Christians get a little irate about sacreligious comments about our Saviour we get told we are intolerant, but if someone says something against Islam, there is a huge uproar about Charter Rights being infringed upon, well, we are a minority, and as such are protected by free speech.

2007-05-04 10:22:10 · answer #6 · answered by The Count 7 · 0 0

many questions asked of christians really don't want an answer, many simply like to disguise psuedo-intellectual mental masterbations into " thought provoking" questions designed to make those Literalists think about some contradiction or shortcumming of a particular religious text. most of ya'll are correct, religious texts are flawed, they are all written by men. and are subject to many interpretations and misinterpretations.
it is not hard to point out flaws in religious texts, or even contradictions in thought and practice sometimes. walking the path is not in any text, God is not in the words on a page or the definition of an entity. still people write about the path, and they try to communicate their truths and it will always be inadequate to someone who is not willing to let their feet do the walking.

2007-05-04 10:20:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can"t speak for all Christians, apparently however, you can.
Speaking for myself and many of my Christian friends, we would never think that anyone asking tough questions would be slurring our religion. We would think that the person asking the question wanted an answer and we would attempt to answer the question as we see how it relates to scripture. And to go further, if someone was slurring our "religion" it would not change anything, so why get annoyed.

2007-05-04 10:20:39 · answer #8 · answered by loufedalis 7 · 0 0

i do no longer fairly understand this question. Are you attempting to hint that Christians like non secular questions instead of smart questions? if so, you're asking the incorrect question. in case you assert that questions regarding the Bible are unintelligent, i encourage to selection. that's between the suited preserved historic texts of all time. Arguments made out of the text fabric are very valid. to assert that pondering the text fabric is unintelligent, is basically the end results of being misinformed. Now back to the hug, do i'm getting a unfastened hug? :)

2017-01-09 12:08:18 · answer #9 · answered by petrovich 4 · 0 0

If you beleive in something than no one should be able to tell you otherwise. If someone tries to say something against you and your religion, why would you listen, or let alone care. People have every right to say what they believe but it doesnt change the fact of what people really feel in their hearts. I don't feel insulted, Thats their opinion. I feel you can't let little things bother you especially what other people think. God is the only one you should care about, is he insulting your matter? no, than people who go against your religion are only lost in their own cause.

2007-05-04 10:15:23 · answer #10 · answered by primalterozi 3 · 0 0

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