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What if they don't believe that Jesus Christ walked on water or turned water into wine or healed people simply by touching them, or that there was a talking snake or serpent as some like to say, or that Jonah was in a whale for three days, or that Jesus didn't die for our sins and instead was sentenced to death simply because the Roman empire thought that he was a threat? Is any of those things blasphemous? Is that a one way ticket straight to hell? So now what happens?

2007-05-04 09:45:08 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also what if people don't believe in the Immaculate conception?

2007-05-04 09:47:30 · update #1

Who says that i am taking cheap shots. I'm just asking a question. Geez.

2007-05-04 09:56:57 · update #2

28 answers

I believe there are many different ways to worship and only about 1/4 are Christian anyway so God obviously likes variety and there are many different ways to get to know God. Anyhow that what makes life interesting is that we are different in so many aspects why not religion. Anyway that is not up to me to whether anyone is going to hell or not because I am not to judge others and I believe that no one and I mean no one is beyond the outstretched arms of God.

2007-05-04 10:05:32 · answer #1 · answered by Dave aka Spider Monkey 7 · 1 2

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And that is the problem with 99% of the atheists that troll through this area. I use the word troll because this category is Religion and Spirituality. Now as any atheist will be quick to tell you they don’t believe in God yet they are hanging around here. Why?

I can accept that they don’t believe. But why do they feel it is necessary to come here and expound on their disbelief and the vast majority of the time denigrate Christianity and Christians in the process? Why is it any different when Christians question the beliefs of atheists? What if we don’t believe that we evolved from some unknown entity crawling out of some primordial slime pool? Does that make us stupid, ignorant or mindless? That is what the atheists tell us yet they have no proof that such a thing occurred, only the theory that it could have happened. They scream that Christians do not have 100% proof of God, yet they believe that an unproved hypothesis is 100% proof.

Now, if you don’t mind me injecting a little religion here Christ was not sentenced to death because the Roman Empire thought he was a threat. He was condemned because he was a threat to the Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious and political rulers of Israel. By this time His popularity among the Jews had reached the point where they could no longer ignore Him nor could they just kill him outright as a heretic because every time they tried to entrap Him in their legal system he turned it against them. Their solution was to trump up charges of sedition against Him and have the Romans do their dirty work.

Yahoo Answers I believe was instituted with the best of intentions: To provide a place for folks to exchange information. Someone has a question someone has an answer they come together here. Unfortunately it, at least this category, has turned into a discussion forum and a very poor one at that. However, like the government they simply will not give up on a bad idea.

2007-05-04 18:11:15 · answer #2 · answered by John 1:1 4 · 0 0

Jesus died for our sins, so you are forgiven whether you feel you are worthy or not. You already have God's approval - you can't un-earn in. Even if you try really hard to pick everything a part and find something in err. You don't have to obsess over going to hell. Though some Christian denominations believe differently. So anyone can choose a life of living in fear of going to hell or live in grace and know you are all set. (its a given that we are ALL sinners - so don't worry)

I suspect that some of those things you may sincerely not believe in, but perhaps you don't believe in some of the things because its just cooler to disagree.

Either way, its okay to not be a part of an organized and specific religious denomination. No one can decide that but you.

btw, to answer your other Q not all Christian denominations feel the same about the Immaculate Conception. Catholics are staunch believers in it, but other denominations don't emphasize it/it doesn't make an impact or take away from who Jesus was or the example he was in his everyday living. And remember Immaculate conception and virgin birth are two different things - immaculate conception has to do with Mary being conceived as a baby in her mother's womb without sin, not about Jesus' birth.

So no, it is not blasphemy unless you are Catholic or a few other denominations to not believe in Immaculate conception.

I hope that you find a good teacher - because there is a lot of wisdom in the Bible that has nothing to do with marine biology :) You have to know what something is actually about before you decide not to believe in it

2007-05-04 16:55:42 · answer #3 · answered by JustMe 4 · 3 2

To Christians what you say is blasphemous. But you as a human being you are free to believe what you want and there should be no other person anywhere to tell you what you believe is wrong.

If you want to believe that Jesus didn’t exist then you can. If you want to believe in Zeus, or Thor, or Goddess Diana, you can. If you want to change your mind at any time and believe anything else you want to, feel free!

You see, God is too big to fit into one religion. Just because some new religion starts up claiming to be the only way doesn’t mean the older ways or other ways are wrong.
Jesus taught his followers to love those he called sinners. I would assume anyone who doesn’t believe in their god or their Jesus would be a sinner… As supposedly we are all born that way…

Anyhow, Only in the end will you know what the truth is. Past the point of a redo, or saying sorry. So live your life as you do now and remember you might be right, or wrong, but your chances are just as good, or bad as anyone else’s…

2007-05-04 17:02:53 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 1 2

Then they don't believe, simple as that. It's each person's choice, right?

As for what happens to an individual, sure, people can quote from the Bible and answer them according to that, but it all comes down to this: we do not know the fate of anyone. Only God does. So those whose message is rejected should do as Jesus said - shake the dust from their feet and walk away.

Only God knows what happens - not any mere human being.

And yes, I am a Christian.

2007-05-04 16:52:18 · answer #5 · answered by SpiritRoaming 7 · 0 1

"Christians what if people simply don't like your religion or want to be a part of your religion?"
That's between them and God (assuming that I'm right and He exists).

"Is that a one way ticket straight to hell?"
No, people don't go to hell because they believe the wrong things, but because they refuse to repent of their sins and think they could do a better job at being their own god (by trying to create their own values, for example) than God can.

2007-05-04 17:31:00 · answer #6 · answered by Deof Movestofca 7 · 0 0

Personally, I would not describe any of the things you've said here as blasphemous. God has granted each and every one of us the right to choose for ourselves whether or not we will follow Jesus. No one can force you to be a Christian.

2007-05-04 17:09:40 · answer #7 · answered by movedby 5 · 1 0

I don't understand the question. What country are you in? The U.S. is not a theocracy. Believe whatever you like,or believe nothing,who cares? By the way you're obviously slurring Christianity when you imply we are all literalists. That went out at least 60-100 years ago with everybody but the fundie fringe. I'm sure you know that,so why play dumb,just to score a cheap shot?
Incidentally,when it comes to suggesting Christians are superstitious,who are pagans to talk?

2007-05-04 16:53:26 · answer #8 · answered by Brynn 3 · 0 3

Nothing wrong with that whatsoever. I believe God gave us each our freedom to choose based on the knowledge we have. There will be consequences, however, for our choices and we will be judged according to the choices we made based off of the knowledge that was given to us. God will be fair and merciful to us based on our knowledge and how we followed the light of Christ that is in each one of us.

2007-05-04 17:32:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Disbelievers goto Hell, because There is no way purify them in the hereafter due to Lack of faith. God alone is good, And is the All-Merciful, so its only logical that if one wants to be sucessfull in the after life, they need to ask God for His mercy. This is why an atheist's good Deeds are like the mirage in a desert, they mean Nothing in the hereafter, Because of their denial of God (great offense and source of evil). To have a chance at sucess, one needs to at least. have faith.

2007-05-04 17:12:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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