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Anyone can say that things you cannot see are not real. But that is why you have FAITH. Believe that GOD is not real that's fine no one cares you live in a free country. But, Please believe in something, Because there is some higher being, Even if we did evolve from monkeys? Something had to create the monkeys?

2007-05-04 09:41:24 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Exactly! The evolutionists NEVER bother to think about that - sure, you found a fossil, great, but who do you think created the animal whose death created the fossil? There had to be someone! And this leads us to conclude positively that there IS someone - GOD created them. People here say who created God but that is just ignorant - God created himself from the stars and the sky and the universal energy. Duh.

And the athiests who don't believe in anything can't really believe in evolution then, can they? So the poor buggers are left with NOTHING to believe in and lead corrupt lives without any sense of value or morality.

*Fists pumping* GO CREATIONISM!!

2007-05-04 12:47:18 · answer #1 · answered by Gunning4Jesus 3 · 3 1

Once again, no one except uneducated creationists say that humans evolved from monkeys. How can you think yourself competent to criticize something that you have no knowledge of, and do not even understand the most basic concepts and definitions? Clearly, you are simply repeating junk that you read or heard from someone – someone who is either ignorant or purposefully dishonest; there is no other explanation for their statements.

The philosophy of science is based on an epistemology that the processes affecting the known and knowable universe can be understood and explained by the observation and analysis of empirical evidence without resorting to mystical, spiritual, or supernatural causes.

It even allows us to understand things that we cannot ‘see’.

2007-05-04 09:58:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

we did not evolve from MONKEYS!!! you people just gotta be joking with this whole thing!!

tell me honestly,if i knew NOTHING about the bible and tried to argue about it and made SERIOUS blunders,would you or would you not think i was waaaaaaaaay dumb?

well that applies both ways!

get a good science book and READ UP before you argue.and don't bother with biased websites because they distort the picture.get an UNbiased science book that will present you with ALL the facts,not just a selected few!

2007-05-04 09:46:20 · answer #3 · answered by nicky 3 · 3 0

We didn't evolve from monkeys. Monkeys and man evolved from a common ancestor. There is a difference. Besides that, yes I do believe it is possible that God created life and that life evolved over time.

2007-05-04 09:44:55 · answer #4 · answered by Blunt Honesty 7 · 4 3

why cant we have faith, and believe in a higher power and doing good and souls and all that, and not stick to superstitious tripe that was probably not believed even when they wrote it, thousands of primitive years ago. Surely we can let science deal with facts, and leave religion to faith. If you have a modicum of faith, you wouldnt be so scared about science replacing christianity, matter of fact, if the whole creationism nonsense wasnt happening, there would be less chance of alienating people away from the church.

2007-05-04 09:47:14 · answer #5 · answered by rand a 5 · 3 2

*sigh* I wish people like you would do a little research on anthropology and evolution before asking such ridiculous questions. Humans did NOT evolve from monkeys. We evolved from a common ancestor. Believe in God all you want but don't force your beliefs on me. There is no proof there is a higher being. There is proof of evolution. If everything has a creator, then WHO CREATED GOD????

2007-05-04 09:45:21 · answer #6 · answered by *Cara* 7 · 7 3

Man didn't come from Monkeys, or any Sub Human either...

Most of the humanoid sub-humans are hoaxes... one was made from a pigs tooth.

Oh and Neanderthal... is a Human being.

So there is no link between Man and Monkey... therefore... there is no Evolution.

but these Facts are irrelevant to the staunchest believers...

It takes more faith than one thinks to believe in this 19th century myth.


2007-05-04 09:52:44 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. Agappae 5 · 1 3

Davy Jones of course! but Mike Nesmith always tries to take the credit

2007-05-04 22:11:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Note that *all* of humanity is related, plus we’re all related to monkeys, apes, elephants, broccoli, amoebas, etc., right back to the Origin of Life some 3,900,000,000 years ago, maybe a bit longer. And we know much about humanity’s development, and the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for most splits back through time. And the amount of time is critical when viewing a biblical ~6,000 years -- a date discarded by science since Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology in 1830 - a close friend of Darwin’s, BTW. (Note that this post relates to *more* than just species evolution, as does creationism.)

OBVIOUS Commonalities: Carbon-based, DNA-based Life.

The planet took some 500,000 years to accrete from star stuff and rubble, completing some 4,700,000,000 years ago, and life took hold within the first billion years. Here’s a very basic reverse timeline of life-related events (see Source):
- Y-Chromosome “Adam” (patrilineal MRCA) – 59,000 ya
- Mitochondrial “Eve” (matrilineal MRCA) – 143,000 ya
- H. sapiens sapiens (Modern Human) – 130,000 ya
- H. sapiens (Archaic: H. heidelbergensis) – 800,000 ya
- Early Genus H*m*: H. habilis, et al. – 2.5 mya
- Australopithicines (many species) – 4.5 mya
- Hominids & Chimps/bonobos (MRCA) – 5.5 mya <<<<<<<
- Above & Gorillas (MRCA) – 7.0 mya
- Above & OrangUtans (MRCA) – 14 mya
- Above & Gibbons (MRCA) – 18 mya
- Above & Old World Monkeys (MRCA) – 25 mya <<<<<<<<
- Above & New World Monkeys (MRCA) – 40 mya <<<<<<<
- Above & Bushbabies, Lemurs (MRCA) – 63 mya
- Above & Colugos, Tree Shrews (MRCA) – 70 mya
- Above & Rodents and Rabbitkind (MRCA) – 75 mya
- Above & bears, weasels, cats, +… (MRCA) – 85 mya
- Above & rest of Placental Mammals (MRCA) – 105 mya
- Above & Mammal-like Reptiles (MRCA) – 130 mya
- Above & Reptiles (Incl. birds) (MRCA) – 310 mya
- Above & Amphibians (MRCA) – 340 mya
- Above & Lungfish (MRCA) – 417 mya
- Above & Ray-finned Fish (MRCA) – 440 mya

(The book below gets increasingly technical as other MRCAs join other life-forms, including, in order: worms, insects, barnacles, Chengjiang & Burgess Shale creatures (including early vertebrates at ~520 mya), jellyfish, coral, sponges, fungi, amoebozoans, plants, archaea, eubacteria, ribosomes, and somewhere around 4.0 bya, the Origin of Life by abiogenesis.)

2007-05-04 09:57:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I do believe in something.i believe,and science has backed me up on this,that humans evolved over many thousands and millions of years,form one species to the next,small change after small change,generations and generations of this until we have this marvelous,diverse world we all share.

2007-05-04 09:46:09 · answer #10 · answered by otterscantdance 3 · 4 2

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