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WASHINGTON (AP) — A new Pentagon survey of troops in Iraq found that only 40% of Marines and 55% of Army soldiers would report a member of their unit for killing or wounding an innocent civilian. Many said this is the proud American way.
In the first internal military study of battlefield ethics in Iraq, officials said Friday they also found that only a third of Marines and roughly half of soldiers said they believed that non-combatants should be treated with dignity. This was learned from the republican party.

The study also found that long and repeated deployments were increasing troop mental health problems. And it showed that more than 40% of Marines and soldiers said torture should be allowed to save the lives of troops. Bush and war supporters are proud of this.

2007-05-04 09:15:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

13 answers

You have doctored an AP newsfeed and given it no attribution for independent verification. Good job.

You have also absolutely no claim to being a "former military man" in a position to judge what the American military in Iraq has accomplished. If you are what you actually said you were, you were an Air Force dog handler in Clark AB in the Phillippines. That's hardly a combat arms job. That's hardly being in the line of danger. What, did you think the fleas were working for the VC and the NVA and being supplied from the Ho Chi Minh Trail?

If there's any reason for you to be in abject shame, it should be because you are spreading ignorant falsehoods about the military and claiming knowledge and experiences you have no part of. No one appreciates a liar like you. On those grounds, you live in constant humiliation and eternal disgrace.

2007-05-04 09:28:59 · answer #1 · answered by Nat 5 · 3 1

First off, I doubt you're a former military person, simply from the way you slam the troops, the war, and Bush.

However, that's not important -- you can pretend to be anybody you want to here.

It's a soldier's obligation to report illegal acts and disobey illegal orders. However, when you throw in the comraderie each soldier feels with the soldiers around them, most are probably inclined to ignore the former.

This wasn't learned from "the republican party". This is sheer human nature.

Please cite a reference for your claim that "Bush and war supporters" are proud that 40% of Marines and soldiers said that torture should be allowed. Or was it that "Bush and war supporters" are proud that long and repeated deployments are increasing troop mental health problems? It's hard to tell since you write so poorly.

2007-05-04 09:25:50 · answer #2 · answered by BDZot 6 · 2 1

Civilians get killed in war. Its a fact. An 18 yr old private has 2 seconds to decide if the car speeding towards him is a suicide bomber or a guy late for work. unfortunately when a civilian is killed oftentimes the soldier gets crucified by his chain of command. So what i think that study is showing is soldiers are trying to make the right decisions but are scared of their lives being over if they made a mistake. Would you torture someone to save your best friends's life? How about your brothers? That's why those policy decisions aren't to be made by the soldiers on the ground but by the elected representatives of you, the american citizen. Soldiers just execute your policies.

2007-05-04 12:14:17 · answer #3 · answered by Eric 2 · 1 0

The question I certainly have - How plenty precise secret intel do you be conscious of approximately? Did you notice all the comments approximately Iraq. How regarding the comments with regard to the UN and there corruption. How specific are you approximately oil are you. Do you experience which you have as plenty suggestions because of the fact the President, his advisers, and the Senate intelligence committee. i will wager you're nonetheless pissed that Al Gore lost basically approximately 9 years in the past. Are you nonetheless residing interior the previous? Bush is out of place of work. From 2007 until 2009, a democratic senate and abode had all the prospect to hold him up for impeachment. We heard, what, 2 politicians approximately this? Obama is president. i'm no longer happy approximately this. I additionally comprehend the place of work of the President of the US. you will locate that I handle him via his final call or identify and phone, i do no longer call him the different call. it fairly is comprehend. i do no longer agree along with his regulations, and could debate approximately that. might the infants on Y/A please strengthen up (meant Democrats and meant Republicans alike.)

2017-01-09 12:05:28 · answer #4 · answered by petrovich 4 · 0 0

I think you certainly should be ashamed.

The military has changed. Back in the days of the draft, you had everyone having to serve. Many Fortune 500 CEOs were in the military back in the day.

The military has changed now to consist of people who couldn't/wouldn't go to college and have the only option of the military. Looking at all my 10 friends in Iraq, none of them did well in school and none of them could have gotten into college. I'm not saying they're stupid, but they're not as educated as people used to be, I believe, and they're convinced that everything done in the name of America is right.

Plus, the military training does this to them-- it's about breaking them down so they listen to their higher ups and don't question, making them not care about their own feelings but those of their group, etc. That's where this "ghetto mentality" of not telling on your murderous fellow soldier comes from. So, I'm not sure how to fix it.

I saw an exhibit in a museum that included Iraq war artifacts from the 2003 invasion. A book with Iraqi phrases had phrases like, "Stop!" "Stand still!" "Hands up!" "Do not approach!" and other hostile words. What about "are you hungry?" "Do you need anything?" "Are you ok?" Those were missing. All the army cared about was hostile words to the "enemy", many of whom were civilians sympathetic to the American cause. Everyone is viewed as the enemy, and that's not the case.

This poll is pretty discouraging.

2007-05-04 09:23:48 · answer #5 · answered by illiniangel 2 · 2 1

WWWWWWooooooo brother....first, thank you for your prior service, but brother don't believe everything you read, it's not that Black and White. My fellow Marines are doing amazing things in a really fudged up situation over there everyday. The Army from what I saw is doing pretty well also. Don't hang your head brother, be proud that despite all the controversy of this war, we are still executing or mission with out complaint and most times with out any thanks.

2007-05-04 09:28:56 · answer #6 · answered by SOLO KING 4 · 2 0

Why? Our troops are performing superbly, given the conditions and restrictions being placed on them.

No, the shame should all fall on the Liberals/Democrats in Congress.

Oh, and also on plagiarizers like yourself, erudite. So, do you have the guts to post a link to the original "article" you cite, so we can see how you've edited/altered it to fit your twisted world-view?

2007-05-04 09:21:44 · answer #7 · answered by Dave_Stark 7 · 2 1

Give me a break!!! I don't believe a word of this and I think you should be ashamed to print something as this, especially 'being a former military man'.

2007-05-04 09:27:44 · answer #8 · answered by Brianne 7 · 2 1

Please don't blame the lack of performance on our troops. Their hands are tied. Properly unleashed, there'd be a McDonalds on every corner from Bagdad to Tikrit.

2007-05-04 14:11:48 · answer #9 · answered by Dana B 2 · 0 0

I am going to use one of my previous answers
Did you know that 90% of statistics are made up on the spot.

2007-05-04 09:26:54 · answer #10 · answered by Rek T 4 · 2 1

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