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never had the chance to come legally?
Fact: if you are poor and you do not have a close family member (parent, spouse, adult child or sibling) or an employer willing to sponsor you do not get to come legally. There is no line for them to wait in, there is no way for them to "do it the right way". I work with illegals every day, if they could have come legally they would have done it gladly.

I think the antis perpetuate this myth because it supports the attitude that illegals are all bad people because they chose to break the law when they had other options.
I don't believe the myth that all illegals are just good, hardworking people who just want to help their families, either. They are neither innocent victim nor are they evil criminals.

This all good or all bad false dichotomy I think clouds the debate on both sides. Antis, what is so objectionable about accepting that they never had the chance to come legally? You can still argue that they should be deported.

2007-05-04 08:04:34 · 37 answers · asked by grdnoviz 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

I never said that we had to let them in. I agree that we can set the rules on who comes and who doesn't. I'm just saying that when people argue that they could have just waited their turn, that is false.

If people just don't want poor foreigners coming in sapping our resources, I can back them up on that. But people don't want to look like the bad guy, so they demonize the illegals by characterizing the act of crossing the border into a heinous act, equal to rape and murder, with the false assumption that they were presented with a viable option to act legally. Their options were be poor and have no future or cross a border illegally and make enough money to get ahead and support your family. Yes, they made the wrong choice and we as a country have the right to kick them out, but antis should quit pretending the option to come legally was there.

2007-05-04 08:37:50 · update #1

No, it is not a crime to work with illegals. go read some books.

2007-05-04 08:41:06 · update #2

For all of you calling BS, look up any immigration attorney or call CIS or ICE or border patrol and ask them if a poor Mexican who knows no one in the US and has no family in the US can come legally. They will tell you no, they cannot.

2007-05-04 09:14:45 · update #3

37 answers

Blah. If I had no choice but to come here illegally let me tell you what I wouldn't do...
I wouldn't abuse social services
I wouldn't commit crimes that could potentially result in deportation
I wouldn't protest for rights I shouldn't have unless I'm a citizen
I wouldn't fly a flag of a country I didn't want to live in
I wouldn't have the audacity to ask for more after the legal residents already made sacrifices to have me here
I wouldn't burn the flag that represents the country I'm in and expect the citizens to accept me

America doesn't refuse those people into this country just for the sole purpose to upset them. Laws are in place for a reason. They protect the land and the citizens who live on it. America accepts 2 million LEGAL immigrants every year. That's more than every other country combined!! How can you even expect more? We help as much as we can, but there are reasons we can't accept the poor population of every country around the world. It's not gonna happen, no matter how sorry you feel for them.

*edit* Actually, crossing the border is a crime. It's not as harmless as you may think. Immigrants receive a physical when they come to America... you know, just in case. Will you be happy when you have tuberculosis?? Besides, it leads to much larger crimes as they try to survive here with no identification. Did you know that identity theft is a HUGE problem here??

2007-05-04 08:24:25 · answer #1 · answered by asdfjkl; 5 · 9 2

Our immigration system is far from perfect. But there is a process prescribed by law for entering this country. Regretfully, it is cumbersome. We require nasty little things like background checks, and when the country one is trying to leave does not have the means to provide reliable information about the person seeking to immigrant it slows the process down. Most countries require that a person have some marketable skill or talent to offer their country, and ensure that the immigrants will not be taking jobs away from their own people. The US is not that particular. That is why we have the visa lottery.

Most people who want more secure borders and tougher immigration laws don't believe that all people who come here illegally are "bad people". But they DID break the law. That is an undebatable fact.

I notice that you did not use that dreadful, politically correct term that the media is trying to indoctrinate us with...illegal immigrants. Thank you.

While attending a rally against amnesty I could not help but notice that not one person there used any derogatory terms in reference to the illegal aliens. The illegal aliens were the ones making it into a race issue. That is what really clouds the debate.

While we might wish that we solve everyone's problems, the truth is we can't. Our forefathers stood up against a tyrannical government to create a country that gave its citizens the freedom to prosper. If the people of Mexico want the same freedoms and advantages that we enjoy, they need to come together as a people and take back their OWN country. Not come here to take ours. In the event of that uprising, I would be the first to say that our government should support them.

2007-05-04 09:08:51 · answer #2 · answered by CT2007 2 · 2 0

I beleive if there are areas in Mexico that are as bad as people say and they are uneducated and basicly rely on just what people tell them, that yes .....many may not know how to go about it legally, but they do know it's illegal.

I just have to say here that even if there was an easy line to get in and come legally....there's a whole bunch out there that would still be screaming because NOT EVERY PERSON GETS TO COME HERE THAT WANTS TO. There's this attitude that we have to and must accept every single one that wants to come here NO MATTER WHAT! Doesn't matter if their cartel members, murders, child molestors, rapists, drug dealers, gang members.....we MUST take them all! Sorry.....I'm tired of the whining about every CRIMINAL that gets deported. I mean they over-look for them. They always lower the offense of the crime or only charge them with the least one....just so they don't get deported and beleive me...by the time they deport them....most have a long serious rap sheet. Atleast for this area that's how they work.

So I do beleive there are some that are thankful to be here and did do there best to abide by every other law and got the tin# or whatever it is and pays taxes and doesn't abuse the system etc. They, from what I see are the minority and I do feel for them.

2007-05-04 08:39:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Everyone who comes to this country can do it legally but more who come across the boarders illegally do so for the most part because they want the money and if possible to have a child here so that child will be a citizen. They have chosen to do something that is illegal and they know this. Sorry but there is a legal way to enter this or any other country and they have not do so.

2016-05-20 06:32:38 · answer #4 · answered by fae 3 · 0 0


Instead they try to twist your words around to say that you are advocating illegal immigration. Better yet, they equate the need for survival (migrating across the border) with committing rape or murder.



We have this sense of entitlement, but really it is a question of where you are born,. If you are born to a Mexican mother, in Mexico, you might subsist to provide a plate of beans and a tortilla to feed your children.

You are born across the border, you have a chance of feeding your family, and your children might have a fighting chance of having a skilled, well-paid profession someday.



please be compassionate, and look at how much you have, and how little others have.

Peace out.

2007-05-04 12:11:49 · answer #5 · answered by poweranni 7 · 0 1

Can you name even one illegal alien that did not have a job in it's home country?

Many illegals do have means to legalize, but don't do so (see all the questions about "I'm a US Citizen and my illegal alien husband ....." )

How do you "work with illegals everyday" are you also a criminal? Unless you work for the government (or an immigration attorney), then you are also committing a crime!

If you were an immigration attorney or for the government, then you would know that your questions and statements are false.

Can you explain why so many aliens do not become citizens?

Do you let the poor ones live in your home? Do you share your paycheck with them? Or are you too high up on your pedistal to really get involved? But you want me to take care of them with my taxes!

And is it our fault that they are rapist, child molesters, robbers, murderers, etc. ?

The bottom line is that they are such low life criminals that their own countries encourage and help them come here to break our laws! If their own country doesn't want them, why should we?

Get real!

2007-05-04 08:21:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

You've summed it up quite nicely.What you say is 100 % true ! But I would like to know why American counsalates all over Latin America lead people to beleive they can obtain a visa to come to the USA legally,collect the 200usd (a half month's salary) just for the interview,and then turn around and say,"You do not qualify for the visa."

2007-05-04 14:28:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If they can not get in legally then that must mean that our country is full to capacity. If a US citizen breaks a law our butt goes to jail and you do not pass go and collect 200 dollars. If there is no line for them to wait in then we need to hang out the "No Vacancy" sign. If you work with them all day then why do you not understand there is a line for them to wait in?

2007-05-04 09:49:58 · answer #8 · answered by clbinmo 6 · 0 0

To say they never had the chance to come here legally is a lie.
They had every opportunity to do so. They simply chose to try and take shortcuts rather than wait their turn and go through the proper channels.
I have no sympathy for anyone who crawls under the fence, obtains a false Social Security Number, and steals our social services and medical care.
I say we should round up all 12 million of them and ship them out of here.

2007-05-04 08:43:43 · answer #9 · answered by dowserdave 2 · 2 1

Then they don't need to be here at all do they?
Our immigration policy is set up to admit people that are going to be to the benefit of American society, to add not to detract from America's goals, right?
Our immigration policy is used to screen out undesirables and allow only people who upon their admission into this country will assimilate and become productive, positive contributors to the respective communities within America that they choose to become a part of, right?
So, if they aren't eligible to enter this country legally, they are not what's best for this country, right?

I can agree that if they can't come here legally and that they need to be deported.

2007-05-04 08:20:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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