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I would really like to know what you would do in my situation. This story is a bit long and I’m very upset and I apologize! I don’t know what to do. I’m sitting in the library crying right now because I’m so upset and frustrated with everything that has been going on so I beg of you to help me!! PLEASE HELP!!! It’S VERY LONG BUT I’M VERY UPSET PLEASE!!!!

It’s my senior year and so far everything has seemed to go wrong! (Literally) My biggest prom is my prom. Here’s how this “upsetting” situation began!

During April my friends and I were expected to purchase tickets for prom. They were on sale for one week and one week only. We had all agreed to purchase tickets on a Wednesday. Tuesday during our gym class this girl Stephanie came up to Me and this girl Neha and told the two of us that she had already bought tickets and had forgotten to tell us and that she was getting a limo with someone else as were the rest of our friends. We were a bit insulted and angered by all of this. Neha went home and cried. She told her mother what had happened and Neha’s mother called is very good friends with Stephanie’s mother. She demanded that Stephanie be allowed to sit in the limo with them and attend prom with them. Stephanie’s mother was so angered at what Stephanie did that she told Stephanie that she would not be allowed to attend prom unless she included Neha.
Nobody in the limo really “likes” Neha and honestly there is always drama when she is around. Neha and this one girl Ashley who will be in the limo always fight and I knew there would be problems. To avoid the drama all together I decided to attend my boyfriend’s prom. He goes to a different high school and is a senior as well. I had went to his junior prom and really enjoyed myself.
Well, About two weeks ago my boyfriend and I broke up and I met another guy named Zach. Zach was a junior and really wanted to attend prom with me. I really wanted to go so I paid $200.00 for tickets through a friend who was selling them. I was so excited. About a half hour after Zach found out I spent $200.00 on tickets he dumped me and said he never really liked me and had no intention of honestly going to prom with me!
My ex the one I had broken up with saw how upset I was and saw what Zach had done to me. We got over our break up and began dating again. He told me he would come to my prom now instead of attend his because I had already purchased the tickets. Everything was set...so we thought!
Well, we had to sign up for tables for prom this past week. I decided to sign up with a few “acquaintances” of mine because I knew if I sat with my friends that were going there would be drama with Neha & Ashley and I REALLY wanted to avoid that at ALL costs! So I signed up and then they told me to erase my name because they did not want me to sit there and there table was already full.
I said fine and looked through the people who had already signed there names up for tables and saw a best friend of mine I had known for 12 years of my life. He had asked me about a month ago If I wanted to sit at his table but I said no because I did not think I was going to our prom! Well, there were available seats so I put our name’s down. The next day he came up to me screaming at me telling me I ruined his prom and he crossed both of our names out on the sheet and now we have NOWHERE to sit!
I’m really hurt! My grades are suffering I’ve cried every single day this week. I have the most perfect dress in the entire world and I really want to wear it! I don’t know what to do. I have not been happy since all this prom crap started. I’ve never cried so much as I have this week and I’ve never been backstabbed as much as I have this past year.


2007-05-04 08:02:13 · 25 answers · asked by LiL Chrissy 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

To add more detail I actually ended up finding a table with one of my boyfriend's friends. But he is not very nice to my boyfriend. He always makes comments about him dating me and I'm not 100% sure I'd be comfortable. I sat with him last year at my boyfriend's prom at his school.

See, I'm confused...I went to prom LAST YEAR with my boyfriend and had the time of my life. Part of me just wants to go and enjoy myself because it's my senior year but at the same time I'm not sure i'll have a "great time" and part of me just wants to do something different like buy a cheap dress go to a fancy restraunt eat food get a hotel go out dancing at a club or something and enjoy myself. Part of me would much rather do that.

I'm just VERY confused
please help!!

2007-05-04 08:05:04 · update #1

25 answers

Wow, sounds like a lot has been going on and im very sorry about all of it. I personally think you should go and enjoy yourself no matter who you are with. The people who are backstabbing you are not really your friends if they are doing that. Plus, you have already purchased the tickets. Good luck! I'm sorry all of this happened.
P.S. Zach was never good enough for you anyways :)

2007-05-04 08:12:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay, so you wont believe me but, none of this will matter in a few years anyway.. although it seems like the tragedy of a lifetime its really a huge waste of emotion... you can always go do the other stuff you were talking about like a fancy restaurant and stuff... but you don't get to do the prom...go to your prom... you will be sorry that you don't have it to laugh about when you are older.. you should probably talk to a guidance councilor or someone about the seating... you should NOT be forced to sit with people who will dampen the evening for you... maybe you can get a table alone... how romantic. The meanest kids in high school often have the misfortune of turning out to be the biggest losers in real life... don't wast your time being sad about people who don't matter!!! Find a way to sit somewhere else and have fun with your boyfriend... make some memories that you will want to relive when you are 70 and forget about losers and mean people......that goes for after the prom too!

2007-05-04 08:15:18 · answer #2 · answered by lost2forever 2 · 0 0

Relax, you're ruining the whole prom thing by freaking out about every little detail. So what if you have to sit by someone that gets on your nerves? It's not like you'll have to talk to them the whole night. It sucks that your friends are being so rediculous and back stabbing but people like that aren't really your friends and when you graduate you can move on to bigger and better things. Just go to prom, relax and just have a good time. My senior year I went to prom with my best friends and she and I had the best time. Remember though that it is just prom after all and it's not something that you should get too worked up about. You're grades and your happiness are so much more important. SO JUST RELAX AND YOU'LL HAVE A BLAST.

2007-05-04 08:14:10 · answer #3 · answered by lizo0110 3 · 1 0

Girl yo are to into this prom thing. I went in high school and didn't have to go through thos much drama and I'm 22. I can't believe the prom tickets are $200.00 my prom tickets were just $20 and my sister is going to her high school senior prom this year and hers is just $25 dollar pretty expensive were you stay. Anyway, I'm from Starkville Mississippi. I hope you good an getting this prom thing together. By the way, just sit wherever you want to sit and just be happy. It's prom.

2007-05-04 08:18:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to go to that prom with your boyfriend and wear that dress of yours! I'm telling you don't have regrets in the future that you let others dictate whether you go to the prom or not. Don't let that boy at the table ruin your senior prom night. I say sit at that table, it's your night girl and you will be runnin that show! Pretend that other boy is not at your table. Don't let others ruin a once in a lifetime affair. My prom night got ruined in 1998 and I wish I could redo the whole thing. Just go and show everyone that you are doing YOU, and you are not focused on any ones thoughts or opinions. This is just the beginning of these kinds of situations. Be strong and dry those tears because trust me life gets a lot harder before it gets easier. Toughen up and stop doing this to yourself.

2007-05-04 08:13:45 · answer #5 · answered by Bee Biscuits 6 · 1 0

Relax your basing your happiness around others. If you want to go really then go, forget what has happened. You putting your names down by friends I understand but . Think about it like this...How much sitting are you really going to do? You;ll be mingling and dancing. Sit anywhere. It is just one night, kinda make a joke out of it and have fun. Honey your not getting married, it not a huge wedding. Relax and have fun. That's what prom is all about getting to relax that this is your Last year in High school. Get a nice dress , do your hair and make-up , and go have a blast for you and no one else. Trust me you'll be happier.

2007-05-04 08:15:21 · answer #6 · answered by greek_gdess 2 · 0 0

Tell your boyfriend that you don't want to go to the prom, but you do want to spend the evening with him. See if he would like to have dinner and a movie with you instead. Then sell the tickets, and have a private prom. Tell him to dress nicely, put on your fancy dress and go to a restaurant, then a movie. You will have people looking at you guys all night. No drama, just fun.

2007-05-04 08:15:17 · answer #7 · answered by magix151 7 · 0 0

Sounds as if you have a lot of drama going on right now. I do in my life as well, so my boyfriend and I are just staying away from our friends for awhile that are trying to come inbetween us. I would get all dressed up for the prom in your georgeous dress and beautiful hair. Greet your date at the door, and surprise him, instead of going to the prom, pack a picnic and a portable cd player, ride out to the nearest lake, sit on the hood of the car and share peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It will be the most romantic night because you will also truely know, that you will be the most beautiful girl there.

2007-05-04 08:13:54 · answer #8 · answered by Wen 2 · 1 0

Prom ticket for $200.00??? Where the hell are you from? You sound like some snobby spoiled rich brat. There's more dramatic events out there in the world happening right this minute and you're complaining about something that's not even worth complaining and crying about. You probably brought your own bad karma to yourself. Get over it and just enjoy it weather by yourself or with a real gentlemen.

2007-05-04 08:12:41 · answer #9 · answered by pangfvlx 3 · 1 0

If you paid 200.00 for the tickets, then you probably should go and try to have fun. If you don't have fun then leave and go out to eat and dancing. Just with you boyfriend---sounds like he has stood by you! When you get older you will laugh at all this and think IT was all a lot of DRAMA!

2007-05-04 08:13:24 · answer #10 · answered by tinymite 4 · 1 0

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