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I have a friend, he's fun, cool, and a great guy. I like him a lot, as a friend, and I want to help him find God. I know some of you aren't christians, but I really would like to find out the best way to approach this situation. Any one who would like to answer seriously, please do so. I'm in dire need of some assistance.

Thanks for the answers,

2007-05-04 08:00:42 · 70 answers · asked by Kendra 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm not trying to control him, and yes he is really awesome I just want to see him in heaven is all.. God does exsist he proves it every day. Look at the world around you, how did it come to be?

2007-05-04 08:05:31 · update #1

I have never tried to push God on anyone, but looking around the world today, we all need God. You talk about me pushing my beliefs, some of you are trying to convert mine.

2007-05-04 08:13:38 · update #2

70 answers

I'm studying an evangelism course right now. Its very biblical and seems to really follow what Christ did. I've listed the link below. I think it really cuts to the issue.

However, if's he's open, why don't you invite him out to church or to a church activity? Or suggest that he read a book of the gospel with you?

God bless!

2007-05-04 08:06:37 · answer #1 · answered by TWWK 5 · 4 8

Atheism is a disbelief in 'god'. This is more of a philosophical dilema rather then a religious one. If you have no belief in the existence of 'god' then you believe that there is no controlling force in the universe and that everything is a result of chance and probability. This is'nt really a problem if you can accept that time is eternal and that what occured today will eventually happen again due to the law of statistics. This may occur in a billion years or more, but it will happen. You exist now and you will again. What happens in between is where religious belief comes in. If you have no belief then you must realise that what makes up your existence is recyclable. The air that you breathe the food that you eat has been recycled billions of times over and will continue to do so eternally. How this begins and how this ends is of no consequence, only that it will occur is all that is required. As a result of this belief you can live your life free of the trappings of religious belief which has stagnated mankind for centuries and free yourself from the prejudices that have evolved. Your friend may prefer to consider himself as a pagan who believes in the physical environment and is part of the physical world. Your body and 'soul' belongs to this physical universe and will continue to belong to this universe after death. So be proud of your friend's belief as his is probably the majority belief of most educated people in the world.

2007-05-05 19:52:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Best way to approach the situation: respect him. Respect his choice. It is his choice, not yours. Would you like it if someone who was from a different religion tried to convert you? That is basically what you are trying to do. He has the freedom to choose. Be a good friend and don't push him. What you may end up doing is losing a friend.

You can talk about it, ask him why he believes what he believes, and tell him why you believe what you believe. But I bet he's actually explored his options, and found that atheism is best for him. Christianity may have given him no answers or no comfort. If he feels fine being an atheist, then let him be. He isn't trying to convert you to atheism, is he? If there is a God, then he will find him by himself. A person needs to discover this for themselves.

2007-05-04 08:05:59 · answer #3 · answered by Enceladus 5 · 6 0

Obviously the wrong thing to ask in this forum. LOL.
First off, there is no situation.
If you like this guy, (and by like I mean as a friend, not a potential boyfriend - you know better), then allow him and the Holy Spirit to deal with each other. You just live your life the way you should as a Christian, and if he comes around, then great. If not, then, great. That is his choice.
As a Christian, I wouldn't shove God's love into faces that don't really want it. If he does, he'll ask. You'll just end up pushing him away more.
Just be a friend.
Hope this helps.

2007-05-04 08:16:24 · answer #4 · answered by Rob L 3 · 0 1

First off, don't use the bible as proof of God's existance. People who don't believe the Bible is true won't care if it says a god exists, because they think it's false anyway.
Look up some info on evolution, the best way for you to show him Christianity is to understand where he is coming from, if you know little or nothing about what he believes, then he may take you to be ignorant or rude. Educate yourself before trying to convert him.
Don't let religion get in the way of your relationship, while you seem to enjoy his presence, he would most likely be put off by your attempts to get him to believe the Bible. If after you have done everything you can, he still disagrees with you, let him be and agree to be his friend for who he is, trust that God will lead him.
Live your life in a pious and humble manner, don't allow yourself to get caught up in foolish things. Always treat him with respect, he probably has a good reason for believing what he believes.
If you would like some interesting, science-supported evidence that suggests God exists (not just intelligent design or the Bible) feel free to email me.

2007-05-04 08:20:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well, Kendra, i do believe that you believe that God gave humans something called 'free will'. What you're asking us to do is to help you manipulate him into 'believing' in God?
Everyone has a right to his or her own beliefs.
And respect.
You want to see him in heaven, you say.
It isn't up to you at all.
anyway, I think that you'll be so busy praising God uneneding day after unending day that you wouldn't even have the time to notice him in heaven!
Be a true friend
leave him alone.
He's got the same right to his non-belief as you have to your belief.
read what the Dalai lama says about this in a great blog that spans christianity, Hinduism, the works

2007-05-04 08:15:01 · answer #6 · answered by krishna 3 · 0 0

Why do you assume that he needs help? If he's "cool, fun, and great guy" then what exactly is the problem? Believing in god might sound like a great thing to you because that's how you were brought up, but in reality you don't need god in order to be a good person. Your friend is proof of that. I'm sure you are a good person, but don't fall into the trap of alienating someone because they happen to think differently from you. Is that what god would want?

2007-05-04 08:08:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Maybe you should listen to him. Perhaps he has not rejected a being of divinity, but merely manmade dogma. I became atheist, then realized that I never really rejected the possibility of a divine creature existing but only the dogma.

Or, perhaps he has rejected both. You will never know for sure unless you could see through his eyes.

In any case, I've heard Christians say that humans don't convert people, only God converts people. If that's the case, leave him be and do not force your religion on him, for it will only push him away from you and your beliefs.

2007-05-04 08:05:28 · answer #8 · answered by Paien 3 · 4 0

Speaking as someone who's suffered at the hands of Christians many times, I would strongly suggest curtailing your instinctive feminine urge to gossip. It is difficult and often dangerous to be an atheist in America. Many immature young men imagine it is their Christian duty to beat up atheists and they frequently form vigilante gangs to do just that. If you have a decent bone in your body, you should keep his secret just that, a total secret. Don't betray your friend's trust.

As for helping him find God, forget it. Once a person goes through the rigorous self-examination needed to place himself at odds with his entire civilization, he seldom goes back. His atheism is not something you can or should do anything about. It's his own very, very personal business.

Thank you for asking.

2007-05-04 08:28:14 · answer #9 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 0 0

Wow...you're totally not any kind of friend! Where do you get off thinking your way is the only way? Why don't you respect this "friend" enough to let him have his own belief system? What an incredibly selfish person! It's all about you and what you want. Leave the poor guy alone! I can't believe how ignorant and self-absorbed some people are.

2007-05-04 08:21:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

blunt and direct is respectful but secretively manipulative seams to work better. A mix between the two as the scenario demands and whala we have a convert.

Watched this good documentary on PBS about the Mormons. They had really good success after Katrina, because they where there giving aid when it was really needed. You might want to look for a similar opportunity to show the hand of god.

2007-05-04 08:14:42 · answer #11 · answered by grey_worms 7 · 1 1

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