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2007-05-04 07:53:10 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

28 answers

because the WMD's (and the WMD programs)Bush/Tenet/Powell/Cheney talked about never really existed......in fact, the WMD program was brought to a halt thanks to progressive and intense UN inspections nearly 10 years before Bush decided to invade Iraq...(something we need to do in Iran--they pose a bigger threat!! ).....

2007-05-04 08:20:24 · answer #1 · answered by Charlie Bravo 6 · 3 4

I am in complete agreement with m1a1mikegolf.

My old infantry company hit a cache of chemical weapons. Orders for those exposed were to decon after the incident, strip down all exposed gear, and throw the JS-LIST protective suits away.

Since then I have met a number of other close friends in different units and peers who encountered much of the same. There were chemical weapons stockpiles in the initial push in 2003. Since we didn't have enough troops on the ground to secure everything as it already stood (too few vehicles for too few grunts), many of the sites were entirely bypassed in the drive to Baghdad.

I am not claiming any of us saw nuclear weapons or proof thereof. WMD, however, definitely includes chem-bio ... and Iraq had the infrastucture, the history, and the means to employ chemical weapons.

The real question is why the information never made it into circulation, and why the government would rather face the disgrace of having "lied" about WMD rather than tell the truth.

And, like Gulf War Syndrome (repeatedly denied), that leaves being called a liar as being somehow preferable to the truth - making the truth that much more awful.

All of you whose "evidence" comes from books, websites, word of mouth from people entirely unconnected to Iraq, or who are not in any "need to know" positions or have no firsthand experience in Iraq thereof - you can all continue to parrot the same old tired lines. Doesn't matter. We who set foot on the ground know the truth.

2007-05-04 09:23:39 · answer #2 · answered by Nat 5 · 2 1

Because the ones we went to war over never existed. They only had the old ones that were from the 80s and 90s, and those were basically taken care of. Basically, Saddam was kept from starting a new weapons program, but in order to not look weak to his enemies, he tried to make it look like he could start a weapons program if he wanted to. Now you are going to get a bunch of people saying that we did find WMDs, even though those are not WMDs we went to war over. This is because they are ignorant to the history of WMD programs in Iraq.

2007-05-04 07:59:39 · answer #3 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 5 2

Some weapons of mass destruction were found, but nothing close to what the United States expected to discover. The reason the United States didn’t find as much as they anticipated was because of fault intelligence collected from numerous sources including former-Iraq officials.

2007-05-04 08:05:11 · answer #4 · answered by Big Dogg 2 · 3 0

They were move to Syria. This is one theory. Or Saddam was bluffing the world and there was no WMD.

2007-05-04 09:24:53 · answer #5 · answered by c1523456 6 · 0 0

There were none and Powell described the intelligence as a "Chinese takeout menu" meaning it was a list of things you could pick and choose from.

Course, none of it was real and they never checked out their source, much like The Inquirer operates..

We have spy satellites that can show us if you shaved or not today, much less not be able to find weapons or weapon

Gimme a break! If they moved WMD's, we would have seen them, taken pics of them, and Bushy and pals would have plastered it all over Fox.

But nada. I applaud you supreme powers of rationalization, but there were no WMD's. They had been defanged by the Gulf War.

Lets see the link, Sgt. Slaughter.

2007-05-04 08:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by Josh 3 · 4 3

because they never existed. It was all a ploy derived by some of the most diabolical minds in the world. Bush and Cheney were in on it working hand in hand with the Saudi's to take over the oil so they could jack the prices up. I know that Saddam Hussein was a terrible man that did bad things to his people, but he also sold oil in competition with OPEC. As soon as they took over Afghanistan and Iraq, the oil prices have been going up ever since. Exxon has seen profits that have greatly eclipsed past profits. Why? Because the world is using more fuels? No. Because the supply has been compromised? No. I'll tell you why. It's so those money hording greedy bastards at the top of everything can pile more money up and attain more power over the world. Money and power are what it's all about. Soon they will have control over everything and that's when the world will come under one world government just like they have always wanted. the U.N. and the Black Hand are going to unite and then it's all over for the world.

2007-05-04 08:08:07 · answer #7 · answered by Adam S 2 · 3 5

Becouse Saddam removed them to another Country before the inspectors came in

2007-05-04 10:50:21 · answer #8 · answered by deandch 1 · 0 0

Because we gave Saddam ample time to pass them along to Syria or where ever else he sent them before we came looking for them. Saddam was evil, but no where near a stupid man. We know drug cartels have drugs, but we do not always find them, right? Why is that? Because people who posses illegal things do not label them and keep them in places for others to find. Items like these are kept well hidden and always moved along to prevent detection. He used them for 8 years against Iran and against the Kurds. So why people insist that he did not have them is ridiculous. All the haters are correct now, he does not have them. The problem is that they will probably resurface one day in a way that cause great destruction to this country. How Bush or anyone else misled the American public is still a mystery to me.

2007-05-04 08:31:51 · answer #9 · answered by erehwon 4 · 1 3

we should ask Clinton first. He was the one who claimed there were WMD in Iraq in the 90s.

2007-05-04 07:58:16 · answer #10 · answered by Samm 6 · 4 4

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