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Ok so everyone has a voice on illegals going to doctors not paying their bills, not paying taxes, not learning english etc...

My question is do you have the same rants with the americans pulling the same stuff? There are plenty of americans without health insurance who go and dont pay, there are plenty of americans who dont pay their taxes either. Lots of Americans on foodstamps and welfare....do you see where I am going with this?

I want your opinion on the Americans that do these things..not the illegals!!! Thank you!

2007-05-04 07:12:02 · 31 answers · asked by C Gonzalez 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

**I am legal...what ever gave you the notion i wasnt?...my ability to think for myself?***

2007-05-04 08:23:35 · update #1

31 answers

Here is a little piece of something i read on the net awhile ago that i tend to agree with . I have to pass a drug test to get a job , taxes are taken out of my pay to support people on welfare , people on welfare should have to pass a drug test to receive a welfare check , if they can't pass they don't get a check . PERIOD

2007-05-04 08:26:05 · answer #1 · answered by angrywm14 2 · 3 0

I think that high cost of health insurance is to blame for the unpaid medical bills. That has nothing to do with illegals although plenty of people want to blame them.

As far as the rest goes, I think that if a person is contributing to this country they should be allowed to stay. If a person is here illegally but working and supporting a family without any government assistance, then they should be given the option to remain in our country. If they are lazy and just living off of the government, then they should be asked to leave.

Contrary to what a lot of others have stated, I know for a fact that if they were all deported and there was no one to pick the produce, the farmers would have to pay minimum wages to Americans because no one here would do that type of work for the pay. That would cause the price of everything to rise and then we would be importing it from other countries and the farmers would loose their lands. Just last week there was a headline in our local paper about Mc Donald's raising cane because the farmers want to raise the price of tomatoes by 2 cents a pound. They said that it would cost them millions if that were to happen. Could you imagine if the pickers got paid $7 an hour.....

But that's just my thoughts and a very unpopular thought at that.

And no I am not Hispanic.

2007-05-04 07:26:12 · answer #2 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 4 3

I can not stand the idea of someone being able to work and take care of their own and not.

Are you saying since Americans do it, we shouldn't be offended when illegal aliens do it?

I have employees on my payroll ( they're American citizens) who will only work 35hrs or less a week when we have overtime available.
I have 39 guys on payroll only 2 had less then 40 hours and they were the only 2 with less than 45hrs last week. Those 2 guys are the same ones who come in every 8 wks for a request for an earnings statement from the Department of Human Services to prove that my employees are still eligible to receive aid.
They are the folks that have Mondayitis.
If they were to work 40 hrs a week they wouldn't be eligible for aid anymore, so they make sure they miss about 6 days a month (with Dr.'s notes of course- so they'll be able to draw unemployment if you fire them for absenteeism)
It frosts my butt-

The big problem with illegals taking aid is they are not nor will they ever be our responsibility as taxpayers.
They aren't supposed to be here anyways, so it is even more offensive to see them abusing our public assistance system.

Not only are they trespassers but thieves as well.

2007-05-04 07:49:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The thing you need to remember is the primary problem with illegal aliens is not that they are costing us money, its that they broke our law coming here without the proper authorization. Many illegals are working under a false identity and are paying taxes (Most are working "off the books" though, less paper trail). The ones not paying taxes may have sufficient income to where they would be unable to qualify for social services, if there income was reported. (Yes I know, some of those gringos do it too)

And yes, I get upset at US citizens that are ABUSING the social services available. These programs are supposed to be a hand up, not a hand out. I really get ticked when I see a person pay for their groceries with food stamps and then see them getting into a nicer car than mine. I really get ticked when I hear of someone selling their food stamps at 50 cents on the dollar to get cash to buy alcohol and drugs with. It really ticks me off that we provide better health care for our young able bodied "indigents" than we provide for our elderly and disabled.

Never the less, domestic abuse does not justify abuse by illegal aliens. Two wrongs does not a right make! Was that enough of a rant for you?

2007-05-04 07:45:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jim 5 · 2 1

How dare you! I have been successfuly sponging off hard working americans for years which in and of itself is hard work! And when I am no longer eligible for benefits I am smart enough to use my sisters kids names to get what I need. I do obey the law though. I made damn sure my ten year old boy could identify who would be helpful at the liquor store in buying him my daily bottle of jack daniels. I would get it for myself but I'm on workmans comp with a bad back (not really) and I think some insurance guy has my house staked out. So you think I have it easy? Why I would kill for a job pickin' strawberrys. At least a box or two anyway, for my cereal. So I say again, HOW DARE YOU!!!!

2007-05-04 11:41:35 · answer #5 · answered by Max 2 · 0 1

In regards to those people you describe. They are LEGAL American citizens that, regardless of their standard of living, have a right to be all the lazy they want to be. Do I agree with all the federal and state hand out programs that keep people running around in circles generation after generation? Heck no! However, we as Americans should only have to deal with Americans when it comes to sucking up funds and causing taxes to be raised. Americans should NOT have to deal with an ILLEGAL immigration problem. Americans should not have to raise taxes and prices to accomodate the ever increasing population of ILLEGALS. I should not have to wade through a dozen families of ILLEGALS every time I have to take my son to the emergency room. I will wade, though frustrated, through American citizens, but wading through ILLEGALS?! HELL NO! It is not right. ILLEGAL immigrants who come here to take full advantage of what my ancestors worked hard to preserve for generations of Americans have NO right to those benefits preserved for my childrens children.

That's my opinion on that matter. Thanks.

2007-05-04 07:34:48 · answer #6 · answered by Goober W 4 · 6 1

Absolutely. Though there are some people in any country in real and legitimate need of charity, nationalizing charitable activity in the form of entitilement programs does invite a raft of 'freeloaders' to game the system so as to gain benefits they do not need or 'deserve.' That's a bad thing even if those freeloaders are citizens - it is worse if immigrants add to thier ranks, and worse still if an unstemmed tide of illegal aliens do so.

2007-05-04 07:17:49 · answer #7 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 7 1

We are in a big crisis due to many factor including the war. I have seeing many elders American cant not afford medical or even medication but in the same token we cant not focus our eyes on people that have a different background and have hate towards them. This nation is great cause God has bless it and we should be thankful for that . Love your neighbor like your self. May God bless

2007-05-04 08:21:53 · answer #8 · answered by Polito 1 · 4 1

The reason us Americans are on Welfare is because the jobs we have don't pay enough for us to be able to afford insurance, and food. We do pay our taxes if we don't then why are we so poor.
If illegals didn't take jobs away from us, just because we aren't bilingual, maybe we could afford these items and not have to be on welfare.

2007-05-04 07:46:41 · answer #9 · answered by shawngthgirw 2 · 0 3

Legal Americans have every legal right to entitlements offered by this nation. I will not discus if their need is real or false,only the legal right they have by the right of being a citizen. Some one of their family has or is paying taxes so they have "earned" that right.

Illegal aliens have no legal rights to any city,state or federal entitlements. They are not American citizens and are not legally allowed any thing.

2007-05-04 07:26:01 · answer #10 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 5 2

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