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And this got the Catholic Church so UPSET they hunted down all the Muslims/Heritics and converted them by force or killed them.

Islamic scholars of Religon (Mullahs,Imams,Ulama) were also scientists since the encouraged the Muslims to look into science to see the power of God.

Muslim and Jewish scholars along with some Heretic Christians or "enlightened" scientists created a "JEWEL" in Europe.

Science, Mathematics,Astronomy, Philosphy etc. were discussed and studied with all three faiths living in harmony and peaceful coexistance.

This islamic attitude to science, mathematics and learning was so foreign in Europe that it was considered heresy and blasphemy.

The Church was so fanatically against free thought and scientific research that they blamed the Renaissance on Islam.

In revenge for undermining the awesome power of the Church (and planting a seed for Europe to emerge out of the Dark Ages) ,the Pope killed or baptised by force all the Muslims (and Jews) in Spain.

Then the Pope and Church along with loyal Kngs started the Crusades to make sure Islam would not reach any further into Europe with their "heretical views".

The Islamic view of One God, no original sin, and the belief that there should be NO Religious hierarchy and NO organized church was a total slap in the face of Christiandom.


“The Renaissance of Europe did not take place in the 15th century. Rather it began when Europe learned from the culture of the Arabs. The cradle of European awakening is not Italy. It is the Muslim Spain.” (Robert Briffault, The Making Of Mankind)

“The Christian World came to wage crusades against Muslims but eventually knelt before them to gain knowledge. They were spellbound to see that Muslims were owners of a culture that was far superior to their own. The Dark Ages of Europe were illuminated by nothing but the beacon of Muslim Civilization.” (F.J.C Hearushaw, The Science of History.)

“The greatest crimes, the greatest “sin” of Mohammed in the eyes of Christian West is that he did not allow himself to be slaughtered, to be “crucified” by his enemies. He only defended himself, his family and his followers; and finally vanquished his enemies. Mohammed’s success is the Christians’ gall of disappointment… He did not believe in any vicarious sacrifices for the sins of others.” (Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.)

Only the atheists have the intellectual honesty to acknowledge these Islamic accomplishments :





2007-05-04 06:42:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

You are the same Muslim who posts sermons every morning. Your documentation is biased to say the least, rotflmbo.

The Ole' Hippie Christian and Jesus Freak
Grace and Peace

2007-05-04 06:46:28 · answer #1 · answered by Dust in the Wind 7 · 1 0

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the history from your personally biased point of view, with quotes from other biased sources. Interesting... The Renaissance began in Florence, Italy. But let's just say for the sake of argument that Islamic scholars were the wise sharers of knowledge that you claim, and I'm sure there were some. Thanks for giving the Jewish scholars some credit, too, by the way. But what has happened since? Why are the greatest universities in the world in the west? Why have all the greatest and most advanced inventions been invented --in the west? Why is modern medicine, in the west, advanced and saved so many lives? Why have farmers --from the west--grown and developed crops that have been feeding the entire world? Why were the first people on the moon from the west? Automobiles, planes? The west. It's great that your culture contributed to a cultural and educational renewal within Europe about 500 YEARS AGO. But it's not enough to sit and rest on those laurels. If a culture does that and only looks back, it is bound to stagnate and decay. And from a humanitarian outlook, the Catholic church started, maintained and supported more charitable hospitals, orphanages, hospices, schools than any other religious organization? The Catholic church known as a church that works diligently for social justice issues, more than any other religious organization in the world? I'm not Catholic, but the reasons you offer for your anti-Catholic bigotry are obsolete. It is a historical fact that as well as the forced baptisms you mention, countless people were also forced to accept Islam or lose their lives. I hope you also realize that educated people are recognizing bias when they read it. Peace

2016-05-20 05:32:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You have an interesting view of European history. I think you should read more deeply, because you are obviously interested.

For one thing, the Crusades were Medieval, not Renaissance. In other words, prior to the Reconquista, or Reconquest, of Spain by Christian armies. That was completed by Ferdinand and Isabella, who drove the Moors and Jews out in 1492. Portugal followed a few years later. The Pope was bullied into supporting the Spanish Inquisition, but I do not believe the Papacy directed the murder and exile of the Moors and the Jews by the Spanish.

Much of the learning that the Arabs passed to Europe was in the form of Greek manuscripts that had been translated into Arabic and then re-translated into Latin and disseminated through Catholic Europe after the fall of Toledo at the beginning of the 12th century. This is not to deny the contributions of Arabic scholarship, especially in mathematics and astronomy, and the high level of civilization in Al-Andalus (Moorish Spain) compared to the rest of Europe.

Your source website is flawed as a source of information. Many Christians appreciate the value of Islam in modern culture. It's pointless to "disprove" the historicity of Jesus. It's not going to change anybody's mind about the value of their religion.

Wars are basically over power and real estate. Plenty of co-religionists are happy to go to war with each other.

2007-05-04 07:17:07 · answer #3 · answered by Irene F 5 · 2 0

All reputable scholars that I know of acknowledge the debt of Western Thought to High Medieval Islam. There is also the need for Muslims to acknowledge their debts to Byzantine Christian,Persian Zoroastrian, Indian Hindu and Non Muslim Chinese scholarship as well as to that of Greco-Roman World. Sadly, Islam in general today is as obscurantist and hostile to free thought as anything ever produced by the Post- Antique Early Medieval West.
Doctors of the Western Catholic Church were sometimes scientists of the natural sciences. like St Albert Magnus.
The Crusades were a reaction to almost uncessing Islamic aggression against and raiding and conquest of Christian and Non-Islamic peoples.
Muslim authorities had no qualms about executing apostates fron Islam or reverts to Christianity( and most still don't) and dissenters with Islam or robbing those they did not kill
.The 14th-17th Century Popes encouraged and patronized the Renaissance. There were no noticable atheists in the modern materialist sense at all before the end of the 17th Cent AD.especially in Europe.
The Popes were usually the ones in 14-15th cent Europe who did not expell Jews from their territorries. Muslims expelled all non Muslims from Arabia( except for a few oppresses Yemeni Jews) and today Non Muslims are presecuted in Saudi Arabia without much protest from Muslims.
Should non Muslim countries today treat Muslims the way Non Muslim minorities are treated in most of the Islamic World? Should India or any other country impose non Muslim religious law on unwilling Muslims the way Sharia Law is forced on unwilling Muslims and Non Muslims?

2007-05-04 07:11:13 · answer #4 · answered by James O 7 · 2 0

And you are obviously not well educated except in Islamic religious dogma. Very little, if any truth, in anything you say. And your sources? I don't mean those with an obvious agenda like those you give, all anti-Christian rhetoric from Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad. Not very convincing in European history seeing as none of those places have even emerged from the Dark Ages yet, let alone had a Renaissance

2007-05-04 06:50:03 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth Howard 6 · 1 1

I agree with much (but not all) of what you say. I have long known that algebra was an Islamic invention. The West knows what little we do of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other important Greeks only because many of their most important works were translated into Arabic and preserved. During the dark ages the Catholics went on a book-burning rampage and systematically destroyed much evidence of pre-Christian civilization. Thankfully, early in the Renaissance the Arabic versions were translated into Latin and thus we know of them today. (Now I know that Euclid's "Elements" was similarly preserved.) There is no doubt, the West owes much to Islam for igniting the Renaissance. (Loved the links you provided. Thanks)

2007-05-04 07:07:23 · answer #6 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 1 1


We use Arabic numbers and Algebra, both taken from the Muslims.

And the books of Ancient Rome and Greece which fueled the Renaissance and the Enlightenment were preserved by the Muslims, while the Christians had burned their copies like good little Nazis.

This has been known for many centuries by all historians, but don't expect Church goers to know it.

They have their own alternate reality.

2007-05-04 06:50:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I'm christian and 1.) I'm not surprised, 2.) Catholic priests were famous for abusing chrstianity for the sake of controlling countries, even the world. Its no different than what most of the arab countries are doing now and that is letting the spritiual leaders have more authority than the governing body of their countries. Iran being the best example!!!! Hence the reason why the USA has SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!!

2007-05-04 06:51:36 · answer #8 · answered by Lock G 1 · 1 0

At one time I thought you were looking for honest debate.Now I know ,You are a religious zealot.Then again maybe you're just a silly person.At any rate edit your questions better.You write like a Blabberer.

2007-05-04 06:49:42 · answer #9 · answered by Dr. NG 7 · 1 1

...and the Muslims got schooled from the Greeks and the Chinese. So, what was your point, again?

2007-05-04 06:51:12 · answer #10 · answered by crusadawannabe 2 · 1 0

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