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My daughter is 7 yrs old and she just loves to watch cartoon network channel and eat breakfast,lunch and dinner and she spent at least an hour or more while eating watching her favourite cartoon. Even during exam time, she can't be bothered of doing revision or do homework. All the time , i have to scream and bug at her to complete her homework and study. My neighbour told me to spank if she is not listening .In fact, i already explained to her clearly the objective of schooling..But nothing works..I'm so depressed..I don;t know how to help her. I want her to be somebody some day but she is happy go lucky. Sometimes, i feel mercy for her why she has no interest in studies and what she gonna be in future. I have send my son to my mum's house so that she is not distracted.she just love to play with her 2 siblings...Please help me..now, my son also who is 4 yrs old follow her style.. love to watch cartoon and never want to look at books at all. What to do??

2007-05-04 05:58:54 · 21 answers · asked by usha abhi 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

21 answers

Agree with some of the other answers.

Be a parent. My kids have a rule - no TV, no outside, no playing until their homework is done. If they have no homework, they have to read for 15 minutes and then they can go have fun.

TV is a treat, not a right. I don't let my kids watch too much of it. Also, I NEVER let my kids eat while watching TV. It's a very dangerous habit to start forming in children - mindless eating. A key habit to obesity in later life. Nip that in the bud!

Sit down and eat meals with her. Studies show kids that eat with their families most of the time do much better with grades, behavior, and success in life.

As far as the siblings go.. if they are older, get them to help her with reading, etc. If they are younger, get her involved helping them to learn easy things like colors. Make learning fun.

Bottom line - quit letting her run her own life. She does not know what is best for her. If you are unsure how to do this, enlist some counseling help and go watch some of those SuperNanny shows. :)

2007-05-04 08:06:16 · answer #1 · answered by gina 2 · 0 0

First of all, I don't think that spanking your child is appropriate for this situation. For certain situations, yes. Where a behaviour can cause your child to injure themselves, or someone else, and you need to make a big impression, absolutely. Not for this. The first thing I would do is turn off the TV. No TV until homework is done, operiod. I also wouldn't scream at her. She is the child you are the adult, why is there an argument? You have to be in charge. If you aren't in control now, what are you going to do when she is 10, or 13?
She is only 6 years old. She has no concept of getting good grades to get into a good college so she can get a good job. She cares about what Dora and Boots are doing. I would totally start monitering her TV time. If she does her homework, she can watch TV, if not, no TV. The next day, she wants to watch TVand eat breakfast? NO...You did not do your homework last night. If you do your homework tonight, you can watch TV. You may even have to go thru an entire week-end with her grounded from TV, but sooner or later, she'll get it. Do not use TV as punishment, so much, but as a reward. Good luck.

2007-05-04 06:15:58 · answer #2 · answered by ladyscootr 5 · 4 0

Take out your violent impulses on the TV. Use a bat.
Seriously, consider a month or two "fast" where you take the TV and chuck it in the attic. Get some good books to read aloud as a reward when homework is finished.
Boxcar children, Chronicles of Narnia, magic schoolbus, come to mind for that age.
Only after they are enjoying cuddling up to you for a good book you can bring the TV down, but don't hook up for reception or cable - hook it up to a dvd or vcr player and watch a good movie once a week or so (with popcorn and a soda for a special treat.)
All regular meals should be eaten at the table with the family.
Concerning the homework, you might say "this is a good time to do your homework, before we set the table for supper", or as soon as your homework is done, you can play outside (join me in the garden, walk the dog, whatever is attractive)
That's all. No screaming and nagging. When she brings home bad grades let her know how sorry you are that happened to her. Commiserate about how bad you would feel if you had gotten such bad grades.
She's 7, the important thing now is developing interest and following instructions, not good grades. Get her off brain candy and detoxed and she will most likely be interested in all kinds of things.
Of course this means YOU have to give up the TV too. So it depends on how much you want to fix this.

2007-05-04 10:30:34 · answer #3 · answered by beeb 3 · 2 1

Well all you need is one simple thing.....DISCIPLINE !!!!
You are the mom....you get to tell her when she can and can not watch TV.....DON'T GIVE IN!
I think that is what is happening! It's sounds to me like your 7 year old rules the roost....take back your status, you are the adult.
Do not let her watch TV unitil her homework is done.....if she has a special show take it away until better behavior is achieved!
She needs go on adventures through reading, not through cartoon network! Have you seen some of those shows, not appropriate for a 7 year old!
I have and 8 and a 6 year old, both girls and they know that if homework is not done they will be punished. Thankfully my 8 year old Loves school! But my 6 year old isn't as into it as her sister so she needs a little more proding....like she can not watch Sponge Bob (her favorite show) if she doesn't do her homework or if she is bad in school.....it works for the most part but not always.
The thing you need is consitency. From your post it seems to me that you give in to her and that's your fault. You need to sit down with her and help her with her homework make it fun, make a game out of it , you need to take out a book and read with her. I know it is sometimes easier to just give in, but you're not helping her or yourself by being soft on her.
If you want her to make something of herself you must help her now.....don't confuse a 7 year old with the big picture of the world just explain that her job is school and your job is to see that she get's it done.
School can be a wonderful place. Talk to her teacher and see if you can't come up with a plan. The teacher probably will love that you have taken an interest in your child and it will make you feel good. It's a way of showing your child how much you love her. She may not recognize it now but she will someday and think how good you will feel.

Good luck

2007-05-04 06:42:17 · answer #4 · answered by natural_jane 2 · 2 1

Sorry dlwelnel, he didn't have a level 5, he had level 1 - 4 but that is bad enough. See Timmyt's answer for an accurate description of the grading system for indecent images of children. 1 is naked pictures - 4 is sexual penetration, so in other words he has been looking at pictures of adults raping children. The only thing worse than a 4 is a 5 which is beastiality or sadism involving children. Any sexual thoughts or actions towards children is disgusting and sick. They need to bring back hanging for 'humans' like this.

2016-05-20 05:14:11 · answer #5 · answered by arline 3 · 0 0

You dont have to spank her because you will only teach her that violence will get things done. And I am assuming that is not what you want to do. I know that it is frustrating to be a parent of a child that doesn't want to pay attention. But you are the parent not her. At her age YOU decide what she is going to be doing. 1st tell her that it is time to do homework and study or revise homework and that she needs to turn off the tv. Tell her that if she doesnt turn it off she will not be allowed to watch tv for a couple of days. If she disobeys YOU have to follow through even if she has a temper tantrum. So you go turn off the tv sit in an area where you can study with her. If you are cooking you can sit her in a breakfast table or somewhere where you can keep an eye on her and see if she is studying. If she has questions help her out. What we do is that we put up the words she gets for the week on the fridge at her level so she can see them all the time. I dont know what your time permits but instead of having them watch tv you might be able to play board games with them or hide and seek, etc. Please dont allow her to step all over you now becuase if you keep on doing what she wants it will get very ugly when she is a teenager and then you will have no control over her actions. Loving a child means that you need to be tough but not violent. And you have to have a lot of patience because they will cry if they dont want to do homework but you have to tell them that the longer they cry the longer it will take to get homework done and then they will not be able to watch tv at all. As far as your 4 yr old get him some books, or coloring books for him to entertain himself while you help his sister do homework. He will get used to it becuase you decide who does what and when. You are the parent so start acting like it or you will be really depressed when they go down the wrong path for not having guidance.

2007-05-04 06:16:27 · answer #6 · answered by Lovely 4 · 3 0

This is so simple it's not even funny. First TURN OFF THE TV! Radical ideal I know, but they just may stop staring at it if it's not on.
You spank that girl for not studying and you are going to make her hate it more. You need to find ways to make school work fun. Reward her for doing her homework with TV time. Why do you let your kids do nothing but watch TV anyway? It doesn't make sense. You better get her studying now, in the future it will be worse.
Damn, just turn off the tv. Be a grown up.

2007-05-04 07:11:47 · answer #7 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 5 0

Unplug the tv, and set down at the table with your child, encourage good study habits by making homework a priority. Reward her with cartoons and playtime when she does a good job. She may not understand the definition of success or see how that relates to her now, so quit wasting your breathe on that one. Just make it a point to sit her down at a good work place for homework first, and by all means, if the school work is not done, do not allow cartoons.

2007-05-04 06:09:22 · answer #8 · answered by p h 6 · 4 0

Ya goof ball, turn off the tv and set hours when they can watch (try watching the animal channel and the Dirty Jobs kids love these shows and their not cartoons). Don't augre about the homework just sit her down somewhere and tell she has to stay there until the homework is done. Let her know that it's just one of those things you have to do (she has a aways to go and homework will always be there).

2007-05-04 06:30:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I don't think you should ever spank a child for not being a strong student. You are the parent. Your children shouldn't be dictating how much television they watch. Sure they would rather watch cartoons than do school work. Who wouldn't? It is your responsibility to turn off the TV and not let them turn it back on. My kids are not allowed to watch TV until they have all of their homework done.

2007-05-04 07:38:45 · answer #10 · answered by kat 7 · 2 1

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