I see an empty bottle of cognac setting on my desk. :P
I'm sorry, but you are going to have to elaborate. What sort of information are you looking for exactly?
EDIT: Okay....why didn't you just ask "I'd like to know what people think about Pagans?" Don't get mad or complain so much because no one understood what you were asking. You worded it in such a way there's no way anyone would have been able to guess you wanted opinions how how people view Paganism.
Now that you've elaborated and clarified I can answer. I'm not a Wicca, I'm an Asatruar....I don't call myself a Pagan any more because I can't stand being grouped together with fluffy bunnies, new agers, and white lighters. So instead I call myself a Heathen, it is after all more accurate in my case because Asatru is Norse Heathenry.
How do I feel about my religion? I like being Asatru because it rewards people who are academically-inclined. Really and pervasively, not just in theory. Because it gives me a fulfillment in life that no other religion ever could do. Being connected to the Gods who are as close to you as bloodkin, following a Lore that teaches you to be strong and independent, honoring your ancestors and the heroes of before, that is Asatru for me.
2007-05-04 05:25:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am a Lopezian Pagan (http://religion.wikia.com/wiki/Lopezian_Paganism) and was raised that way. It can be difficult, being a part of a community based religion when one does not live anywhere near a community that practices that religion. What I see around me is a lot of ignorance regarding paganism, and where there is a little knowledge there is usually prejudice as well. I also see people with very odd ideas about what paganism is who consider themselves to be pagan (by this I am not trying to insult asatruar, sincere wiccans, or anyone of that sort, I am reffering to the fluffy bunnies who feel the best path to enlightenment is through attempting to become one with their cat, the black magick semi-satanists, who want to weild their magickal powers over all around them and so forth) I am far from home, and lost in the bible belt ( well, it's Ohio, but it feels like the bible belt to me) and while paganism may be on the rise in other places, it doesn't feel like it is here. Also, to the lady who doesn't like Harry Potter, it's a fantasy novel, emulating the magical practices held within harry potter is not going to do anything more dangerous than make you look like a fool as you wave a stick at things and shout phrases in Latin. Sure, it draws on classical occultism and mythology, not so much on contemporary Wicca or Paganism. I do know that many around me are convinced it is a handbook of Satanic arts, which is honestly more funny than anything else.
2007-05-07 20:11:54
answer #2
answered by babsfrankie 1
Hi, lest me see if I can help you a little bit. I am a polytheist that worships the Irish pre-christian Celtic Deities. My personal patron is the Morrigan, but I honor many of the gods, my ancestors and a few spirits. I am now and have always been open about my faith. Most of the people that know me are accepting of my religion a few are even curious. My faith and life style are not an issue with my friends even those that follow the Christian faith.
I did not chose my religion nor my patron both chose me. See,
That siad I love my faith and have never felt more at home or spiritually right. I try (sometimes I am unable) to preform daily rituals that are desighen to give honor and thanks to the Gods, my Ancestores, and the Spirits that watch over me. I actually feel bad when I am unable to preform them.
I observe the major feast times that my ancestores did, and the solor quarters. It is historically unclear if my ansestores actually celabrated the solor quarters, but I like them so I do.
I hope this helps you
2007-05-04 21:38:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
when I was wiccan, i was a black witch, until the rule of three got me and I could not get rid of the demons out of my house that were harassing myself (succubus) and my kids. Now that I am christian, I think you know where I assume the magic really comes from and not from nature. I am appalled at Christians who read Harry Potter and practice its magic, how stupid can they be, after all the spells in the book will work and our pastor has told them repeatably not to read the books and they continue to think its just an innocent child book, but I can find not only Wicca references in it, but the occult as well, and for children to be reading about the occult, is beyond me. I see many wiccans around me, some teens who just like the power, some true wiccans who are peaceful, but as a christian, I think they are deceived. I see bad wiccans, the one that walked into our church one day and started cursing the nursery in full witches garbe and some called Hollywood wiccans. Then there are the wicca/Christians, they know better, but try to profess that they are Christians and god is OK with them mixing the two together.
2007-05-04 13:15:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
What I think about pagans and Wiccans:
They are religious people who are following the path they feel drawn to. I don't think of them any differently than I would any other religion.
What I think about my religion:
It's simply my way of life. I grew up polytheist so I really don't have anything to compare it to. My religion gives me the structure and ways to develop a deeper connection with my deities. It's nice to be able to talk with others who have the same basic worldviews and honor the same deities. I suppose that all religious people feel similar about their religions.
2007-05-07 12:21:26
answer #5
answered by Witchy 7
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. What sort of information about what we see are you looking for?
2007-05-07 15:37:21
answer #6
answered by kaplah 5
ummm at the moment I see my computer in front of me and my kitchen around me.
Could you be more specific about what you're looking for?
2007-05-04 12:26:14
answer #7
answered by KC 7
warning: do not expect real answers on yahoo!
Do your own damn homework. Research actual sources and talk to some real live people.
2007-05-04 12:25:58
answer #8
answered by zmj 4
Go to cuew.org or witchvox.com and ask someone from there.
2007-05-04 14:32:24
answer #9
answered by LabGrrl 7