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Please site documented historical evidence of the actions that non-believers, atheists, Muslims or other non Christian belief systems took to stop the attrocities commited against the Jews by Hitler in the Holocaust.

Please site the same about what they did to stop Saddam Hussain's attrocities.

Since I am being told that I am to blame as a Christian, I truly want to know what other belief systems did during these times as well as the non believers.

What did you do...what are you doing now?

2007-05-04 05:07:31 · 10 answers · asked by Dust in the Wind 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Where is the documentation Quantril...everyone who has been here knows your position statement.

Insults are not answers.

2007-05-04 05:31:03 · update #1

I am getting a lot of what "Christians" did or did not do...but no answers as to what others did or are doing to stop these things.

Pointing fingers does not stop them, nor does insulting Christians. How many deaths have your insults and raves stopped today.

Missionaries (secular or religious) have been the ONLY ones who have made even an attempt to do anything about poverty in third world countries. Oh and Bono and American Idol. I want to know what YOU have done.

2007-05-04 05:36:44 · update #2

Wiki is no longer considered a documented source...believe me, I am a student and I live with a teacher.

2007-05-04 05:37:59 · update #3

Vinslave, I could not write to thank you for your response, but thank you.

I am not riled up, only trying to make a point hun. Finger pointing goes both ways unfortunately.

I do not blame belief systems for these things that have happened throughout history...people are responsible for their own choices and decisions. None of us can change the past, only the future.

2007-05-04 05:48:07 · update #4

Jim (winks)...I am a Christian and a pacifist and a liberal. And I love Jesus and know his lessons well.

2007-05-04 05:56:53 · update #5

10 answers

Well said....I doubt you will get any good answers though. Its easier to blame people for what they have done than to look at people themselves have not done

Lets not forget that many of the historical horrors that are attributed to Christianity such as the inquisitions, and the crusades are acts of the catholic papacy not of Christianity. Just because something sits under the banner of Christianity does not mean that Christ is in it.

The very core of Christianity cannot commit evil....people can. For example if a muslim kills a christian he is following what his teachigs say is OK because he is an infidel, if a Christian kills a muslim he can find no place in the bible to justify his actions....Christianity holds no justification for evil...


I keep hearing alot of squaking about how Christianity was involved the holocaust but have heard nothing to prove such accusations...there is definitive evidence of the catholic church being involved though


Quantrill is a perfect exampole of the type of ignorance you will hear in asking such a question. He makes outlandish accusations expecting us just to take his word for it and when he gets called explain those same accusations he responds with insults and childish squabble to take the attention off the fact that he cant really back up anything he said. Its like arguing with a 2 year old that is convinced the grass is blue.

2007-05-04 05:11:58 · answer #1 · answered by Robert K 5 · 3 1

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Corrie ten Boon are two great Christian examples in Nazi Europe, I don't know of any atheists by name who helped stop the attrocities in Germany.

I think it is a stretch to say that there were no atheists or other non-believers helping Jews, or others targeted by the Nazi's. The State of Israel has an award called 'Righteous Among the Nations' awarded to folks who risked their lives to protect these people. According to wikipedia, there were over 6,000 Poles and 4,700 Dutch awarded this title by Israel. With just these two countries having over 10,000 award winners, I have to say at least one (and likely more) were not Christians.

It is also more than a stretch to say that Christians were to blame. Hitler was into the occult, neo-paganism, etc.

Also, most, if not all, Muslim nations were strong supporters of Hitler, so if there are any Muslims during WWII who attempted to stop the attrocities, I'd like to know, it may help me with my strongly negative view toward this group as a whole.

What am I doing now? Speaking out against attrocities, and supporting those in the mission field. We need to speak out more boldly concerning North Korea, China, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, India, Pakistan and so many other countries still engaged in repression of believers of all faiths.

2007-05-04 12:28:36 · answer #2 · answered by super Bobo 6 · 0 2

Remember that this Christian nation along with England helped Saddam carry out his atrocities. We supplied him with chemical weapons and with information so he could use his terrible weapons against the Iranians during the Iranian-Iraqi war. We had no problems with his atrocities until we wanted his oil. Christians also came up with barbaric war tactic of shock and awe which killed thousands of innocent people. It was also a prominent Christian (Ollie North) who sold weapons to Iran so the US/Reagan could fund terrorist in Central America. The atrocities being carried out in Iraq now are a direct result of Madman Bush who claims to be a Christian. Remember the lies he used told to convince people that his war was a good one? He has has made the world a more dangerous place, not safer.

I don't know anyone who blames Christians for Hitler, even though the Germans are a Christian nation. They blame a right wing nut and the people who followed him.

The idea that Christians are the only ones to fight evil is a bizarre way of thinking. Christians help solve problems, but they are just as likely to make things worse by being so willing to go to war. This is no different from other religions and other people.

War is not the answer. That was Jesus' message. You should learn it.

2007-05-04 12:27:06 · answer #3 · answered by Jim San Antonio 4 · 0 2

Christians arn't to blame for Hitlers own personal views. He was a sick man. No one religion is to blame for the different cases of extremism. The people themselves are the ones to blame for taking the scripture out of contex. Their acts of hypocracy shouldn't be viewed as a common belief among others of the same religion. This goes for extremist muslims as well. You should not condemn everyone for the sole acts of a few nutcases. Its petty to do so. Do you think maybe that before you condemn a whole religion you should maybe read their holy scripture or at least learn a little about it BEFORE you condemn them. It is these common misconseption of other religion that is what starts these holy wars and general dislike of them. You can not take what you hear from the media or other's views and take them as the complete truth. Remember there are always two sides to every story (and sometimes 3 or 4 sides). I beg people to stop being so closed minded. Because its the closed minded people who create these extreamist people.

However, to answer your original question. What did they do then and what do they do now to stop these atrocities? They serve/d in the forces to combat these extream people and their extreamist views. What am I doing? I'm simply supporting thoes troops, and trying to change the view point of closed minded people who try to complain and condemn religions they have never studied and who's only source for leaning of these religions are the media and other closed minded sourcecs. ~*~Peace~*~

2007-05-04 12:57:50 · answer #4 · answered by Starr C 2 · 0 2

Instead of getting angry, running around and pointing fingers I try to be the peace I want to see, by trying to refrain from reversing angry accusations, understanding that all things happen for a reason and all solutions start w/ ME.

By understanding where finger pointing arises from in the first place and not getting riled up about it, or approaching it with a calm mind full of patience and compassion, is the very start of understanding where peace really starts.


2007-05-04 12:15:41 · answer #5 · answered by vinslave 7 · 1 1

The Holocaust could never have occurred without the stage being set by Christians (who were also the main group participating in it).

Read what the New Testament and almost every Christian of importance had said about Jews leading up to the Holocaust. Read what Martin Luther wrote on the Jews and please tell me what the difference is between his views and Hitler's?

Christianity bears the burden of guilt for the holocaust PERIOD. If you cannot see that you are either ignorant or in denial.

Edit: Try reading a history book, or better yet look at your illustrious leaders and see what they have said.

2007-05-04 12:13:14 · answer #6 · answered by Quantrill 7 · 3 3

The Pope even Blessed Hitler at the start of his campaign! What are you talking about? Saddam Hussain's attrocities are nothing compared to the 1,000 years of murder, torture, crimes against humanity of the Vatican, or Bush's tactics for that matter (who is a 'christian')

2007-05-04 12:16:11 · answer #7 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 0 3

a belief system cannot DO anything... only governments and people can, and did.

What are you doing now to stop the horrors all over Africa? p.s. sending missionaries doesn't help the conditions that sustain poverty, disease, and genocide.

No single Christian is to blame, it is the organization as a whole that causes a lot of problems in the world.

2007-05-04 12:14:01 · answer #8 · answered by zmj 4 · 1 3

As I say to small children who ask the unanswerable, "That's a real good question. Let me think about it."

Christians have caused suffering, and stopped suffering too, I know.

2007-05-04 12:12:26 · answer #9 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 3 2

evil lurks under many beliefs and banners to move people to do evil

Believe in the LORD JESUS.


2007-05-04 12:58:03 · answer #10 · answered by dave777 4 · 2 1

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