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The rhetoric from the pro side is flawed, but I truly think they do not know it. I think they blind themselves to the holes in their arguments and try to silence the people who point them out by crying racism. I am actually in favor of comprehensive immigration reform, or amnesty, as some call it, but more and more, I am in favor of very strict penalties and rules so that we stop this pattern of coddling these people and shake some sense into them. They are showing us that they have no respect for us. The arrogance of their demands is overwhelming. It is going to take more than deportations to get them to understand. When they have to start paying taxes, fines, learn English, and wait years, then perhaps they will learn some respect. The same as you woud do with a spoiled rotten child.

2007-05-04 04:43:04 · 8 answers · asked by grdnoviz 4 in Politics & Government Immigration


2007-05-04 04:43:20 · update #1

Christa, the main difference between African Americans and illegal immigrants is the American part. People might want to ignore that, but it is very significant that these people are not citizens of this country and many do not want to be. As non-citizens who broke the law to come here, they have not take the responsibilities that citizenship entails, including loyalty to the nation, contribution to its welfare and respect for its laws. They are here to get as much as they can while giving as little as they can. Such people CANNOT participate in the forming of our national policies. To bend to the will of such people is to commit national suicide. Sure, there is sympathy for their plight, but their human rights are not being violated by enforcement of our laws. They do not acquire rights by simply being here and demanding benefits. Participants get rights, leeches do not.

2007-05-04 05:00:33 · update #2

8 answers

Very well written and I loved your counter point.It bothers me deeply when the illegal alien supports try to equate their unlawful action to the plight of the black struggle for civil rights.Its an insult to every person that ever had to go into separate bathrooms,use segregated drinking fountains,go to sub standard schools .And worst of all the beatings,terrorizing and inhumane killing of a person because they were black.
So don't try to even think that there is any connection between people sneaking over the border looking to make money with the pain and humiliation that the our black Americans endured and are still enduring to a lessor degree.

Behavior modification will not work, without total enforcement of the law . Illegal aliens need to be made aware that there are consequences to their unlawful acts against this nation.

I was very "taken" with this paragraph of the article :

This year's marches were far more demanding in their calls: that America accommodate them, not that they should accommodate, much less honor, America. Focus was on criticizing the recent deportations of illegals and, in particular here in Chicago, on recent police raids against ID fraud (perfectly legitimate, given the extent of the problem). Indeed, the idea underneath everything was that America was unbearably unfair and cruel to the "undocumented." But there were few Mexican flags this year -- they had learned.

They have NO right to demand anything of this nation.When will they learn that too.?

And most do not pay income taxes or SS tax .Most in the border states are paid in cash on a daily basis,so no taxes of any kind are paid.
The few that do pay taxes with a TIN or stolen SS card dont pay enought to offset what all illegal aliens cost our citys,our states and this nation.

Note::Do you honestly think that someone with a stolen social security card that files a tax return deserves a refund lol They deserve to be put in jail for the theft and use of the card.Its illegal !

2007-05-04 05:30:58 · answer #1 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 1

Immigration has boomed since we laxed our immigration laws in the past 20-30 years which caused an uproar during the Regan Administration. The president's solution-give those already here amnesty & tougher laws. Well here we are again and apparently amnesty isnt the answer and we need laws that can be practically applied and executed. The article is right-just because you come to America and protest loudly doesnt mean you deserve or earn the right to citizenship. I think by giving illegal immigrants amnesty it is rewarding them for breaking another nation's laws and encouraged others to do the same thing. I also think the law of if you are born here is out dated and causes more issues than solutions. How many illegal immigrants have come over and popped out a kid and get to stay simply because they had a child? Or how many families are torn apart over such a situation of citizenship for the child but not a parent? I find it highly disrespectful and annoying that in my everyday dealings such as going to the bank or even ordering my value meal in the drive thru that I am confronted with a language barrier. The majority of Americans speak english and it is the unofficial language of this country. You would think it would be a prerequisite for all immigration(legal that is) that those coming in need to read & speak english at a certain level. I would never be so arrogant or bold to move to Russia without being fluent in Russian-it makes no sense to do so otherwise. I understand that we all have a freedom of speech & assembly as basic human beings, but stomping & burning American flags-the country you're trying to stay in-isnt the way to show that you deserve to stay here. The fact is we need to stop being so afraid to offend people and stop being so politically correct and do what needs to be done. Remove all illegal immigrants(forcefully if needed) and set up strict harsh punishments for those who continue to break the law. We have become a wussy nation and we need to grow a spine and a set of balls and clean house.

2007-05-04 12:21:11 · answer #2 · answered by brideofsatan_1 3 · 1 1

I couldn't agree with Redbone more. I love cultures and languages. I enjoy greatly visiting different countries and soaking up the differences between them and myself, Mexico included. And I have a great respect for the immigrants that went through the proper channels, waited the allotted time and came here legally. But when people who break the law say that they aren't criminals I have to wonder what definition of criminal they are speaking about.

2007-05-04 19:20:20 · answer #3 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 0 0

I am against and for immigration laws

I work asbestos, and I work hard. Usually we go into deep holes hot boilers and running energy plants to get our job done. My husband is legal and we work together. Before they paid us 20 to 35 dollars an hour to do this job, but now there are illigal immigrants doing this job with no skill and no training for 8 to 10 dollars an hour. My profession is out the door now. I might as well work in Big Lots (not that there's something wrong with that) but I invested alot of money to get the short end of the stick. Second, MOST illigal immigrants do not go to college. They're not suppose to, there's loopholes and everything but they're not suppose to. If you bring an illigal child over the border they have every right to go to school and do whatever but why limit your child's education. I know people who have ten houses and business' and everything in their country but then come over for no reason.....WHY? It's not fair. I've had illigal immigrants tell me that they were going to kill someone and go back to their country. Why can't we have records of these people?

I am FOR every hispanic that has permission to work in the US have paid their taxed been a wonderful contribution to the US and say "I demand my papers!!" I am 100% for that. They deserve their papers!!!

I AM NOT FOR illigal immigrants who came illigally and demand their papers. "We are not criminals" is what the sign said. In the US it is illegal to come to the US without your paperwork done. If you are breaking the law you are a criminal. If I go to Mexico and start a business and take money from the community and send it to the US and do not act as a Mexican citizen (abiding by the laws) they will be pissed. In some countries I can't even own land or property. I am NOT going to go to another country to try to change their laws. There are alot of laws I don't like but you know what DEAL WITH IT. It was known before they came what they would get what would happen and they agreed by crossing that line.

Why do some hispanic people find it offensive that we are America? I don't understand that, we didn't come up with our country's name last year. A hispanic man named our country and I know hispanic people say that because of that they have the right to every inch of our land more than us?-Sorry I had to ask about that briefly.

I really do not want to offend anyone with my comment, I love hispanic people but this is an issue that comes my way everyday. I am very passionate and strong with my beliefs. If someone has information that would show me a new light--do tell.

2007-05-04 12:49:13 · answer #4 · answered by redbone_dime 2 · 4 1

Thank you for posting this article.

The author did succeed in pointing out a number of real issues involving the attitudes of many people in this country illegally.

It was not heavy handed or out of line as some diatribe I've read elsewhere on the subject.

But the issue must be expanded beyond the issues of Central and South American immigrants. The Federal government has begun a wider sweep for European illegals who are far more dangerous to our way of life.

Criminals who run violent organizations and who scam Americans with construction fraud. It's not just about the Mexicans, folks.

There should be no pathway into our great nation for criminals of any stripe or origin. It is far past time to end any hope for these people and their plans.

2007-05-04 11:54:02 · answer #5 · answered by Floyd G 6 · 1 2

I am Pro Immigration but I do have limits

The amnesty should have fines these people will have to pay, they should learn english (tho most in my city are willing and do so I dont forsee a problem with that), pay taxes(yes many do already with ITIN number I know that too).

I do NOT look down on them for demanding rights. They need some too. Remember when The african-americans demanded their rights? How many people at that time thought it was nonsense? Like how could they?

They are not things they are people!!! Human rights is what its called. So are you anti's claiming then these people dont even deserve the human rights?

WHat about our military men who are in prison cuz of the HUMAN RIGHTS they betrayed in the Iraq war? They deserve that if nothing else!

***But did you know MOST do contribute to society? Did you know most do pay taxes? When they use that fake SSN they give into social security of which they will get NONE! I understand your point cuz I do try to listen to both sides, but i feel that maybe your missing mine also.***

2007-05-04 11:51:14 · answer #6 · answered by C Gonzalez 3 · 1 5

I haven't got time to read the article right now, but I think you are right on.

2007-05-04 11:48:08 · answer #7 · answered by The Instant Classic 2 · 0 1

Now if we could just get the politicians to see it and agree with us...

2007-05-04 11:49:09 · answer #8 · answered by steddy voter 6 · 3 2

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