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17 answers

it's bogus because the illegals have CAUSED the wage to go down....they are willing to live in garages and work for next to nothing (but still more than what they'd make in mexico). but it's all fine and dandy for them....they just keep popping out those anchor babies and get fat off food stamps and TANF and welfare. they got it made in the shade.

so where does that leave an honest average joe trying to support his family on 5 dollars an hour? he's screwed because NO decent american can do it unless he's on welfare and food stamps too. but alot of americans don't qualify for these programs because they make 20 dollars too much a month. it's bullshit

2007-05-04 04:31:33 · answer #1 · answered by 4 Shades of Blue 4 · 4 2

That statement is propaganda submitted to the media by the group of people shoving the New World Order down our throats,ie...the Bush family, the Bin Laden family etc...I live in Southern Calif. and I am multiskilled regarding the trades. I have personally watched a portion of the construction industry go to the immigrants, cheap labor means just that, you get what you pay for. Including demolition companines,lots of automotive and countless manufacturing jobs have gone that way and the truth is, they aren't taking all these jobs for much less and a lot of them don't pay taxes because they are paid under the table. The service industry that used to provide jobs for the American youth has helped spawn an American subculture of umemployed youth who inadvertintly have turn to crime instead of learning the value of employment. This in turn causes a handicap in a portion of our society that needs those jobs as a learning and living tool. In the Anaheim area where Disneyland supports a major hotel, motel and resturant district there are countless jobs that have been given to others instead of citizens such as students or young unskilled Americans or seinors who need to suppliment their income. A better question to the general public to answer might be "How many Americans do you know who have full time living wage jobs that are not working for some government money supported position"? I'll bet not as many as one might think.

2007-05-04 05:20:51 · answer #2 · answered by The big jukebox 2 · 0 0

OK a LOT of people aren't going to like my answer, but here it is anyway. Most of the illegals work twice as hard in the crappiest jobs and are usually exploited because they will take what they can get. I also believe that our society as a whole has come to expect things to be handed to them instead of working for them. Our society has become lazier and if the illegals are willing to bust their butts to live 20 in an apartment meant for 2, to provide a better life for their family, I say good for them. What really needs to happen is our laws and requirements to get a visa to live and work here legally were modified and simplified, this wouldn't be an issue.

Plus how is it that the immigrants are CAUSING the wages to go down when it's the government who sets the minimum wage??

Our country was founded by immigrants, what makes our forefathers better than the immigrants of today?? What is wrong with people wanting better for their families? If we were a kinder more accepting nation, maybe we wouldn't be having the problems we're having. Just don't forget that you ancestors at one time were also immigrants!!!!

2007-05-04 06:42:44 · answer #3 · answered by rissak7 1 · 0 1

I think all the people who are desperate to get the illegal immigrants out of the country can take on the low paying jobs that will become vacant if the illegals are deported. Thanx for taking one for the team guys!

SOME people think that it's the illegals that bring the pay so low... it's actually the money hungry business owners who don't care about other humans who have brought the pay so low. The immigrants don't ask for less pay, they'll just take what they can get, even if it means being exploited.

2007-05-04 05:03:52 · answer #4 · answered by brnslippyx 3 · 0 1

I am more concerned about the jobs than immigrants take AWAY from Americans..They are willing to work cheaper, and there for get jobs that other wise might have gone to a deserving American at a higher wage.... If they weren't settling for a pittance Most employers would have to pay a better wage to ALL. It would give Americans equal footing in the job market.

2007-05-04 04:41:43 · answer #5 · answered by Iknowalittle 6 · 3 0

I just heard on the news the other night that after some chicken factory was raided and the illegals they hired were sent packing, the owners were near hysteria because they thought they would have to close because no one would do the work for what the illegals were getting paid. However, surprise, surprise the next morning 200 citizens showed up for the job.

2007-05-04 04:48:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Why does mankind hate people based on religion and race?
Is it ignorance, education, or governments deciding our place.

For people are people regardless of the color of their face.
And the love in our hearts is an example of God's grace.

European people are the most powerful people under the sun.
Asians, Blacks, and Jews are constantly under the economic gun.

But people should not be exploited because of the color of skin.
White people must reject racism for a world of love to begin.

But are not Blacks, Jews, and Asians also guilty of racism?
For some of their religious leaders are advocates of separatism.

Now all people, whites, Asians, Jews,and Blacks, live on earth.
For racism will show God how much our souls are really worth.

All people will die and their bodies will stink becoming dirt.
And the devil will have the souls of all racist to forever hurt.

For Love is the most powerful force throughout the world.
Conquering all obstacles and causing racist minds to whirl.

We can't take money religion family or hate when we die.
But we can take love, and send it back to those who will cry.

For only love will cure any grieving and lonely heart.
And cause a no-good son or daughter to give life another start.

People are just human beings regardless of their ethnic pride.
So people should try to constantly look spiritually inside.

So forget about religion racism and discriminating government.

2007-05-04 12:23:50 · answer #7 · answered by Polito 1 · 0 1

it's bogus because the illegals have CAUSED the wage to go down....they are willing to live in garages and work for next to nothing (but still more than what they'd make in mexico). but it's all fine and dandy for them....they just keep popping out those anchor babies and get fat off food stamps and TANF and welfare. they got it made in the shade.

so where does that leave an honest average joe trying to support his family on 5 dollars an hour? he's screwed because NO decent american can do it unless he's on welfare and food stamps too. but alot of americans don't qualify for these programs because they make 20 dollars too much a month. it's bullshit

2007-05-04 06:49:00 · answer #8 · answered by 4 Shades of Blue 2 · 0 0

Of course its silly..... even the most minimally intellegent can see that it is. It is only a way to justify illegal immigration.

There is a way that it could be tested. Every illegal can go home for a while. While they are there they could work on making their own country better and begin taking advantage of their own natural resources. Or march in the streets to force change..... kind of like the eastern europeans did in theirs.

Then we could see if it is true that america can not survive without them.

2007-05-04 04:43:02 · answer #9 · answered by jackson 7 · 2 0

The company's that hire illegals save the most by not paying social security or compensation.if we legalize these twenty million twenty will take there place. but rich people like Ted Kennedy will not be affected. that's why he thinks its great .he has never worked in his life. and MC Cain was born with a silver spoon in his mouth . As long as we put the privileged in office it will be this way.

2007-05-04 04:48:21 · answer #10 · answered by lone wolfe 3 · 1 0

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