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I see this kind of question a lot - "would you rather believe in nothing or a loving god?" "Would you rather believe in nothing after death or seeing your loved ones again?"

Well, I think for most people the answer is simple - yes, it would be great if there were a paradise where I would see those I love again. It would be wonderful if there were a loving, kind supreme being out there taking care of us (not necessarily the Christian God for obvious reasons). It would be fabulous to believe in whatever is the most comforting to you. However, that isn't reality. We don't get to choose what is real and what isn't. I'd like to believe in a lot of things, but I can't ignore the real world.

Atheists (and also those whose spirituality doesn't make these promises), would you rather believe in what is comforting to you, but simply can't deceive yourself?

Thoughts? Comments?

2007-05-04 03:17:19 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Anything explaining in detail what happen after we die turns my off immediately. The fact is no one knows and no one has come back to fill us in. Personally I believe in an afterlife of sorts but I also understand that is my belief and I am very open to the fact that this life might be all we get.

2007-05-04 03:23:56 · answer #1 · answered by Quantrill 7 · 2 0

I personally would rather believe in the truth rather than just something that made me feel comfortable.

I believe that "being comfortable"--as in resting on your laurels--or taking 'the easy way' is often a prelude to a backward motion (away from good, light, etc) which by many definitions is the true definition of "evil."

Wouldn't you rather believe that we are, we have and will always and eternally be with our loved ones regardless of their belief in the existenace of a god or not, or gods or your even your god?

I know I would.

Would you deny your children of living their lives with you (and their loved ones) just because they didn't "believe" in you?

Then why do you supposed that a supreme being (more evolved than us) who we say/believe IS Love itself (regardless of how you perceive Him, It or She) would be so cruel and unloving as to deny his/her/it's children the opportunity to reside with their loved ones?

If this were the case, I'm afraid I would have to side with the atheists, and hope that no such God would be in existence.

However since, I know differently, I do not, AND I applaud all atheists, as at least they are attempting to solve the riddle, or come up with an answer via 'the mind' versus accepting an answer/solution from some authority outside of themselves.

In fact, I believe that in many ways atheists may be closer to discovering the truth about God than are many christians who do nothing but blindly follow their religious leaders!?

The truth of what?

Ah, ha! Now that's the real question.



2007-05-05 05:49:42 · answer #2 · answered by smithgiant 4 · 1 0

I don't find these beliefs comforting, because they are part of a small carrot-big stick situation. There's always the big stick of hell, and it seems that 99 percent of the population is doomed to whatever they call hell. It isn't a comfort, it's a cosmic I-told-you-so, an index finger in the face that they look forward to. I am much more comforted by the idea that my departed loved ones had a positive impact on the world during their lives, and hope I do, too. If there's an afterworld--and I think there is of some type, but don't know--well, let that sort itself out.

2007-05-04 03:24:07 · answer #3 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 2 0

Tough question. Btw, Im spiritual, not religous. Im open to what the truth may be,I dont say I know for sure, because I dont,. noone does. However, teh idea of laying in thoughtless darkness for eternity creeps me out so Id like to believ in an after life,anything, whether it be Heaven(which I dont believ to be about pearly gates but rather a peaceful place) or reincarnation, Im open to it. Also, though I lost a newborn ad it helps me to believe he's an angel in Heaven or other un-earthly happy place because I need to believe his life didnt end aftre 10 minutes and now he gets nothing. I need to believe he got to skip this cruel world and go straight to the good place and that Ill see him again and never have to let him go again. And I have had experiences that lead me to believe it dosnet end here and I dont think it does.

2007-05-04 03:25:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Last year I went to heaven on a short weekend break - no, seriously - and I saw many incredible things there.
For one, it was full of love, beauty, harmony, serenity.
I saw that the creation is in constant renewal, it is not the result of causation, it is always now.
I knew so much more than I ordinarily know, but, I never saw spirits or gods or God. No dead relatives floating by.
It looked just like this world, only more connected, deeper, perfect, and wanting for nothing.
Ironically, the experience may have made me an atheist...although there was something...some-one?


2007-05-04 03:57:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i'm a Catholic, and i don't believe simply because it's a choice between paradise and nothing. i think i'd be deceiving myself if i did.

people believe in what they think is the truth. it's the reason why i believe.

so if i were an atheist, my answer to that question would be this: "no, i wouldn't believe just because it's comforting. show me that it's true, then i will believe." note: there are more ways than the scientific processes to demonstrate truth.

2007-05-04 03:29:43 · answer #6 · answered by paengc 4 · 0 0

Heaven is on earth while you live. After death every one knows that the mortal body perishes. Even when alive, one does not know what is the exact thing which gives life to the person.Where is soul and what is god are still to be answered ?
Then why do you bother about eternity or heaven ? Before your birth what was you,where were you,no one knows,and after death ,what are you ,where would be you and in what form ,you do not know.
Heaven was described by every religion as eternal bliss and what was "bliss" in their books.
One says, honey and milk would flow underneath and fine music would be in air and a dame would be in one hand and wine on your other hand--
second one says, god would dance with His better half before you and you will not feel thirst or hunger and you enjoy the sound of music and dance for ever--
the third one says , you all sleep calmly till all of you would be asked to rise by Him and you will be given joy/suffering as per your world's score card--
Do you see one common factor in all heavenly awards or hell -y admonisions.? Sensuous pleasure without time limit.
If a blind can not enjoy a dance,deaf can not enjoy music,
and without tongue's taste buds one can not taste sweetness
how after death when the body is lost , with out sense organs -one is giong to enjoy sensual things in heaven or suffer by wound and pain in hell.
Why the heaven or hell concept has not crossed worldly pleasure levels? If such things are the end benifit why saints in every religion were asked to forego the same things in this world?
So lead a nomal life in this world loving all and helping all as a social obligation and lay down your body when the turn comes, as if you are retiring from service.--or your body is laying down it's office after service!!!

2007-05-04 04:13:35 · answer #7 · answered by cqm 4 · 0 0

Perhaps, but if I were to choose what I believed in I'd like a higher degree of consistency in the belief system/teachings etc.

On the other hand, not sure I really want to be around forever.

2007-05-04 03:22:46 · answer #8 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 0 0

That's the crux of it. You either have faith, or you don't.

It would be awesome to think that if I lived a good life I'd end up in a sparkly land in the clouds, strippers fed me sushi and the NFL season lasted all year. But try as I might I just can't MAKE myself believe in something I don't believe in.

That said, we should all try to live good lives, be decent human beings to one another, do good, yadda yadda yadda. . . and trust that if there IS a god. . . he's merciful and takes in all the good people. . . not just the ones that belong to the Baptist, or Lutheran, or Catholic, or Shia, or Hindu, or Mormon. . . or WHATEVER faith.

2007-05-04 03:24:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I love nice thoughts. I have many, many nice thoughts.

Yesterday I thought that maybe it could start to rain money in my bedroom.

Luckily I also know that most of my happier thoughts are just innocent fantasies.

Seriously: an afterlife would freak me out. Life would get completely useless if it was forever and ever and ever. That's simply too long.

2007-05-04 03:23:51 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

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