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Yes folks, it was going to 1914, then 1918, revised to 1925. Every time the Earth survived through the estimated day for the end, some very clever christians, that can't wait to see us atheists get what's coming to us on judgement day, revise their data, realise they made an error in interpreting God's word, and they come up with a new date, always certain that this time they got it right.

Now the fashionable date is in 2012. It has to happen then, cause that's when the Mayan calender finishes! (Don't you just love the use of logic?) And there's those infallible bible codes to back it up! http://www.exodus2006.com/2012.htm

So, when the dust settles on new year celebrations for 2013, what will be the new date for that joyous end?

2007-05-04 02:47:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

I guess its the missing link. and if I am correct, its the ape or monkey.

2007-05-04 02:55:19 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 0 0

With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at http://www.familysurvival.tv and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.

2014-09-25 12:14:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The worst part is, those who claim it's when the Mayan calendar finishes don't know what they're talking about.

The Mayan calender consists of cycles of twelve. Looking only at the first five significant values, Dec 23/24, 2012 will be when rolls over to ... but so what? They forget that the Mayan calendar isn't locked to just five values. So we're really going from to ... not the end of a world, merely an end to an age, an epochal rollover.

2007-05-04 02:52:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Mayans foretold the end to come in 2012...

Jehovah's Witnesses are waiting any day for the end to come.
We live every day like this is the last day.
I would much rather be in expectation of it to come like a thief in the night, then to think like you that it never will come.

The conclusion will come like the birth pangs of a pregnant woman. Like dominoes falling. Once it starts there will be no stopping it.
I stand with Jehovah and His people upholding His righteous standards, We are helping teach those who are sighing and moaning over this system of things. All the while keeping an eye on ourselves that we don't get weighed down.
Become righteous. Take in the life saving knowledge.
May God be with you.

2007-05-04 04:09:00 · answer #4 · answered by debbie2243 7 · 0 0

Mister Missing-link, do you read? 1st grade level?

The fact that some people don't know how to obey the word of God, does that make God and the Bible at fault? Or does that reflect badly on those individuals? Some "Christians ?" ought to be ashamed of themselves for besmearing thus the Bible and God's word.

Please do yourself a service and read these scriptures. Maybe you have the mental faculty to understand what they mean?

Mark 13:32-33 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. 33Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. e, for YOU do not know when the appointed time is.
Acts 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

Matthew 24:36 36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

2007-05-04 03:04:14 · answer #5 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 0 0

I can't tell you how much it aggravates me as a Bible believing Christian when half-cocked crackpots deny fundamental biblical truths and make predictions on when the end will occur.

Jesus had plenty to say about the end, so did Paul. But what they were purposefully silent about was WHEN. They were more concerned about people being spiritually ready on a daily basis than sitting around for the end.

And you correctly point out how silly Christians look when they attempt to prophesy and get it wrong.

2007-05-04 03:47:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Though we are not to set dates concerning the rapture and second comming...we are told in scripture, that we would be aware of the signs, that mark the beggining of the end.

My personal belief, is that, the time of tribulation will start within a period of 20 years.

2007-05-04 03:01:34 · answer #7 · answered by bonsai bobby 7 · 0 0

laugh now, grasshopper

when the new age arises and you are ground up for gopher food, you will rue this day of joyous disbelief. Go now, and satisfy your lust between the creamy thighs of a lushious female of your own breed, expend your seed into the awaiting tunnel of lust and gratefully know that you will be redeemed and maybe even reemed by the great spiral bohonkus penal implant of the nether world.

2007-05-04 02:54:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would DEEPLY suggest, HIGHLY suggest, for anyone reading this, especially my fellow americans...to start stocking your cellars and basements with iodine tabs, non-perishable, long-shelf life foodstuffs, get canisters for those old Army gas masks and PMCS them...get up to date on your tetanus shot, brush up on survival manuals and farming and learn basic Almanac astrology, stock weapons and ammo...paper products, hygeine supplies...vessels to contain portable and potable water, learn how to use a MANUAL compass (can't use a GPS with no functioning satellites) and prepare for something in the next 4 years. I wish I could say more, but something is coming. Believe it.

2007-05-04 02:54:16 · answer #9 · answered by crusadawannabe 2 · 0 0

December 3rd 1965 BC

2007-05-04 02:50:42 · answer #10 · answered by Fatty 2 · 0 0

It is really sad that a select few with their fanatacism, hate and bigotry can give Christianity a bad name.

It is also amazing and sad that so much of humanity can be psychologically misled, branwashed and propagandized into believing lies.

2007-05-04 02:56:24 · answer #11 · answered by The Eight Ball 5 · 0 0

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