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i asked a question earlier about WHY God might have created Satan


and one answer i got said "God created Satan to test our faith in God"

can someone please explain to me WHY an ALL KNOWING God would have to "test" anyone's faith?

wouldn't He have FORESEEN that whatever He does or does not do would have no effect because the people who believe would believe and the people who won't just won't?

i mean He IS an all knowing God isn't He?

2007-05-04 02:28:22 · 16 answers · asked by nicky 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

The first answer is wrong. God created Satan for the same reason he created everything else-(and I don't know what that is). And God created Satan *good*. Similar to his creating humans, everything God creates is good. But freedom is part of the good, so God allows Satan, and humans, to deny the good- to do evil. So, we can't "pass the buck" and blame God for the evil choices of Satan or our fellow man.
I'm going to anticipate this objection: "Why not just kill or not create everyone who will deny the good, saving them from Hell?"
Well, we know that in any given city there will be say 300 murders annually, and we can prevent it by simply declaring Marshall law and locking up everyone in the city. So why don't we? Because we know that freedom is better than forced lawfulness. What God created IS good, we just need to choose the good.

2007-05-04 02:52:51 · answer #1 · answered by Matt B 2 · 0 0

Whoever said "God created Satan to test our faith in God" was wrong.

Satan was created as an angel and eventually became wicked. Any being with free will has the option to become evil, and Satan made a bad choice.

As for "all knowing", God CAN know anything he wants. He can foresee the future, but it's never said that he chooses to know everything that will happen until the end of time. Predestination is not a Biblical teaching, but it would pretty much be the case if God already had all of our future actions in mind.

2007-05-04 02:41:30 · answer #2 · answered by Andrew G 3 · 1 0

The question is a good one. I suggest you look at society structure for some answers. You have a belief in God. God has to be defined. Your definition is told to you by society. Society creates rules. These rules are not necessarily the truth. I suggest you pull back and examine what structure has created this kind of God. Perhaps look at other cultures both existing now and in the past. You can see the development of belief systems over time by researching some ancient cultures and their mythologies. You may find a similar thread which may bring you to a level where your definition of God has changed, then you may find an answer to the question.

2007-05-04 02:54:21 · answer #3 · answered by Jeffrey C 1 · 0 0

God did not create Satan -- he is a self made demon!

Just like you at the moment -- you are probably not a thief, right!
If you then went and stole something, from that moment you become a thief!

In the same manner, God had created a spirit son with all the good qualities a parent wants in a son! That the son became a deviant was not the father's fault.

God knew that free will was and is a very dangerous thing. But he gave it to all his children. Those that remain obedient receive life, those that become disobedient receive eventually - death.
Free will implies that God doesn't know the future in regard to what his children choose to do!

There is a link on HP : http://www.bythebible.page.tl
it is about Evil Why and other related subjects

See also the subject about "Debunking predetermination"

Check it later if you like. Right now the server is down. 070504
Also, feel free to email me.

2007-05-04 02:38:03 · answer #4 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 1 1

Satan was an angel, God created Him. He had a free will. He made an evil choice. The perfect love comes with a choice.

God has not dealt with Satan YET, but He will. : )

Yes, He is all knowing God who gave us our free will. He did not want to create robots. : )

He knows how we are going to use our free will, yes. But He will take care of the evil in the end. This is only a temporary assignment. Heaven is the perfect place : )

2007-05-04 02:35:05 · answer #5 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 1 0

God did not create Satan the Devil. He did create an angel who became Satan as Satan's own idea.

Satan was an angel who realized spirit creatures are a higher form of life than man and decided just because God was the Creator, Satan ought to be ruler of earth. He knew better than to challenge God's power to rule. Even he was not that stupid. He did think he could get away with challenging God's Right to Rule.

He went to Eve and asked a question, "Is it true...?" to plant a question of doubt in her mind. He then outright lied. "You will Not die. Your eyes are bound to be opened and be like God."

God gave free will to both humans and angels. He allows us to exercise it To micromanage as you suggest would negate free will and eliminate choice.

2007-05-04 06:42:30 · answer #6 · answered by grnlow 7 · 0 0

God didn't created Satan as Satan in the beginning,in fact he is one of God s angel in heaven but when mankind start living in the garden of Eden Satan wants the people to worship him instead of God,so he lies to the 1st man and woman and made him self as Satan the Devil.

2007-05-04 11:44:49 · answer #7 · answered by faith 3 · 0 0

God is testing our faith in him to see who really does love him and to see who really doesn't. God knows what he's doing,and everything that we do happenes for a reason...and it's wayyyyyy more complicated than that,no one can ever understand some things God does...certain things can be answered and some things can't.this might be one thing that no one ever gets!

2007-05-04 02:38:52 · answer #8 · answered by A Beautiful Lie 2 · 1 0

yep, that was my answer, the faith being tested...
We are born in to sin, when we get the age of accountability, we have a choice of which road we will take, good or evil...
Yes, God does foresee what our lives will be and who will or will not accept Him..
By testing us, God wants us to rely on Him through faith and trust.. He wants us to humble ourselves and ask Him to help us...

2007-05-04 02:35:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

satan / hell was created by christianity - so shall they go there, to burn in their hell;

Here's the Solution for christianity and religion:

Create a private, personal, direct, divine Relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion.

Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.

Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!

Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!

"religion is Spiritual fraud"; "religion is the Worse invention of humanity" - Jesus Christ, Buddha and any one else with Spiritual intelligence.

atheists = all the people in religion = all the ignorant fundamentalists = all the cults/superstitions

2007-05-04 02:33:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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