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Most of the priests have off springs on different womens others have intimate affairs with both genders but still they are on service at the church....

2007-05-03 15:12:17 · 22 answers · asked by od2x_pongan 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I'm guessing here, but if they get married-it's public, they can't be considered priests anymore and won't get the usual paycheck.

2007-05-03 15:17:46 · answer #1 · answered by CHRISTINA 4 · 1 1

While Paul of Tarsus, the creator of Christianity hated women with such passion that he considered them worse than vermin, there is no evidence of the same organized homosexuality and pedophilia across the Catholic Church as other centuries.
See: The Almanac of Evil

While Jesus was almost certainly married to Mary Magdalene and had children, priests were not forced finally into strict celibacy until 1000 years ago when the church realized that local courts could in fact rule that church property could be lost through family-orientated priesthood actually helping the poor. So the church ruled that priests must be celibate and effectively "divorced" from their flock.

Today, the level of pedophilia seems to be the lowest it has been since the formation of christianity by Paul of Tarsus to counter the message of Jesus.

2007-05-05 01:27:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would be very interested in your sources that state or prove that "most" of the over 400,000 priests in the world "have ample intimate affairs."

+ Celibate Clergy +

The celibate clergy did not come into full bloom until about 1000 A.D. There were many married priests, bishops, and popes before this time.

Priests, religious brothers and religious sisters (nuns) as part of their vocation choose not to marry following:
+ The practice recommended in the Bible
+ The example of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, and the Apostle Paul.

+++ Scripture +++

+ In Matthew 19:12, Jesus says, "Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it."

+ In Matthew 19:29, Jesus says, "And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life."

+ Matthew 22:30 - Jesus explains, "At the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven."

+ In 1 Corinthians 7:1, Paul writes, "It is a good thing for a man not to touch a woman."

+ Then in 1 Corinthians 7:7, Paul says, "Indeed, I wish everyone to be as I am."

+ In 1 Corinthians 7:27, Paul writes, "Are you free of a wife? Then do not look for a wife."

+ In 1 Corinthians 7:32-33, Paul teaches, "I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife." And in verse 38, "So then, the one who marries his virgin does well; the one who does not marry her will do better."

Paul recommends celibacy for full time ministers in the Church so that they are able to focus entirely upon God and building up His kingdom. He “who refrains from marriage will do better.”

See also 1 Timothy 5:9-12, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Revevation 14:4, Isaiah 56:3-7, and Jeremiah 16:1-4.

+++ Scriptural Examples +++

Biblical role models of a celibate clergy came from John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostle Paul.

John the Baptist and Jesus are both believed to have been celibate for their entire lives. Some scholars believe that the example of the Essenes influenced either or both Jesus and John the Baptist in their celibacy.

WWJD? What would Jesus do? Jesus did not marry.

The Apostle Paul is explicit about his celibacy (see 1 Cor. 7). There is also evidence in the gospel of Matthew for the practice of celibacy among at least some early Christians, in the famous passage about becoming “eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:12).

The concept took many twists and turns over the years and will probably take a few more before Christ returns in glory.

A priest is "married" to the Church. Some people think that a priest who takes his duties seriously cannot take proper care of a wife and family. "A man cannot serve two masters."

With love in Christ.

2007-05-04 16:35:46 · answer #3 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

(a pasture isn't a priest, it really is a field on which animals graze) Catholic clergymen do not get married for most causes: to dodge the handing-down of parishes from father to son, regardless of if the son isn't a superior chief. to substantiate that the priest's concentration, time, an love is spread both by the community. Having a spouse and youngsters might want to ward off that, as a spouse and toddlers might want to require dissimilar love and interest. The priest is likewise very a lot supported through the parish. It can't discover the money for to pay for a priest and his kinfolk.

2016-12-05 07:52:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Certainly there have been some priests who have betrayed their vow of celibacy but it is extremely rare and not the "most" you claim. I would suppose that of that few that betray their vows that some have heterosexual relations, some have homosexual relations and others may even have both as they being part of a diverse humanity would have some of the same worldly desires of the flesh and the same temptations.

I would also suspect that among all Christian groups that the incidence of clerical sexual abuse involving Catholic priests is the lowest among all clergy as has been found among those groups willing to investigate and publish the results. The Southern Baptists have reported a incidence rate of sexual abuse approaching 15% while the incidence among Catholic clergy is estimated to be less than 2%. I suspect that among all Protestant clergy the rate would be similar.

The figures show that there is a significant problem that is worse among those not vowing celibacy than those who do vow celibacy which is not surprising that the vast majority keep their vows.

In Christ
Fr. Joseph

2007-05-03 15:43:12 · answer #5 · answered by cristoiglesia 7 · 0 0

'Most of them', 'ample, intimate affairs'.............How can you speak so authoritatively? Have you done a survey?

Please dont describe Catholic priests in this way. There are a few who have fallen into grave sin and we are sinners just like them. Leave it to God to judge. Why dont you talk of the priests who shepherd their flock faithfully, live in poverty to care for the poor, watch over the spiritual needs of those under their care, honor their vows of celibacy for life, those who have sacrificed everything to be a priest?

It is a choice that they made to be celibate when they entered priesthood. Now just because there are a few who dont honor that vow of celibacy, I dont see why you think the Catholic church should throw that requirement out the window and ask their priests to marry.

2007-05-04 08:14:51 · answer #6 · answered by Pat 3 · 0 0

You are misinformed. The vast majority priests respect the vow of celibacy they have made, and have no intimate affairs. They are human of course, so no doubt some small percentage do sin in this area, just as a small percentage get involved in homosexual acts with minors. No-one denies that priests are sinners just like the sinners they are called by God to serve.

2007-05-03 16:17:42 · answer #7 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 1 0

☼ this is the most vulnerable spot in Roman Catholic church; moreover catholic priests are mentioned as holy fathers; in other Christian confessions a priest is not a holy person, he’s just an educated man who has to help lay people in their troubles; he lives the same life as most mortals.
Celibacy harms both their health and their reputation.

2007-05-03 15:46:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whoa...! How do you know that "most" of them do? It is but a tiny fraction of priests who do....barely a blip on the radar screen.

Let's see...I am Catholic. Our parish pays our pastor, an associate priest, a permanent deacon and a pastoral minister -- ALL FOUR for less than 50,000.00/yr.

On the other hand, my parents are Assembly of God-ers....they shell out money for 4 pastors each with a wife and at least 3 kids apiece. Two of the pastors have their wives on the payroll as well. Six salaries going toward mortgages, college tuition, kids braces, and other stuff. I wonder how much actually goes to the poor?

They used to belong to a tiny mom & pop non-denominational church....there were SIX members of the same family on the payroll! Too bad they couldn't find at least one member of their congregation who could have worked one of those jobs and earned some money!

I don't want any of my money to go toward someone's mortgage...imagine having your donations going toward the jet-set rich pastors mansions and fleets of cars and private jets: Pat Robertson is worth $140 Million; Creflo dollar owns a $5M jet; Robert Schuller broke ground for his Crystal Cathedral in 1959....it was completed in 1980....imagine the cost; Benny Hinn has a $3M parsonage; Oral Roberts replaces his fleet of card every 6 months; Joyce Meyer has an 8-car garage for one of her mansions....

What does Paul say about married clergy? "An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34and his interests are divided" (1 Cor. 7:32-33).

2007-05-03 15:35:39 · answer #9 · answered by The Carmelite 6 · 1 0

The perfect relationship...

Actually, I sense a bit of generalization. You'd need to interview a lot of priests to find out if your claims are correct. I can't imagine a priest admitting to any of these claims either. So, I think this question might be an attempt to discredit priests. You're going to get some hate mail on this one.

2007-05-03 15:18:29 · answer #10 · answered by TilBot1007 3 · 2 0

Most priest I know don't.
There are some who have shown contempt for their own priesthood by certain behavior, but most are living doing their best to serve the people of God.

Do you know most priest?

Now during the Renaissance it was common for Popes to have children. However, many became cardinals without being ordained. Some took ordination later in life. One was elected Pope without being ordained and took ordination about 2 weeks priror to being consecrated a Pope.

2007-05-03 15:17:30 · answer #11 · answered by Shirley T 7 · 1 0

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