Christians say they don't believe in it but they do, it's just that most Christians only know the evolutionary statement, "Humans evolved from monkeys." They accept the other scientific theories because it betters them, but if someone actually came and explained evolution to them, then they will. Evolution is change over a period of time and they always talk about changes in the Bible. Noah's Ark/The Flood-that changed everything because they had to get two of each animal. It says that we all have common ancestors, not that we came from a monkey. A monkey's genotype has a 2% difference so there has to be some kind of correlation there. THey believe in it because they preach and teahc on it just don't realize that's what it's called.
2007-05-03 13:49:51
answer #1
answered by Tboogie 2
Because it's unscientific. Evolution is theory that has absolutely NO evidence backing it up. The interesting thing is, the public believes more about evolution, (thanks to "popular media articles") than do the actual scientists. You know all of those "pictures" they showed you in school?The apelike creature walking all hunched over and slowly becoming more and more "human" with each drawing?. They are all known to be hoax's or based on practically nothing. (Piltown Man=hoax, Nebraska Man=pigs tooth lol). The real scientists have been requesting for years that those "pictures/drawings" be removed from the public textbooks. But they're still there. Lets face it, if evolution were true, there would be millions of transitory fossils in the fossil record. But there isnt ANY. What do we find? Fossils of Men & Horses in the same rock strata as the dinosaurs. When supposedly, they came millions of years later. And another thing, you know those pictures you see in school textbooks of all of the different "layers" or strata "laid" down over millions of years? You know, each in its "proper" layer. Doesnt exist. Anywhere on earth. The "stratas" are all mixed and jumbled together. ( Hmm, just what you'd expect it there had been a world wide flood). The truth is, the fossil record shows all life forms "appearing" in full complete form. Around the same time, and in all different strata's. And NO fossil shows ANY animal in a transitory stage, changing from one to another. The truth is, Evolution, is the biggest hoax ever foisted unto mankind. (And I Capitolize it, because it has in fact become a RELIGION, not a SCIENCE. So, bring us some real evidence, and we'll look at it.......theBerean
2007-05-03 13:45:31
answer #2
answered by theBerean 5
I hardly think Christians accept "everything" scientist say as fact. We accept science as a useful means of observing the world but not all things in the universe are observable. As far as evolution is concerned many Christians do accept micro-evolution because it can be demonstrated scientifically. Macro-evolution is not scientific at all but rather the faith system (religion) of pseudo-scientific scholars and atheist. If you want to know the scientific reasons why evolution is a farce I would challenge you to check out
2007-05-03 13:58:04
answer #3
answered by William R 2
Everything has to be made. Think about how you got the house you live in? It just didn't pop out of the sky, it had to be made by someone and everything that we have has to be made in factories like our cars and things we wear. You don't just say I want a car and it pops out of thin air. Another reason I don't believe in evolution is where do they think the single cell organism came from, scientists have not found any signs of life on any other planet so it would of had to be made from something. Thats why I don't believe in evolution
2007-05-03 13:51:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
as the first poster said, not all Christians reject evolution. Those who do, can do so with a certain amount of freedom because there are no practical consequences of the theory, and hence no negative consequences of rejecting it. (unlike say gravity which you reject at your peril) As you imply, though, if someone rejects evolution they should reject much modern biology, chemistry, physics, etc, since these all are based on the same principles of science that led scientists to develop the theory of evolution.
2007-05-03 13:45:15
answer #5
answered by a 5
most christians beileive in evolution.
They used to say all jews have horns. This of course would be considered a racist and antisemetic remark.
Your grouping of all christians into one basket is as evil and as Bigoted as any Nazi ever was.
Get a life beleive what you want and stop hurting other people .
2007-05-03 13:48:20
answer #6
answered by Rich 5
The theory of evolution goes against the story of Creation. Evolution leaves God out of the picture of our beginnings.
2007-05-03 13:44:30
answer #7
answered by ejohnjr34 5
Because evolution directly contradics the bible while meds don't. We can say that God made the human body complex and he created the way our bodies work..thats why biology, for example, would not be shunned.
2007-05-03 13:44:18
answer #8
answered by J R 4
Well, there's your answer. All the ones who don't believe in evolution clearly have no idea what it is - just the mock-up version they learned about in church.
2007-05-03 13:47:21
answer #9
answered by eri 7
Evolution is a fiction. Many, many layers of fiction.
Assigned values and times and dates and interrelationships that are at best similar and usually pretty bad.
The theorists are very good at morphing one thing to another.
Looks all pretty and such but it is still morphing the truth.
2007-05-03 13:46:59
answer #10
answered by cordsoforion 5