This is AMERICA... you're free to live the way you want to live. Worship any god you like and pass this belief on to your children... but if you don't accept Christ you'll never get into heaven and it'll be pretty hard to get into the White House.
that's gonna leave a stain.
2007-05-03 11:52:32
answer #1
answered by billthakat 6
You can believe in anything you want.... but, if you want to actually get INTO heaven, you must accept Jesus Christ in your heart as your Savior
We don't make the rules, God does.... we didn't create heaven, God did.... Revelation says that God will create a new heaven and a new earth, ones without corruption
You can be a part of that, but only if you follow God's plan... there is no other way to heaven....
Would the Yankees let you take the mound if you couldn't pitch? God won't let you into heaven unless you are a believer in Jesus Christ who is God Himself...
2007-05-03 07:53:54
answer #2
answered by me m 2
You don't have to believe nothing, but the Bible says that the only way to get to Heaven is to accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Once you die that is it, there is no coming back, do you want to take a chance that you are not going to Heaven and burn in Hell for all of eternity. If you are a believer and pray and read Gods word and worship Him, then you should be able to feel the presence of God and that is awesome and proof enough for me that He exists. You will know for sure when you die if it really exists or not, Is it gonna be too late for you by then?
2007-05-03 07:48:56
answer #3
answered by princessami 4
You can believe anything you like, but that will not make it a) provable, b) true. How badly do you want it? Bad enough to research and find what God requires? Or would you rather create your own personal religion and take your chances? God has given us His Word in the Bible. Creating your own belief system is just carving gods out of wood and stone all over again.
2007-05-03 07:45:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
communicate with human beings. study books. time table a verbal replace with a clergyman, or a minister, or a rabbi, etc. (sorry if this appears like the commencing up of a joke). faith is a deeply very own ingredient. it relatively is something which you should locate on your very own, and there is not any element in faking a perception in case you do not have faith it. and you should recover from this thought that faith is merely a mechanism to appease the fears of loss of existence. no be counted if it relatively is, it relatively is not working o.k., by fact loss of existence is what human beings worry maximum (besides public speaking). a stable e book to study for creation into user-friendly non-denomination Christian theology could be "Mere Christianity" by skill of C.S. Lewis. Lewis replaced into an atheist previously he grew to become a Christian later in existence.
2016-10-04 08:12:01
answer #5
answered by ? 4
you are free to believe what you want and I will not think any less of you or condom you that is not my place
but I know God is real
and to tell you of proof that is not in the Bible there is first I am filled with the Holy Ghost and that in like nothing I could explain, but it is real, I can feel God in my life,
second there are the Miracles I know are real (I know these people)
our youth minister mom died as a child and was prayed for 'In Jesus Name" and is still alive today
a man in our church had tuberculosis at age 27 and was sent to the death ward, He had wholes in his lungs the size of 50 cent pieces (many ex-rays proved that as well as the test to prove the TB) and when He was sent home to die God healed him and the wholes are gone too and he is in his 70s to day
these are only a few Miracles I know are real
2007-05-03 07:56:45
answer #6
answered by Noble Angel 6
If you want to go to the christian heaven you must! That's the only heaven I know of.
2007-05-03 07:48:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The bible gives me the right. If you have read it, as you claim, then you know how wrong you are. The bible clearly says you gotta believe in Jesus to enter Heaven. I don't know what else to tell ya. God bless you.
2007-05-03 07:47:43
answer #8
answered by TripleTattoo™ 4
You must accept Jesus as your personal lord, and Savior he is the only door to Heaven.
2007-05-03 07:51:11
answer #9
answered by holdontowhatyouhave 3
So, then, what is required for salvation? The prime requirement is the one that the apostle Paul stated to the Philippian jailer: “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will get saved.” (Acts 16:31) Heartfelt acceptance of the shed blood of Jesus is essential if we are going to be saved. And what will salvation mean for us? Jesus indicated the answer when he said: “I give them everlasting life, and they will by no means ever be destroyed.” (John 10:28) For most, salvation will mean everlasting life on an earth restored to paradisaic perfection. (Psalm 37:10, 11; Revelation 21:3, 4) In the case of a “little flock,” however, it will mean ruling with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom.—Luke 12:32; Revelation 5:9, 10; 20:4.
Some suggest that belief in Jesus is the end of the matter. “There is just one thing that any one needs to do to get to heaven,” says one religious tract. “That is, to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, surrender to Him as Lord and Master, and openly confess Him as such before the world.” Thus, many believe that a sudden, emotional conversion experience is all we need in order to guarantee everlasting life. However, to concentrate on only one essential requirement for salvation to the exclusion of the others is like reading one crucial clause in a contract and ignoring the rest.
This becomes more evident when we
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listen to the comments of some who at one time thought that professing belief in Jesus was all that was needed to be saved. Bernice says: “I was raised in the Brethren Church, but I came to wonder why, if everlasting life is dependent solely on Jesus, he himself said: ‘This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.’”—John 17:3.
For nine years Norman was convinced that he was saved. But then he saw that more was required than an emotional profession that Jesus Christ was his Savior. “I saw from the Bible that it was not enough just to acknowledge to God that we are sinners and in need of salvation,” he says. “We also have to do works that befit repentance.”—Matthew 3:8; Acts 3:19.
Yes, believing in Jesus is crucial to our salvation, but more is needed. Jesus spoke of some who professed faith in him and even did “powerful works” in his name. But he did not recognize them. Why? Because they were “workers of lawlessness” and did not do the will of his Father. (Matthew 7:15-23) The disciple James reminds us of the need to “become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning.” He also said: “You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder. . . . Faith without works is dead.”—James 1:22; 2:19, 26.
Some, though, argue that those who are genuinely saved do all these things anyway. But is that really the case in practice? Denis, who ‘accepted Jesus’ when he was a young boy, says: “The ‘saved’ people I have known feel no great need to examine the Scriptures because they think they already have all they need for salvation.” Indeed, the hypocrisy and unchristian acts of many who claim to be saved have brought the whole subject of salvation into disrepute.
Nevertheless, many insist that the Scriptures say: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” (John 3:36, King James Version) Therefore, they conclude that once you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you can never again be lost. “Once saved, always saved” is their watchword. But is that what the Scriptures really say? To answer this, we need to consider everything the Bible says on the subject. We would not want to ‘deceive ourselves with false reasoning’ by reading only selected parts of God’s Word.
2007-05-03 07:46:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous