Basically, it seems to a lot of us atheists that a lot of Christians (and Muslims, and Wiccans, and whatever else you choose to worship) are missing out on a lot of the wonders and majesties of the world around them because they are too concentrated on what will happen to them in the next world.
We also worry that you're throwing your money to hucksters and shysters who are bleeding you dry while raping your faith and hope to build themselves a golden shrine of greed, and telling you you're a sinner on top of it.
We worry that you're expending energy on hatred and fear of others, or even your own impulses because you've convinced yourselves that some dude in the sky is pissed when two people with cognate plumbing kiss.
We worry that you're passing on those superstitious fears and sheep-like devotion to unworthy leaders to your children. You're stunting their education by refusing to accept evidence about how the world around them works, and what's worse, you want us to stunt our kid's educations because you don't want them to learn about anything that's not in some ancient book.
We worry that your morals and ethics are only extrinsically enforced values - that the only reason you can see to live peacefully with your neighbours and make the world a better place is because your sky dude told you to or he'd punish you. We're sad that you can't accept that people who don't worship your sky dude might act morally and ethically simply because it's in everyone's self interest to do so.
That's all.
2007-05-03 06:55:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is so much evidence that evolution is a farse that it's quite sad to find people who still believe it. The theory is constantly modified and the more research they do, the more they find that it is impossible for all this to be without a Divine being, a Creator, a God. Really, study it out and explain to yourself how evolution and the basis of it is really possible. You will find your self in an endless labyrinth of perplexity. You can read if you are interested in doing some studying the "Evolution Handbook" formerly named the "Evolution Cruncher" you can find this in Amazon or Ebay. Also visit:
This is Dr. Kent Hovind's website and this man has had plenty of debates with evolutionist and has not lost one. Evolution can be disproven! After that, what are you left with my friends? God wants you to see it for yourselves and will not force your will if you wish to continue believing a lie. I say this in love and not in a hateful manner.
What do christians lack? We lack a proper way in explaining to evolutionists how the theory is not possible. We lack a scientific knowledge (as unfortunately we are ignorant many times) of explaining creation. If we strive to learn what makes all the dynamics so extraordinary, if we learn to question them on the right points and can answer them in an intelligent manner, we cannot be refuted only if they wish to not listen to reason will they reject this.
2007-05-03 07:00:07
answer #2
answered by starlightblue311 2
i do not recognize if it detracts out of your life and savor it, it really is the detracting from persons's lives and their savor it. church homes crew mutually and mass vote hostile to gay marriage. the theory that you've the reality and those persons do not, is reason for hatred, i'm no longer saying all those who're non secular are like this, even though it provides a textual content for which persons can interpret issues the incorrect way. it really is the reason prepared faith is undesirable. 911 develop right into a faith depending initiative, and also you would say, nicely it really is not any longer my faith, yet christianity has served i have self belief in case you tally it up it really is extra murders over the years than the different faith. christians used to kill those who weren't christian.
2016-11-24 23:28:06
answer #3
answered by kreitman 4
Christians are selling themselves short.
They snivel and grovel before a cruel egocentric self serving being (imaginary at that) and think they are doing good. Why not stand on your two feet and not bow, beg or bend before anyone? Why not think you are great and live your life to the fullest and most successful?
Christianity is a huge waste of time, energy and resources.
2007-05-03 06:54:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Motion, i.e. the passing from power to act, as it takes place in the universe implies a first unmoved Mover (primum movens immobile), who is God; else we should postulate an infinite series of movers, which is inconceivable.
For the same reason efficient causes, as we see them operating in this world, imply the existence of a First Cause that is uncaused, i.e. that possesses in itself the sufficient reason for its existence; and this is God.
The fact that contingent beings exist, i.e. beings whose non-existence is recognized as possible, implies the existence of a necessary being, who is God.
The graduated perfections of being actually existing in the universe can be understood only by comparison with an absolute standard that is also actual, i.e., an infinitely perfect Being such as God.
The wonderful order or evidence of intelligent design which the universe exhibits implies the existence of a supramundane Designer, who is no other than God Himself.
The common consent of mankind from the internal witness of conscience to the supremacy of the moral law, and, therefore, to the existence of a supreme Lawgiver
2007-05-03 06:54:52
answer #5
answered by cinemave 4
Not everyone is the same. I'm a devout non-believer but I don't agree with the cut'n'paste. As you could tell from my previous answer.
I don't think Christians are 'missing' anything. I do see that a lot are in denial or don't think far enough ahead to realize one answer they gives contradicts another.
I believe in reincarnation. Eventually, every 'Christian' (or Muslim, Jew, etc) will get it.
2007-05-03 06:51:58
answer #6
answered by strpenta 7
Honestly, it is difficult to answer this question - especially without offending some of you...
Stripping you of your hapiness is not our goal. Not mine, anyways. But I do seek to teach a few of you how to be critical thinkers, how to be more accepting of people who do not beleive what you beleive - because although many of you CLAIM to be accepting - your words and actions prove otherwise...
There was a recent story of a gay teenager who went to his pastor for advice. The advice he got was to remain gay and go to Hell, or live a life of lies married to a woman and denying himself of what he was truly born as.
The kid killed himself, because he could not live with the thought that God created him gay and he felt he could not live a lie - so he felt he had no choice.
A Christian Pastor missed a chance right there to save a life and tell a young man that he would be accepted in the eyes of God.
2007-05-03 06:52:44
answer #7
answered by ? 5
I wouldn't be as arrogant as the previous informer but the Christians do not realise that there is even a remotest possibility of God existing, not, as some Christians say, 50-50.
2007-05-03 06:49:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous 3
Christians are apparently missing a part of their brain that enables "normal" people to see how absolutely ridiculous it is to believe that the bible was ever meant to be taken LITERALLY.
2007-05-03 06:55:27
answer #9
answered by Resident Heretic 7
The point.
That is a very slightly modified Christian talking point. You change a few words and it makes just as much saying the exact opposite.
2007-05-03 06:49:52
answer #10
answered by novangelis 7