I disagree on this on two counts:
1) We can tell whats going to happen in the future. Not very far into the future, and not with perfect accuracy, but well enough. Its what "looking before you leap" is about. You know that your actions in the future will have consequences for you a little afterwards. It could be a day, a month, or years. I am going to university because I want a degree and earn a good wage, that is me looking into the future.
2) Chaos. Even in systems that can be almost perfectly modelled, chaotic effects mean that it is difficult to tell what is going to happen in the future. For instance the weather. Weather is a sum of air pressure, temperature, seasonal affects, humidity etc. We can model these extremely well but the models require input data, and we can't give it all the information about our weather system now so it can't tell us everything about our weather system in a months time. Chaos is all about how tiny differences can blow up into massive changes within a small amount of time.
Besides the issue of free will is extremely complex. Its impossible to know for sure if we have free will, it might just be an illusion. Even if you ignore that claim, none of us are really free as we must take responsibility for our actions, we take a lot of other factors into consideration before making a desicion. Very few people are really, wholly, completely "free". However I do believe that it is impossible to make anyone do something they dont want to do.
2007-05-03 04:46:04
answer #1
answered by tom 5
I'm sorry, but that is not proof.
Predestination does not mean we must know what happens next. It means we are following a path that was laid out for us.
We don't need to know where the path leads.
Can you prove you asked this question out of free will, and not because Allah pre-ordained it?
And of what validity is free will if Allah has foreseen you making every choice and taken your choices into account when planning the universe and all things that will happen?
2007-05-03 13:09:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
to an extent human can tell what will happen in the futur. its too complex to calculate the futur exactly and the rules for calculating the futur are not completely clear yet , and also these rules are probablistic in nature.
2007-05-03 11:44:29
answer #3
answered by gjmb1960 7
Yes, but the bible never says "Free Will" and it's tough to just lick and stick wherever we want to put it. Just because you don't know your future, does that mean God doesn't? Also, does it violate your idea of "Free Will" if He does know the beginning and the end of every single moment in world history?
2007-05-03 11:44:11
answer #4
answered by Soundtrack to a Nightmare 4
Free will exists whether you care to believe in it or not. If you’ve ever placed an order at a restaurant you have practiced free will. People, who are uncertain of their future, have not given their own will over for the will of our Father. He reveals to us what we need to know, as we need to know it. He does not keep his faithful in the dark; he provides the light of understanding.
2007-05-03 13:28:06
answer #5
answered by rezany 5
There really isn't much connection between Free Will and not being able to predict the future.
2007-05-03 11:43:15
answer #6
answered by Horatio "H" Caine 3
Free Will is an illusion because to have total Free Will, one could Will themselves into flight with out the uses of an airplane. What we really have is freedom to make selections from a given set of choices. We also limit our choices by our prejudgments.
2007-05-03 11:44:22
answer #7
answered by MoPleasure4U 4
Its all a play of God within God. Knowing future make the play uninteresting.
At one level free will is there, at another level it is not.
Both r seems true according to the level of existence of the person.
2007-05-03 11:44:31
answer #8
answered by dd 6
One does not lead to the other.
Just because we as finite beings have no foreknowledge, does not mean that our futures are not determined, just that we don't know what they are.
You've got a logical fallacy there, there are better ways to attack that problem.
2007-05-03 11:41:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, let's see, if we take the "All-Knowing, All Powerful, Life-Planning GOD" out of this equation, then you have a perfectly rational argument. Adding that we have free will because of an omniscient, omnipotent, life-planning GOD, instead of us each being a singular entity capable of making their own decisions, makes this argument invalid.
Otherwise, yes, you would be correct in your assessment.
2007-05-03 11:45:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous