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I'm thinking about getting a tattoo of my Sons name on the inside of my wrist...I dont have very good pain tolerance. I'm not sure rather to get it on in inside or on top of my wrist. Rate in a 1-10 how bad the pain is and where I should get it ??

Thanx =)

2007-05-03 04:04:55 · 9 answers · asked by Rikki T 1 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

9 answers

do whatever you want

2007-05-05 18:56:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Getting your wrist tattooed does not hurt much at all. I have both my arms completely covered and the wrist was one of the least painful spots.

It doesn't look trashy like the other people said, just make sure your artist uses a good cursive script with drop-shading.
You would want to put them on the inside of your wrist, the outside would not look right.

Pain from 1-10... maybe a 2

2007-05-03 11:21:40 · answer #2 · answered by jjas j 1 · 0 0

Inside of wrist very little pain because it is all muscle. you would think it would hurt there because the skin looks thin there but it doesn't because the bone is far away from the tattoo area. Also the top of the wrist is close to the bone and it hurts more.I have them on both areas so I have first hand experience. Inside the results are better there too because it gets less sun there and the tattoo stays a lot brighter. good luck.

2007-05-03 13:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by thomas m 5 · 0 0

i can tell u now that the inside of your wrist is a lot more sensitive than the top of it. why i don't know. i have 5 tattoos one of which is a heart with butterfly wings. it is fairly detailed but only took about 15mins to complete with coloring it in and all. its on the top of my wrist and of all the tattoos I've gotten that one didn't hurt at all. i would say the pain was a 3 compared to the other 4 i got which range from a 6 to 10. as far as where to get it it depends on how long his name is, if u want it to be seen at all times and what kind of profession u have. i work in a hospital so all mine have to be hidden. the most painful place to get it is the lower part of ur back , your ribs, and i was told ur pressure points but i don't know about that cuz iv'e watched plenty of people get tattoos near the pressure pints in their necks.

2007-05-03 11:22:22 · answer #4 · answered by angel 1 · 0 0

this is great i have that exact tattoo on my wrist for my son and its on the inside and i love it to death it wasnt that painful jus burned a little and hurt a tad when he pulled my skin to finish it...rating it i would say a 4*

2007-05-03 11:25:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

inside of your wrist...pain level about a 2

2007-05-07 00:36:52 · answer #6 · answered by honeybee 4 · 0 0

I heard it is very painful. But, if you want a tattoo of your son place it on your back or upper arm.

2007-05-06 23:40:01 · answer #7 · answered by tanlaask 3 · 0 0

Very pain. But what for? Already out of fashion.

2007-05-03 11:08:31 · answer #8 · answered by Darren 3 · 0 0

I hear it's very painful. (my neighbor got one). Personally..I think it looks trashy. Yes, I have a tattoo...but only where I can see it.

2007-05-03 11:10:40 · answer #9 · answered by 2Bme 4 · 0 0

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