I think priests should be castrated
2007-05-03 00:22:20
answer #1
answered by Flazh 3
The world is against God and is corrupt and unfortunately worldly corruption has seeped into the church so that it is no longer different to the world. The church SHOULD set an example but unfortunately once churches start to think and act like the world around them - horrendous things happen!
Let me give you a picture: The world is the sea and the 'visible' church is a boat - the bat can survive on the water so long as it doesn't take in that water - once that happens the boat sinks!
The visible church (ie those we see outwardly) is sinking in a mess of dodgy doctrines etc because it is on 'sinking' ground! The invisible church (ie those made up of true born again believers) is on the firm and solid ground of the Lord Jesus Christ and we stand against injustice and abuse!
We all sin but I would say that anyone who unrepentantly and unashamedly molests children isn't a true Christian (who would want to do that anyway - it's sick!)
1 Corinthians 6:
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
As a people we have to be wise and discerning about who are true Christians and who are wolves in sheep's clothing - those in the church there to deceive and lead people astray!
2007-05-03 02:05:29
answer #2
answered by Home_educator 4
In the new testament Christians are told not to take their brother before the non-christian court,that complaints of sinfulness and wrong doing are to be dealt with within the church.also that if a man confesses his sin he is to be regarded as forgiven by God and as a reformed man allowed to prove he is changed.
well quite often in the history of certain churches esp. the Catholic church,that also has the privacy of connfession thing going. this has meant giving the confessed criminal the benefit of the doubt that he is indeed a reformed man and allow him and sometimes even aid him to start a new life somewhere else.like for instance,Nazi war criminals and pedophiles.
This belief taken out of context should never been applied to sin that is also considered a societal crime ,but was regarding personal complaints of one christian against one another.
We are also commanded to obey the laws of the land and aren't excused from any punishment meted out by the law if we break the law.
To be fair to the catholics and others that have kept silent about such crimes (but not ever condoning their past behavior) they have made a strong effort to change their policies on how to deal with child molestors.
2007-05-03 01:07:21
answer #3
answered by matowakan58 5
That HAS been done -- too much. It's becoming less common now, because of media scrutiny.
This (the pedophilia scandal, and the Church's horrible mishandling of it) is the reason I stopped being a Roman Catholic. I couldn't put money in a collection plate knowing that that money could possibly be used as hush money to protect a pedophile.
I'm still a Christian, though the whole pedophilia scandal has put a certain strain on my faith. It hit pretty close to home, as my own father was a pedophile.
2007-05-03 00:44:08
answer #4
answered by Skepticat 6
The Catholic church has dealt with it that way.
I don't think that it is the proper way to deal with it. Those offenders should have been prosecuted to the full degree of the law and also should have been excommunicated. To do anything less, makes the Catholic hierarchy as guilty of molestation and pedophilia as their priests who actually did the deeds.
It makes all who claim to be Christians look bad and I deplore the Catholic church for this shameful looking the other way when children's health and welfare were obviously at stake.
2007-05-03 00:22:54
answer #5
answered by nowyouknow 7
Do not quote me but I gather that in the catholic church it operates as follows. A 1st offender gets to say 36 Hail Maries. A 2nd offender gets to say 36 hail maries & goes to bed without his supper. A 3rd offender gets transferred to a remote third world country where the inhabitants are grateful for the goodies the church brings & don't give a hoot about molestations since they normally marry off their 12yr old daughters.
2007-05-03 00:42:50
answer #6
answered by patrick d 2
What the f**k! Ahhhhh i hate relgion or should i say religious people! They think that they are doing good but then you have the loonies that hide behind religion!!!!! That is just plain sick! Why are people like vicars and that always end up as peodeophiles (sorry about spelling)! They are plain sick sick sick! Bloody so called do gooders!
2007-05-03 00:26:01
answer #7
answered by karla o 3
In the Catholic church it has been that way in the past, but the Church has made assurances that that policy has been changed to termination of the guilty priest.
2007-05-03 00:20:46
answer #8
answered by Preacher 6
Yes, that does seem to be the case. Hopefully that will change soon with all of the exposure these stories are getting.
2007-05-03 00:18:09
answer #9
answered by nosycap9 3
Seems so, these things have been covered up for as long as religion has been around.
Its a disgrace.
2007-05-03 00:23:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
yes true the pope moves them on its been on the world news
2007-05-03 02:16:39
answer #11
answered by Anonymous