Baptism cannot be a requirement for salvation. To make it such is an attack on the sufficiency of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
the Bible so clearly tells us that salvation is received by faith alone.
2007-05-02 14:02:50
answer #1
answered by Silver 5
First of all, the Bible does not say that salvation is by faith alone.
As another poster said it originated in the Christian Church by St. John the Baptist but it actually had its origin among the Essene sect of Judaism. It is believed, by some with considerable evidence, that St. John the Baptist, Jesus and at least some of the disciples were of the Essene sect because of some of their Essene practices as well as the fact that the first century Church adopted the Essene Canon rather than the Canon of the Sadducees or the Pharisees.
Baptism is definitely necessary for salvation but there are more than one kind of Baptism:
Baptism of water
Baptism of desire
Baptism of blood
Some Christians may believe that Baptism is optional but the Bible teaches otherwise. Those that deny the necessity of Baptism do not come to this conclusion from Biblical teaching but from theological speculation, according to eisegesis, in support of their own soteriological views.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
Just thought I would correct a few error by others. The Greek word "Baptizmo", in its normal definition does not mean to dip or to immerse but instead means to wash. The first century Church did not necessarily immerse but the methods of Baptism or regenerative washing can be found in the early first century book the "Didache" which allowes several different methods as practiced by the apostolic Church.
For those who believe that jesus was immersed there is no record in
Scripture or elsewhere that Jesus was immersed by John the Baptist. In fact the earliest artists depiction of the Baptism of Jesus shows St. John the Baptist standing in the river Jordan with Jesus and pouring water from a pitcher over Jesus' head. So those saying immersion have no support for their belief.
There are those who oppose Baptism because they call it a work. It is no more a work than is the so called "sinners prayer" that Protestants ask new converts to recite upon acceptance into the faith. In truth, any act of obedience in faith in Jesus prompted by the Holy Spirit done out of love for God is NOT a work but instead the will of the father.
The thief's Baptism was the Baptism of desire.
BTW- Baptism of the Holy Spirit does not refer to the Sacrament of Baptism but instead it refers to gifts of the Holy Spirit rather than what is traditionallly known as Baptism which brings one into the Church.
Baptism should always be in the Trinitarian formula to be valid. Since the JW's are Arian and the Mormons are polytheists, neither of their Baptisms are valid.
2007-05-02 21:22:43
answer #2
answered by cristoiglesia 7
John the Baptist "started" it and Jesus was baptized. He also commanded his disciples to go into all the world preaching the good news and baptizing.
From this I would say that it is pretty important. But, the thief on the Cross was not baptized and I am sure there are many that have been saved on their death bed or died before they truly understood the need and purpose of baptism. So I would say it is important for a mature believer or one that understands the need and if you do not fit the bill Jesus grace is sufficient to see you into the kingdom.
Oh I saw a special on Mormons on PBS and the LDS believe very strongly in baptism. So strong in fact that they have their people proxy baptize for the living and the dead and this is why they have such a huge data base and are foremost in the genealogy field. The Jews even sued them to stop them from making their ancestors gentiles.
2007-05-02 21:18:06
answer #3
answered by crimthann69 6
I thought the same and decided not to get baptized. Ever. I was still saved.
But when the baptism call came 10 years later from the church, I said, "I'll never do it." But God spoke to me and said, "Do it. Now. This is important to Me." I fought the conviction and lost and I did do the dunk that year after all. I did it in a lake, but it can be done in a tub.
I am not completely sure of its importance, but God specifically wanted me to do it even though I had been a Christian for 10 years without being baptized, so I did it.
Not necessary for salvation, but it is a public ritual that is required if you want to actively serve people from your church's ministry. It is a ritual for all to see that your old sin nature goes into the water, but the new you rises in the salvation of Jesus Christ. It publicly identifies you to all who want to see that you are born again and you are serious about this commitment.
I think it was less important for the thief on the cross because he was not going to go into the ministry, but God wants everybody who will come. But the disciples were baptized and so were the converts after them because Christ commissioned them to go out and tell people about Him. I think baptism is more ministry-related.
2007-05-02 21:11:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are groups of christians who believe that if you aren't baptised you aren't saved. They are incorrect however, as it contradicts the doctrine of "salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone".
Firstly, a lot of confusion has arisen due to the misunderstanding of the context of the word 'baptism'. Most denominations and churches focus on the actual ceremony of water baptism. The word baptism comes from Greek word Baptizo meaning "to dip, to immerse". This means that sprinkling water on an infants head as practiced in a lot of churches, is not baptism. The word can be used in a physical sense (such as immersion in water, called "water baptism" or John's baptism of repentance.) . It can also be used in a spiritual sense, e.g. to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself never baptised anyone in water however the bible does say he baptised in the Holy Spirit.
Going by the bible's teaching of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus ALONE, a ceremony of dipping someone in water is not what saves a person. If it was, then salvation would no longer be by God's grace, but a person's own works.
Water baptism is however a response, symbolic of the person's death, burial and resurrection, which in a spiritual sense means their death to their old sins and sinful nature, and coming alive, resurrected in Christ to a new life of good deeds and faith and obedience towards God. (see the book of Romans in the bible). This is the result of faith towards Christ for salvation and this is the baptism which saves. A physical ceremony of immersing someone in water can never change a person if their inward nature is not changed.
However, water baptism should not be rejected because it is an important thing, it is the 'done thing', for christians just like praying, or reading the bible. It is highly symbolic , if not a mystical experience for many, often resulting in a greater awareness of God's presence. The act of being water baptised is not just a symbolic gesture done for a person's family/friends or church but is a sign for showing God in the heavens that a person is serious about their committment to Him. One would wonder, how any christian could disregard such an important thing, and yet still claim to be a serious follower of Christ?
2007-05-02 21:18:02
answer #5
answered by Sporadic 4
I am speaking for the Baptist church.
Baptismal regeneration is the belief that a person must be baptized in order to be saved. It is our contention that baptism is an important step of obedience for a Christian, but we adamantly reject baptism as being required for salvation. We strongly believe that each and every Christian should be water baptized by immersion. Baptism illustrates a believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Romans 6:3-4 declares, “Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” The action of being immersed in the water illustrates being buried with Christ. The action of coming out of the water pictures Christ’s resurrection.
If baptism is necessary for salvation, why would Paul have said, "I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius" (1 Corinthians 1:14)? Why would he have said, "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel - not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power" (1 Corinthians 1:17)? Granted, in this passage Paul is arguing against the divisions that plagued the Corinthian church. However, how could Paul possibly say, “I am thankful that I did not baptize…” or “For Christ did not send me to baptize…” if baptism were necessary for salvation? If baptism is necessary for salvation, Paul would literally be saying, “I am thankful that you were not saved…” and “For Christ did not send me to save…” That would be an unbelievably ridiculous statement for Paul to make. Further, when Paul gives a detailed outline of what he considers the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-8), why does he neglect to mention baptism? If baptism is a requirement for salvation, how could any presentation of the Gospel lack a mentioning of baptism?
2007-05-03 01:35:41
answer #6
answered by Freedom 7
A baptism is a outwardly sign to tell the world that you are a believer in Christ . If it was a requirement to go to heaven then why did Jesus die an unjustly death on the cross for then ?. Ephesians 2:8.9 " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of your selves:it is a gift of God . Not of works , lest any man should boast ".When the thief on the cross became a believer he didn't get baptized, and Jesus said unto him " Today , thou will be with me in paradise ".
2007-05-02 21:16:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, I think you misunderstand Baptist doctrine. They don't believe Baptism is a part of salvation at all.
For my Church, we believe the normative path to salvation is that you enter the Church via baptism, receive the Holy Spirit at chrismation, participate in the Eucharist, believe wholeheartedly, and live a life of repentance and prayer. The normative path also requires that this take place within the Church Christ founded, so we tend to reject other churches as schismatics who broke away from us (now matter how many times removed, it all traces back to a break from the Orthodox Church, even though it's normally via the Roman Catholic Church). They are, thus, outside the Body of Christ (though we don't always rebaptize).
2007-05-02 21:10:00
answer #8
answered by Innokent 4
There are two Baptisms
Baptism of water
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Only Jesus can baptize you with the Holy Spirit. When you make Jesus your Savior, Lord and King and receive forgiveness, you become saved and God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell with you and lead your life.
Regarding Baptism of Water. Jesus commanded that upon being forgiven of sins and accepting him as savior that we be Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a proclamation of your belief to the world. It is also a commandment given to us by Jesus. So, to not be baptized doesn't mean you have not received Jesus as Savior and been forgiven, but it does mean that you are directly disobeying a commandment that he has given. Also, baptism of water does not have to be in a tub, nor does it have to be a Pastor. Baptism can be done wherever you can be immersed into the water and by anyone who is a fellow brother of sister in Christ, a follower of Christ. Baptism or those unable to immerse into water and have it done with sprinkles, I am sure, its satisfactory and understandable to God. Having said all this, one should be baptized upon receiving Christ, as he commands us to do so. If a person was unable to do this for some reason, your gift of salvation is a promise by Jesus that he will keep. God knows your true heart and intention!
2007-05-02 21:11:33
answer #9
answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7
From the bible- when John the Baptist first baptized Jesus so that he was born again.
I grew up Lutheran and we did this when the baby was a few weeks old. I now live in the south where everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to baptize my son. So I can't say that any one church does it the same- even in the same sect?
2007-05-02 21:04:16
answer #10
answered by wonder woman 3
It's a must. There are two schools of thought:
1. It's a mere act of obedience and does not save you.
2. It's upon believing baptism that your sins are washed away.
In neither case are believers in Christ free to forego it.
2007-05-02 21:03:18
answer #11
answered by Anonymous