No. You will not get an honest answer and that is why you should not ask for only answers from JW's and Mormons. If I were personally an African American I would not want anything to do with any religion that had poor records when it comes to people of color. Anyway, to answer your question neither religion has or had a good ethnic record. The JW's put on this big act like they are blind to all color but no one of color is in any position of power in that religion. That alone sends up red flags for me. Please see my profile there is one question I answer about JW's and get best answer from an ex-JW. Oh you will get JW's that say there are Black elders but what they won't say is if there are any Blacks in the true power positions, the body of people that handle the religion, i.e. the watchtower society. The powers that handle the money the cult takes in, I can guarantee no ethic people handle that except the small change they take in door to door. The Mormons use (use to, not now) to come right out and say that Judas was black and killed Christ and how could you trust someone like that? I actually had a Mormon say it to me just like that once but that was back around 1976. However, in the Mormons defense they are really trying to mend the ways of their past and they have in fact put people of color in positions of power. See to me a position of power for any ethnic group is important because that is like saying the religion wants to make changes.
The plan and simple truth is you do not want to trust anything a JW says. Please see my profile to get clearer on that reason. The question in my profile is about the JW's. The question asker gave me best answer but I got 9 (and still counting) or more thumbs down and you can bet they are all JW's.
2007-05-02 19:08:15
answer #1
answered by Shellback 6
Here's some information about Mormonism's past racist doctrines:
The first edition of the Pearl of Great Price, including the "Book of Moses" and the "Book of Abraham," is printed (see 1835d cross-dates). Moses 7:8 and Abraham 1:21-27 become "scriptural basis" for denying priesthood to Blacks of African descent (see 1854b cross-dates).
Brigham Young reiterates his stance on the Blacks gaining the Priesthood. "And when all the rest of the children have received their blessing in the Holy Priesthood, then that curse shall be removed from the seed of Cain, and they will then come up and possess the priesthood, and receive all the blessings which we now are entitled to" (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 11, p. 272). (See 1854b cross-dates.)
Joseph Fielding Smith, who would become the tenth prophet, explains further about Blacks and the Mormon Priesthood. "Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race. A curse was placed upon him and that curse has been continued through his lineage and must do so while time endures. Millions of souls have come into this world cursed with a black skin and have been denied the privilege of Priesthood and the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel" (The Way to Perfection, p. 101; emphasis added). (See 1854b cross-dates.)
Spencer W. Kimball claims to receive revelation giving all "worthy males" the priesthood (Deseret News, June 9). This likewise grants permission to the Black race to be married in the Mormon temple and removes any built-in immunity Blacks had against becoming Mormons. (See 1854b cross-dates.)
2007-05-05 19:43:13
answer #2
answered by pumped up! whoo hoo! 3
Misled in what way? if you're talking about our choice in religion then you've got it wrong. Technically protestants are on the same footing as catholics. You separated from the Catholic church or from offshoots of the Catholic church. So if the Catholic church was wrong you were all wrong with them. If they are the true church than you're all apostates and traitors. I believe JW's are a form of protestantism. Mormons are not an offshoot of any existing church. We are the official restoration of the church Christ organized through Peter back in ancient times. This time he restored through Joseph Smith. So I guess the only logical religions for Christians would be the Catholics or the Mormons. Its really the only way to make sure you have a 50% chance of picking the right religion.
2016-05-19 00:28:29
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Other than the fact that blacks of African descent didn't hold the priesthood until 1978, we had no "racist" doctrines. I won't deny that some of our past leaders had some rather racist notions. And that the people of Utah can seem rather racist. But it's not THE CHURCH that teaches racism. And I read that we were one of the very few churches in the 19th and early 20th centuries that didn't segregate their congregations on raceor sex or anything.
2007-05-05 07:11:43
answer #4
answered by mormon_4_jesus 7
I note from your questions that you are more anit-Bible than anti-JWs, and just because you are using an Avatar that appears to be of African origin, does not mean you are or care what the answer is to this questionable allegation, but I will give it a swing.
When I was young (B/W TV, Elvis being drafted), I lived in Sacramento, CA. The Congregation Overseer was a white man married to a black woman. In South Africa, black and whites attended the same congregation, despite threats from the police.
You're so far off base that you have gone into orbit. Yes, there will always be individuals whose attitudes toward other segments of the human race are less then acceptable. It is one of those things any good Christian has to fight to overcome.
2007-05-02 11:39:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course. There is nothing to hide. For one thing unless we willingly view our history how can we grow? Personally I have read on here 2 or 3 times people mentioning the "Racist Doctrines" we used to have. Honestly I have yet to see ANYONE on Y!A offer anything to prove the claims that we Witnesses have a racist history.
2007-05-02 12:25:26
answer #6
answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7
Mormons have long stood against slavery from the early days in our country. There is on record that many blacks had joined the exodus to Utah, being in full membership, but lacking the priesthood.
I say to you in all sincerity that Mormons as a rule do not harbor a racist attitude toward blacks or anyone else.
Today we have in our Church membership increasing numbers of blacks and other racial ethnicities. I think it is truly unfair of you and others to profess that the LDS Church has racist tendencies.
2007-05-02 09:41:09
answer #7
answered by Guitarpicker 7
Dear Jessica,
If neither the Watchtower Witnesses nor the Mormons tell the TRUTH about Jesus Christ, why would a person expect them to tell the Truth on any religious subject?
Both man-made religions have added to and subtracted from God's Word and that is not acceptable in God's sight.
For His glory,
2007-05-06 07:23:30
answer #8
answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7
The premise of this question is false. Jehovah's Witnesses have a stellar record since their beginnings. Occasionally an anti-Witness will unearth some quote with terms such as "colored" while ignoring the wide acceptance of such terms in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Learn more:
2007-05-02 14:13:33
answer #9
answered by achtung_heiss 7
Sometimes JW's get tossed in the same can as LDS. I've never been aware of any overt racial arrogance on behalf of JWs, but racial purity is not an integral part of their doctrine.
Racial purity is essential to mormonism. You won't get to the highest level of heaven as a black man or woman.
Most of the early teachings are found within the Journal of Discourses, a record of talks given at various church conferences. More recent tirades by church leaders are found in past issues of church magazines like "Ensign".
Mormons aren't comfortable with their history like christians aren't with evolution.
2007-05-02 14:25:25
answer #10
answered by Dances with Poultry 5