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Throughout last 2,000 years Christians have killed each other and cursed those who attend other Christian churches and burned them at the stake. So why should I follow a religion of HATE. I'd rather follow God. Than a man made religion. Look at all the 1000s of different churches each saying they are then true church. Why can't Chrisitians unite?

2007-05-02 00:49:30 · 17 answers · asked by aroundworldsports 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Because knowing and practicing what is preached are two different things.

2007-05-02 00:53:28 · answer #1 · answered by WC 7 · 2 0

Because...unfortunately the world is full of people who can't over themselves and make up stuff (take the Middle Ages for example)
There are so many different denominations of Christians and though we all believe in the same God, many interpret it differently...
It 's a sad, sad world

However, Christianity is a religion full of love...in God's family, everyone is brothers and sisters in Christ...
God knows who the "true" Christian is, and that's all that matters.
If a "real" Christian had to die for God, he would do it willingly

2007-05-02 01:07:48 · answer #2 · answered by all4gym08 2 · 0 0

I imagine it really is because many so reported as Christians have done acts of what non-Christians have felt develop into hateful. no longer to assert the different ones were suitable both...yet countless hate and persecution has been contained in the call of Christ. persons are tender and speedy responsible the religion as an finished, no longer the followers who've performed incorrect. a lot of human beings do not make the effort to study the conception structures of yet another human beings to boot, even in a scholarly way. even although i'm no longer a Christian, and characteristic no favor to be one, i'm attracted to reading the texts and mythology...as i'm Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan etc. that is my opinion that more desirable information and recognition can bridge gaps of intolerance. yet I digress.

2016-11-24 20:20:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I the world's view is if it quacks like a duck waddles like a duch it must be a duch. Well many of us act the role of Christians but aren't really living it on a fulltime basis. As long as you have man you will have the discord among others. There is no perfect church -- whatever demonination. If one does find a perfect church they better not join. It won't be perfect anymore. A true christian will be known by it's fruit not them screaming words of hate.

2007-05-02 01:05:42 · answer #4 · answered by TFCF Ministry 5 · 0 0

Simply because we do not live it as Jesus instructed,it`s pure and simple message has become lost for many people,Jesus never said beat one another to death over Me but love one another,there are too many divisions now for Christianity to shine out as it once did and every day there are arguments over scripture and church laws.
Thankfully though all is not lost,there are good and humble people cutting through the dross and actually bringing the real message of love and hope to others,seems llike we have to seek these out at times.

2007-05-02 00:58:01 · answer #5 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 1 0

If someone is a Christian, they are supposed to be acting like Christ. Sorry to say, there are lots of ignorant people out there that CLAIM to be Christian, but they're not showing the great love of Christ. My goal as a Christian is to be Christ-like. I'll never walk on water in this body, but I want to show the love of Christ in every way possible.

2007-05-02 01:00:48 · answer #6 · answered by afewideas 3 · 0 0

First of all wars and killings were done in the name of religion.
That is not Christianity. Only God knows the true Christian
in the heart. Arrogance and their sinful flesh is why they can't
unite. Jesus Christ will do it all when He returns!

2007-05-02 01:04:51 · answer #7 · answered by war~horse 4 · 1 0

So hatred is a characteristic of Christians? You are disinformed. It is a characteristic of humankind, and YOU are part of it, I suppose.
During the last century, Jews Bolsheviks in Russia made 60,000,000 Christian "disappear". It means it was a good thing for you?
Palestinians are killed every day by the same ethnic group. Are they still good?
Give us a break.

2007-05-02 00:57:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is a concept of betterment, competion ,exclusion and survival of the church that make Christian spread teaching that way. If they can reduce their fear and accept the truth that there are other possible ways to God, they can be more loving and follow the real teaching of Christ.

2007-05-02 00:57:54 · answer #9 · answered by Weerapat P. 4 · 0 1

Theres a fine line between loving someone for God and hating someone for Gods sake

sometimes people think these are synonymous and conclusive

who knows?

2007-05-02 00:54:11 · answer #10 · answered by Antares 6 · 0 0

The fact is, they can't.
They are so parochial and bigoted after being indoctrinated and brainwashed by their respective sect. Yet they want to get more people to join them to get into trouble understanding a story book....well, maybe two. The old one and the new one...maybe three, the more distorted one. Umm...are there more? Yup, like you said 1000s of them.

2007-05-02 00:57:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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