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The bible tells us that in the latter times that many false christ will be preached and to beware that even if a angles give you another gosple do not heed there voice.

The bible also tell us that to die with out salvation before death,is to suffer the eternal fire of hell.

The mormons have collected the names of 20 percent of all the people that ever lived and in there temples preforms a form of baptising the dead. Claiming they will be saved.
Yeat these people never will recieve salvation because they did not recieve Jesus the Christ while on earth. They are already condeemed and await the judgement. They never heard his voice and they rejected him and are subject to Hell and the penalty of that rejection and there sin.

Jesus after he died went to hell and preached the gosple to all
the dead at the end of the days, He steped across to the end of days. So is this not a pure proof that the mormons are a cult
pure and simple, they are trying to do what Jesus did already?

2007-05-01 18:01:59 · 13 answers · asked by the light exposes the darkenss 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

religion is religion is religion is religion.

Catholic, Hindu, Mormon, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddist, etc.

it's all the same - faith in the blind and non-proveable

so, get off your high horse theist

2007-05-01 18:08:02 · answer #1 · answered by countbehavior 5 · 2 3

Well your interpretation of what we teach/believe is a little off...but let me try to clarify.
Think about those people who lived that never had the chance to hear the gospel or even accept it... that's not very fair to comdemn them to hell just because they weren't born at the right time now is it? How would you feel? Is that fair??? No. God is fair and just, he has to be or He would cease to be "God". He HAS to allow all to have the choice to accept or reject the gospel. When is their chance? Only He knows...it could be on this earth or it could be after, before the final judgement. That is why we perform those saving ordinances for our ancestors...so that they may have to chance, if they accept, to repent and gain eternal exaltation. It goes much deeper than that, but that is the sum-up.
Also, when you speak of "death" remember there are two deaths - spiritual and physical...interpretation, correct interpretation, will let you know which is which.
Christ himself preached to those in what we call "spirit prison" who either never had to chance to accept or hear the gospel in this life or heard it and didn't accept it. Those in spirit paradise also preach to those in spirit prison... all awaiting the millenium and final judgement.
And an angel giving another gospel? God the Father and Jesus Christ personally spoke with Joseph Smith and they instructed him on restoring the gospel, not "making up" a new and different gospel. If people would stay away from all those stereotypes about the church and actually study the Book of Mormon along with the bible, they would find out the two go hand in hand together and compliment one another.

2007-05-02 09:12:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No one has yet quote 1 Corinthians 15:29. Although this is merely a passing reference during a chapter about something else, it demonstrates that baptism for the dead was widely practiced by the Church in Paul's day - and that Paul did not object to it.

I will never worship a God who condemns to Hell people who have not accepted his Son as their Saviour because they have never heard of him. The God I worship offers all His children the chance to accept Jesus, and to be baptised, whether in this life or, by proxy, in the next, thus ensuring their salvation.

2007-05-05 11:57:06 · answer #3 · answered by sunnyannie 5 · 1 0

St. John 3:5 "Jesus answered, verily, verily i say unto thee, Except a man be born of water AND of the spirit, he cannot enter in the kingdom of God." Jesus said it Himself, you must be baptized to enter in the kingdom. He preached that they might recieve His word which is also essential. But i don't remember the bible ever saying that He baptized all that He taught that were in hell-but Jesus said it is essential. And the Bible states that Jesus commanded this. It's funny that you would be concerned with this. If Mormonism is not correct, and baptism in proxy for the dead is not something that will aid in their salvation, than you've got nothing to worry about. Why are you concerned with something that you believe has no berying, that is false, and will achieve nothing. If you really fear this, than deep down you must wonder if it does count. If we truly can baptize for the dead. Otherwise why even bother. Jesus taught by example. Jesus did not need to be baptzied, He was perfect. Baptism is to cleanse one of sin. He was baptized because all men must born of water as it clearly states in the Bible. And told John the Baptist this. So why would others be exempt. We believe all will have to opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus. And as they did on this earth, they will have the right to choose. As with the ordinance of the baptism. They can choose to reject the baptism if they want. So what's it hurting. And as far as a cult, I think you might want to look the definition up. What cult in the history of the world has ever:
extended over 12 million worldwide
strongly stress high morals and family values
love your nieghbor and respect all no matter what (don't ahve to agree with them or like what they are doing but it is a requirement to love them)
Come to the aid of those in need worldwide
And bring a sense of community and high standards
Honest in their dealings
and continually strive to live Christ like lives
- you may not like us, or agree with our doctrine, but that in no ways makes us a cult.

2007-05-01 19:10:28 · answer #4 · answered by pono7 5 · 2 1

Here you go again. Your question just shows the unmerciful God which you worship. Not all people that have walked this earth have had the opportunity to know of Jesus Christ. Surely God would not send them to hell because of this missed opportunity. And Jesus did go amongst the Spirits of the dead, even from the time of Noah and those that perished in the flood, to preach unto them. And if they accept? They will need to be baptized. For, unless a man is reborn by water and the spirit, he can in nowise inherit the kingdom of heaven.

PS. It is not the Mormon Churches....it is The Chruch of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints! (I think this is quite important and tells it all)

2007-05-01 18:08:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

You are so correct! The Bible tells us in Romans 1:18-23 says

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. "

This describes Mormonism to a T. Their excuse that not all have heard the truth is refuted in the Bible. Further more, their foolish hearts are darkened- we see this in their belief that God achieved godhood and that they will be gods after Him.

Of course, they do not really believe the Bible. They just claim to so people will see them as "normal" instead of the dangerous cult they are. They lead millions to hell each year.

2007-05-02 04:54:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

So, God hates those who never even had the chance to hear about the gospel and accept or reject it on their own? Why would He do that?

A loving god who would make specific requirements, and then not allow the person to meet these requirements, is not one I wnat to worship.

2007-05-01 20:54:55 · answer #7 · answered by mormon_4_jesus 7 · 3 1

i fail to understand why you'd have your boxers in a wad over something like this. what possible harm can it do if Mormon folks perform baptisms for dead strangers? if it gives them a feeling of doing a goodness and feeling closer to their God concept for that who are they hurting? ain't hurting the dead folks, that's fer sure.

2007-05-01 18:20:59 · answer #8 · answered by nebtet 6 · 5 0

form histoical and anthropological standpoint, All religion started as a cult and gained th term "religion" by surving the test of time. Mormonism is still a cult and time will tell ......

2007-05-01 18:11:45 · answer #9 · answered by highreason2 2 · 2 1

Learn English, for chrissake.

2007-05-01 18:04:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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