You know Markyyy, I asked for an explanation, and he totally ignored me. He didn't call, didn't send me a letter, didn't even post an explanation on the internet.
A whole bunch of people made excuses for him, but he never once came up to me as a man and said, "you know what? I'm sorry I lied to you." He just left town, and I haven't heard from him since.
Some of my friends say he talks to them, but he avoids me. I think he's scared I might ask for my money back.
2007-05-01 12:05:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That's not how the story goes, Marky.
Adam was created from dust Eve was created from Adam.
Evolution doesn't prove that biological matter isn't biological matter, it doesn't disprove the biological cycle of the elements, it rests quite firmly on it.
The Big Bang theory recognises that dimensions came into existence when the universe started to inflate and physics is trying to reconcile the beginning of billions of years of dimensions with quantum consistency.. that's not an easy thing to do cause it verges on metaphysics and it is hard to reconcile an empirical history with Quantum.... but our ideas of empirical history will change and it will look more like God creating Days (light - being) separate from Night (darkness - void) when it is done, the lie is not in the book as far as I can see. In the correct context it will be seen that creation of seeding and growth cycles had to proceed stars and that in a atemporal universe that would mean plant seeds were, in a creation sense, before stars.
Non locality is the rule, start there.
@Breakfast, if this is life, why isn't it real?
2007-05-01 12:52:43
answer #2
answered by Monita C 3
God does not lie.
All the elements found in the human body are also found in dust.
If you take the creative days to mean literal 24 hour periods, than you are more of a "fundie" than I am.
Genesis 1:1, 2 relates to a time before the six “days” outlined above. When these “days” commenced, the sun, moon, and stars were already in existence, their creation being referred to at Genesis 1:1. However, prior to these six “days” of creative activity “the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep.” (Ge 1:2) Apparently, a swaddling band of cloud layers still enveloped the earth, preventing light from reaching its surface.
When God said on Day One, “Let light come to be,” diffused light evidently penetrated the cloud layers even though the sources of that light could not yet be discerned from the earth’s surface. It seems that this was a gradual process, as is indicated by translator J. W. Watts: “And gradually light came into existence.” (Ge 1:3, A Distinctive Translation of Genesis) God brought about a division between the light and the darkness, calling the light Day and the darkness Night. This indicates that the earth was rotating on its axis as it revolved around the sun, so that its hemispheres, eastern and western, could enjoy periods of light and darkness. (Ge 1:3, 4)
The expression “Let light come to be” was used. The Hebrew word there used for “light” is ’ohr, meaning light in a general sense. But on the fourth “day,” the Hebrew word changes to ma·’ohr′, which refers to a luminary or source of light. (Ge 1:14) So, on the first “day” diffused light evidently penetrated the swaddling bands, but the sources of that light could not have been seen by an earthly observer. Now, on the fourth “day,” things evidently changed.
It is also noteworthy that at Genesis 1:16 the Hebrew verb ba·ra’′, meaning “create,” is not used. Instead, the Hebrew verb ‛a·sah′, meaning “make,” is employed. Since the sun, moon, and stars are included in “the heavens” mentioned in Genesis 1:1, they were created long before Day Four. On the fourth day God proceeded to “make” these celestial bodies occupy a new relationship toward earth’s surface and the expanse above it. When it is said, “God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth,” this would indicate that they now became discernible from the surface of the earth, as though they were in the expanse. Also, the luminaries were to “serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years,” thus later providing guidance for man in various ways. (Ge 1:14)
2007-05-01 12:14:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Actually, evolution does prove Adam and Eve were created from the dust of the earth. The earth has certain minerals that are present in the stars of the universe. Man has the same minerals in him that the dust of the earth and the stars are made up of.
2007-05-09 11:25:21
answer #4
answered by Chloe 4
For me, evolution magnifies what God did. It shows that his days are not our days and that he took time to perfect his creation. If you look at evolution, see how it began..was not the beginning a living creature beginning from dust and evolving into man until God saw him/her as good? Does that living creature have to begin as we look today...or, could it possible be that God created a male entity and a female entity and they evolved into what man is today. The story of creation is not a lie, it explains in simplistic terms that God created all. The truth is God did create man and woman. the truth is, man and woman turned against God. There is no other truth. Or, do you honestly believe that how nature works, how are own bodies work, could possibly just happen?
2007-05-09 00:52:59
answer #5
answered by suziebach 1
These werent Gods words.
Man wrote The Bible.
As for men;Your trust was broken. It may be a possibility that it will be broken again. However there is also the possibility that some others will not break your trust.
To say that you will always be lied to would be an overgeneralization, and unhelpful for you in the longterm.
2007-05-01 12:08:56
answer #6
answered by RadicalReason 4
You should not forgive God. He has done nothing wrong to you. Just accept that human knowledge and wisdom has its limits. Be thankful that God made it simplier for us to know that we were made from dust and he just breathe to give us life. Imagine, If God will try to explain to us the details of his creation, The whole earth could not contain the books that will be written for that ;).
2007-05-08 21:13:19
answer #7
answered by sherwin 2
When talking about God, you don't add science in the mix. Of course evolutionists are going to disprove God. God cannot lie. God is perfect. If you start doubting, you stop believing. All you ever need to know about God and Jesus is in the Bible.
2007-05-09 07:00:32
answer #8
answered by phenomenalerin 1
My parents told me that there was a tooth fairy and an easter bunny, and Old St. Nick. When I asked them what would happen if I didn't believe in them, they said the tooth fairy, and the easter bunny, and santa wouldn't come any more. So I still believe, and they still show up every year, and I'm in my late 30's. The truth is relative, and my truth will be different than yours.
2007-05-09 09:38:23
answer #9
answered by Penny K 6
Evolution theory is a theory. God does not lie. People lie. God forgives when we ask forgiveness. : )
God told us how it happened, I believe Him. He was there when that happened. Jesus confirmed the Old Testament. So if the creation is confirmed by Jesus, I very much trust how it happened. : )
2007-05-01 13:34:22
answer #10
answered by SeeTheLight 7