Start with reading Genesis 1:24-31. Here is a basic form of logic called a syllogism:
T. Rex is a land animal.
Land animals were made on day 6.
Therefore, T. Rex was made on day 6.
So, according to the Bible, dinosaurs lived beside man. Dinosaurs were made on day six of the creation week the same as man; they were beasts of the earth.
Then look at Genesis 6:18-20 about Noah and the animals. It doesn’t say two of every kind except dinosaurs. Now, keep in mind that God brought the animals to Noah; it says they will “come to you”; he didn’t have to go out and catch them. If dinosaurs got on the ark, then dinosaurs got off the ark.
And then read Job 40:15-24. Job was questioning God because of his suffering, and so God comes and challenges Job with His creation.
Many people say, “Job 40 can’t be speaking of a dinosaur.” They say that, not because the description of Behemoth doesn’t fit, but because of their preconceived conception that man and dinosaurs didn’t live together.
The margin of the NIV says, “Possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant.” Something to keep in mind—the footnotes are not a part of the original text.
Well, the tail of an elephant or hippo is like a twig, not a cedar (most dogs have longer tails). Throughout the Scriptures, cedars were known for their great size and length. Nothing on earth today fits this description, but a sauropod type of dinosaur does. The largest we have found was over 120 feet long. That sounds to me like the “chief”—not a hippo.
And then in Job 41, God describes the Leviathan (Isaiah 27:1 calls it the dragon in the sea.)
The margin of the NIV says, “Possibly the crocodile.” But the description again doesn’t fit any animal alive today. Besides, man has never had a problem catching crocodiles, even primitive tribes, but God says in Job 41 that Leviathan couldn’t be caught.
Some think this was just a mythical creature since it speaks of it breathing fire. And yes, Job is a poetic book and those could just be poetic descriptions. But not necessarily. Impossible you say? What about the electric eel that can produce enough electricity to stun a horse? If the electric eel was extinct and all we could find were its fossils, would we be able to know that it could generate electricity? Nope. What about the firefly and anglerfish that can produce light? What about the bombardier beetle that can fire a boiling mixture of chemicals at its enemies that is 212 degrees Fahrenheit?
Why couldn’t God have created certain water-living reptiles that were capable of expelling hot gaseous fumes that could ignite? Most animals produce methane anyway, which is a flammable gas. Stories of fire-breathing dragons have circulated for thousands of years.
Also, keep in mind that Behemoth and Leviathan were included along with real creatures that Job knew about. Read Job sometime.
In Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah speaks of flying serpents [reptiles]. I also find it interesting that Herodotus, the Greek Historian who lived around 450 BC wrote about flying serpents in Arabia. He talked about finding their bones and described their snake-like bodies and bat-like wings. And the Jewish historian from the first century, Josephus, wrote about Moses and the Israelites having a difficult time passing through a particular region because of the presence of flying serpents. I think they were speaking of one of the pterosaurs like the pterodactyl, pteranodon, or rhamphorhynchus.
If the Bible is right about dinosaurs and man, you would expect to find legends of dinosaurs in history. Why don’t we read stories about men fighting dinosaurs or dinosaurs eating people’s cows and stuff like that? Well, most people are unaware that the word “dinosaur” was not coined until the 1840s by Sir. Richard Owen (who was a Creationist by the way). So, if these creatures lived alongside humans prior to that time, they were not called dinosaurs. So what were they called? Dragons. Most cultures throughout the world possess ancient stories about dragons and sea monsters that closely resemble what we today would call dinosaurs. For instance, the flag of Wales depicts a dragon, which by the way, is claimed by some to be the oldest national flag still in use. Dragon stories have been handed down for generations in most civilizations. No doubt many of these stories have been exaggerated through the years, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have their original basis in fact. I believe many of the dragon legends are simply distorted versions of dinosaur encounters.
So where did they go? Countries all over the world have stories of dragon slayers. Perhaps man killed them for food, sport, or because they were a nuisance. I think we just didn’t start our endangered species programs early enough.
Another thing, is that there have been (even recently) reports of strange animals in the Amazon and the Congo that sound a lot like dinosaurs. And there are reports of giant flying reptiles in Indonesia, and so forth. There are thousands of square miles of almost impenetrable swamps and thick jungle in the world. Natives in some of these places describe beasts that fit with what just might be dinosaurs. And what about all the sightings of lake monsters? This is a field called cryptozoology—the search for hidden animals. There just might be a few dinosaurs left, teetering on the edge of extinction. We are constantly discovering new species of animals and plants in remote areas. A tree can’t run away and hide and yet the Wollemi Pine Tree avoided detection until just recently (said to have become extinct millions of years ago).
2007-05-01 12:30:37
answer #1
answered by Questioner 7
Hey ray is right. The book of Job chapter 40 describes what only can be a dinosaur it is call Behemoth. Job is a man who was part of the peoples of the world and the dinosaur was on the earth at that time also. That time period ended when God flooded the world globally (not Noah's flood). Right after that is where Genesis starts at verse 2, " Now the earth was made void (global flood referred to) . Gen v 3 , and God said on the first day "let there be light" etc. Then God creates things on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th , and 5th days. On the 6th day God said let's create man ( all the races of the world except one) in our image. On the 7th day God didn't create anything. It was after that, obviously the 8th day God created Adam ( the man) and Eve. They were the last race to be created and they were the first Jews. And remember now I told you that the races of the earth were created on the 6th day ( 2 days before Adam and Eve) and it was with these races of the 6th day that Adams sons procreated. There was no incest or inbreeding involved. And you can take that to the bank.
2007-05-01 14:39:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you believe the bible, the dinosaurs were created before Adam and Eve were created. This all happened about 4004 BC. Of course, this is the first creation story (Genesis 1).
In the second creation story (Genesis 2) Adam was created first, after the plants but before all the animals and before Eve. Then god created all the animals (including, presumably, the dinosaurs). Then last god created Eve. The 4004 BC date still holds.
If you believe reality, the dinosaurs were long gone before humanity began to diverge from the other primates. The dinosaurs were wiped out about 65,000,000 BC while the genus homo (in the form of the species homo habilis) arose around 4,000,000 BC or 3,000,000 BC.
2007-05-01 11:42:17
answer #3
answered by Dave P 7
We don't really know how dinosaurs fit into the biblical record because the bible doesn't address them. Some Christians believe there was life on the planet before Satan was thrown out of hell, and that Satan messed everything up. Some think that is where all the weird animals and humanoids came from.
But no one knows for sure.
Some people believe that the Lord had to re-create earth with modern day humans after that .
2007-05-01 11:50:42
answer #4
answered by Eartha Q 6
2007-05-01 11:41:43
answer #5
answered by Maus 7
Who says that dinosaurs ever existed? After all isn't it at least
a remote possibility that all those bones are fake?
The words behemoth and laviathon have been argued over for a long time as to whether they mean dinosaurs or not. It is not something relevant to salvation so it is not very important which came first, although the Bible says humans were last.
Honestly I don't really care if there were dinosaurs or not because their existence or lack of it won't do anything to destroy my faith in God who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things and all people.
2007-05-01 11:44:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They were created a long long time after. Please read Genesis 1:1" In the beginning God created the heaven and Earth."
Now from this scripture to the next one in verse 2 is a span of years that nobody knows for certain, thousands and thousands and or possibly millions.
In verse 1 God created the heavens then after that he created the Earth. The name Earth means dry ground. So in verse
1 God created the dry ground.
Genesis 1:2" And the Earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
So you see sometime after verse 1 before verse 2 there was a great flood as the Earth was submerged under water.
It is in this gap period that many prehistoric things can be placed.
2007-05-01 11:52:56
answer #7
answered by 3
At the same time.
Adam and Eve even had some dinosaurs helping them do the dishes and such.
2007-05-01 11:42:24
answer #8
answered by ? 6
we were the last creation according to the Genesis account. But according to the Bible, man and 'saur co-existed, as the Leviathan and Behemoth are both mentioned as living creatures.
2007-05-01 11:41:09
answer #9
answered by Hey, Ray 6
Nah they were created after the GEICO cave man
2007-05-01 11:41:50
answer #10
answered by Lori B 6