"And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Periqlytos, that he may stay with you for ever" (John xiv. 16, etc.).
"Periqlytos" Means "Ahmad"
The Holy Qur'an (ch.61:6 ) declares that Jesus announced unto the people of Israel the coming of Ahmad: "And when Jesus, the son of Mary said: 'Children of Israel, I am sent to you by Allah to confirm the Torah that is before me, and to give news of a Messenger who will come after me whose name shall be Ahmad.' Yet when he came to them with clear proofs, they said: 'This is clear sorcery.'"
8 answers
asked by
ayman a
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
(a) The Syriac Pshittha, while writing "Paraqleita," does not even in a glossary give its meaning. But the Vulgate translates it into "consolator" or "consoler." If I am not mistaken the Aramaic form must have been "Mhamda" or "Hamida"' to correspond with the Arabic "Muhammad" or "Ahmad" and the Greek 'Periqlyte."
The interpretation of the Greek word in the sense of consolation does not imply that the name Periqlyte itself is the consoler, but the belief and the hope in the promise that he will come "to console the early Christians. The expectation that Jesus would come down again in glory before many of his auditors had "tasted the death" had disappointed them, and concentrated all their hopes in the coming of the Periqlyte.
11:40:17 ·
update #1
(b) The Qur'anic revelation that Jesus, the son of Mary, declared unto the people of Israel that he was "bringing glad tidings of a messenger, who shall come after me and whose name shall be Ahmad," is one of the strongest proofs that Prophet Muhammad was truly a Prophet and that the Qur'an is really a Divine Revelation. He could never have known that the Periqlyte meant Ahmad, unless through inspiration and Divine Revelation. The authority of the Qur'an is decisive and final; for the literal signification of the Greek name exactly and indisputably corresponds with Ahmad and Muhammad.
Indeed, the Angel Gabriel, or the Holy Spirit, seems even to have distinguished the positive from the superlative form the former signifying precisely Muhammad and the latter Ahmad
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update #2
It is marvelous that this unique name, never before given to any other person, was miraculously preserved for the most Illustrious and Praiseworthy Prophet of Allah! We never come across any Greek bearing the name Periqleitos (or Periqlytos), nor any Arab bearing the name of Ahmad. True, there was a famous Athenian called Periqleys which means "illustrious," etc., but not in the superlative degree.
(c) It is quite clear from the description of the Fourth Gospel that Periqlyte is a definite person, a created holy spirit, who would come and dwell in a human body to perform and accomplish the prodigious work assigned to him by God, which no other man, including Moses, Jesus, and any other prophet, had ever accomplished
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update #3
We, of course, do not deny that the disciples of Prophet Jesus did receive the Spirit of God, that the true converts to the faith of Jesus were hallowed with the Holy Spirit, and that there were numerous Unitarian Christians who led a saintly and righteous life. On the day of the Pentecost - that is, ten days after the Ascension of Jesus Christ - the Spirit of God descended upon the disciples and other believers numbering one hundred and twenty persons, in the form of tongues of fire (Acts ii.); and this number, which had received the Holy Spirit in the form of one hundred and twenty tongues of fire, was increased unto three thousand souls who were baptized, but were not visited by the flame of the Spirit. Surely one definite Spirit cannot be divided into six-score of individuals. By the Holy Spirit, unless definitely described as a personality, we may understand it to be God's power, grace, gift, action, and inspiration
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Jesus had promised this heavenly gift and power to sanctify, enlighten, strengthen, and teach his flock; but this Spirit was quite different from the Periqlyte who alone accomplished the great work which Jesus and after him the Apostles were not authorized and empowered to accomplish, as we shall see later.
(d) The early Christians of the first and second centuries relied more upon tradition than upon writings concerning the new religion. Papias and others belong to this category. Even in the lifetime of the Apostles several sects, pseudochrists, Antichrists, and false teachers, tore asunder the Church (I John ii. 18-26; 2 Thess. ii. 1-12; 2 Peter ii. iii. 1; John 7-13; 1 Tim. iv. 1-3; 2 Tim. iii. 1-13; etc.). The "believers" are advised and exhorted to stick to and abide by the Tradition, namely, the oral teaching of the Apostles. These so-called "heretical" sects, such as the Gnostics, Apollinarians, Docetae, and others,
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appear to have no faith in the fables, legends, and extravagant views about the sacrifice and the redemption of Jesus Christ as contained in many fabulous writings spoken of by Luke (i. 1-4). One of the heresiarchs of a certain sect - whose name has escaped my memory - actually assumed "Periqleitos" as his name, pretending to be "the most praiseworthy" Prophet foretold by Jesus, and had many followers. If there were an authentic Gospel authorized by Jesus Christ or by all the Apostles, there could be no such numerous sects, all opposed to the contents of the books contained in or outside the existing New Testament. We can safely infer from the action of the pseudo-Periqlyte that the early Christians considered the promised "Spirit of Truth" to be a person and the final Prophet of God.
There is not the slightest doubt that by "Periqlyte," Prophet Muhammad, i.e. Ahmad, is intended. The two names, one in Greek and the other in Arabic, have precisely the same signification, and both mean
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both mean the "most Illustrious and Praised," just as "Pneuma" and "Ruh." mean nothing more or less than "Spirit" in both languages. We have seen that the translation of the word into "consoler" or "advocate" is absolutely untenable and wrong. The compound form of Paraqalon is derived from the verb composed of the prefix-Para-qalo, but the Periqlyte is derived from the Peri-qluo. The difference is as clear as anything could be. Let us examine, then, the marks of the Periqlyte which can only be found in Ahmad - Prophet Muhammad.
(a) Prophet Muhammad alone revealed the whole truth about God, His Oneness, religion, and corrected the impious libels and calumnies written and believed against Himself and many of His holy worshipers.
Jesus is reported to have said about Periqlyte that he is "the Spirit of Truth," that he "will give witness" concerning the true nature of Jesus and of his mission (John xiv. 17; xv. 26).
12:05:05 ·
update #7
In his discourses and orations Jesus speaks of the pre-existence of his own spirit (John viii. 58 xvii. 5, etc.). In the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus is reported to have often spoken of the glory and the splendor of Prophet Muhammad's spirit whom he had seen. There is no doubt that the Spirit of the Last Prophet was created long before Adam. Therefore Jesus, in speaking about him, naturally would declare and describe him as "the Spirit of Truth." It was this Spirit of Truth that reprimanded the Christians for dividing the Oneness of God into a trinity of persons; for their having raised Jesus to the dignity of God and son of God, and for their having invented all sorts of superstitions and innovations. It was this Spirit of Truth that exposed the frauds of both the Jews and Christians for having corrupted their Scriptures; that condemned the former for their libels against the chastity of the Blessed Virgin and against the birth of her son Jesus. It was this Spirit of Truth that demonstra
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(b) Among the principal marks of Periqlyte, "the Spirit of Truth," when he comes in the person of the "Son of Man" - Ahmad - is "he will chastise the world for sin" (John xvi. 8, 9). No other worshiper of Allah, whether a king like David and Solomon or a prophet like Abraham and Moses, did carry on this chastisement for sin to the extreme end, with resolution, fervor, and courage as Prophet Muhammad did. Every breach of the law is a sin, but idolatry is its mother and source. We sin against God when we love an object more than Him, but the worship of any other object or being besides God is idolatry, the evil and the total negligence of the Good - in short, sin in general. All the men of God chastised their neighbors and people for sin, but not "the world," as Prophet Muhammad did. He not only rooted out idolatry in the peninsula of Arabia in his lifetime, but also he sent envoys to the Chosroes Parviz and to Heraclius, the sovereigns of the two greatest empires, Persia and Rome,
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and to the King of Ethiopia, the Governor of Egypt, and several other Kings and amirs, inviting them all to embrace the religion of Islam and to abandon idolatry and false faiths. The chastisement by Prophet Muhammad began with the delivery of the Word of God as he received it, namely, the recital of the verses of the Qur'an; then with preaching, teaching, and practicing the true religion; but when the Power of Darkness, idolatry, opposed him with arms he drew the sword and punished the unbelieving enemy. This was in fulfillment of the decree of God (Dan. vii.). Prophet Muhammad was endowed by God with power and dominion to establish the Kingdom of God, and to become the first Prince and Commander-in-Chief under the "King of Kings and the Lord of Lords."
(c) The other characteristic feature of the exploits of Periqlyte - Ahmad - is that he will reprove the world of righteousness and justice (loc. cit.). The interpretation "of righteousness, because I am going to my Father" (John xvi.
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) put into the mouth of Jesus is obscure and ambiguous. The return of Jesus unto his God is given as one of the reasons for the chastisement of the world by the coming Periqlyte. Why so? And who did chastise the world on that account? The Jews believed that they crucified and killed Jesus, and did not believe that he was raised and taken up into heaven. It was Prophet Muhammad who chastised and punished them severely for their infidelity. "Rather, Allah raised him (Jesus) up to Him..." (Qur'an Ch.4 v158). The same chastisement was inflicted upon the Christians who believed and still believe that he was really crucified and killed upon the Cross, and imagine him to be God or the son of God. To these the Qur'an replied: "...They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but to them (the one crucified) was given the look (of Jesus).
Those who differ concerning him (Jesus) surely are in doubt regarding him, they have no knowlege of him, except the following of supposition and they did
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and they did not kill him - a certainty." (Ch.4 v157) Several believers in Jesus in the very beginning of Christianity denied that Christ himself suffered upon the Cross, but maintained that another among his followers, Judas Iscariot or another very like him, was seized and crucified in his stead. The Corinthians, the Basilidians, the Corpocratians and many other sectaries held the same view. I have fully discussed this question of the Crucifixion in my work entitled Injil wa Salib ("The Gospel and the Cross") of which only one volume was published in Turkish just before the Great War. I shall devote an article to this subject. So the justice done to Jesus by Ahmad was to authoritatively declare that he was "Ruhu 'l-Lah," the Spirit of God that he was not himself crucified and killed, and that he was a human being but a beloved and Holy Messenger of God. This was what Jesus meant by justice concerning his person, mission, and transportation into heaven, and this was actually accomplis
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this was actually accomplished by the Prophet and Messenger of Allah, Muhammad.
(d) The most important mark of Periqlyte is that he would chastise the world on account of Judgement "because the prince of this world is to be judged" (John xvi. 11). The King or Prince of this world was satan (John xii. 31, xiv. 30), because the world was subject to him. I must draw the kind attention of my readers to the seventh chapter of the Book of Daniel written in Aramaic or Babylonian dialect. There it illustrates how the "thrones" ("Kursawan") and the "Judgment" ("dina") were set up, and the "books" ("siphrin") were opened. In Arabic, too, the word "dinu", like the Aramaic "dina," means judgment, but it is generally used to signify
religion. That the Qur'an should make use of the "Dina" of Daniel as an expression of judgment and religion is more than significant. In my humble opinion this is a direct sign and evidence of the truth revealed by the same Holy Spirit
or Gabriel to Prophets Danie
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Jesus, and Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad could not forge or fabricate this even if he were as learned a philosopher as Aristotle. The judgment described with all its majesty and glory was set up to judge the satan in the form of the fearful fourth Beast by the Supreme Judge, the Eternal. It was then that someone appeared "like a son of man" ("kbar inish") or "barnasha," who was presented to the Almighty, invested with power, honor, and kingdom for ever, and appointed to kill the Beast and to establish the Kingdom of the People of the Saints of the Most High.
Jesus Christ was not appointed to destroy the Beast; he abstained from political affairs, paid tribute to caesar, and fled away when they wanted to crown him King. He clearly declares that the Chief of this world is coming; for the Periqlyte will root out the abominable cult of idolatry. All this was accomplished by Prophet Muhammad in a few years. Islam is Kingdom and Judgment, or religion; it has the Book of Law,
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, the Holy Al-Qur'an; it has Allah as its Supreme Judge and King, and Prophet Muhammad as its victorious hero of everlasting bliss and glory!
(e) "The last but not the least mark of the Periqlyte is that he will not speak anything of himself, but whatsoever he hears that will he speak, and he will show you the future things" (John xv. 13). There is not one iota, not a single word or comment of Prophet Muhammad or of his devoted and holy companions in the text of the glorious Qur'an. All its contents are the revealed Word of Allah.
Prophet Muhammad recited, pronounced the Word of God as he heard it read to him by the Angel Gabriel, and then it was memorized and written by the faithful scribes. The words, sayings, and teachings of the Prophet, though sacred and edifying, are not the Word of God,. and they are called Hadith or Traditions
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Is he not, then, even in this description, the true Periqlyte? Can you show us another person, besides Ahmad, to possess in himself all these material, moral, and practical qualities, marks, and distinctions of Periqlyte? You cannot.
I think I have said enough on the Periqlyte and shall conclude with a sacred verse from the Qur'an: "I follow only what is revealed to me, I am only a clear warner." Ch.46:9.
12:42:23 ·
update #16
This is part of an ancient Muslim-Christian debate. Islam and Christianity, the "daughter" religions of Judaism, have hundreds and thousands of years of war and suppression to their names. The original, Judaism, is peaceful and never made a religious war on those who believe differently.
You have, of course, the Crusades as the prime example.
The reason for the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is that the Arabs, plain and simple, refuse to accept a Jewish state in their midst. They invented this whole idea of a "Palestinian people who deserve a state" just to use as a tool to dismember Israel.
Arab violence against Jews has been going on long before there was an occupation, long before there was a refugee problem--indeed, long before there was a political Zionist movement. Need I present more painful examples? Perhaps even further back, where I hope everyone will agree that the Zionist movement did not yet come into being:
In the centuries after Muhammad there have been periods when the Jews were able to live in relative peace under Arabs, but their position was never secure. They were generally viewed with contempt by their Arab neighbors, and their survival was always predicated on their abject subordination and degradation to them. Mass murders of Jewish "protected people" started in Morocco as early as the eighth century, where Idris I wiped out whole communities. A century later Baghdad's Caliph al-Mutawakkil designated a yellow badge for Jews (setting a precedent that would be followed centuries later in Nazi Germany), and synagogues were destroyed throughout Mesopotamia in 854-859. In Tripolitania, Jews were considered the property of their Arab masters, who would bequeath the Jews to their heirs upon death. In the 12th century, after anti-Jewish riots, the contemporaries commented that their population had 'greatly declined.' ( Middle East Digest, September 1999)
As to how to solve the problem, the only way would be for Israel to defeat the Arabs overwhelmingly, and then dictate the terms for peace. Otherwise, the Arabs will never stop trying to destroy Israel.
2007-05-02 06:58:51
answer #1
answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6
The proper word is paraclete, and means one who comes alongside. It is a direct reference to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The proper rendering of those verses is as follows: "And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that
He may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him, but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you and shall be in you."
Christ ascended to Heaven in order that the Holy Spirit might come. When Christ returns in power and glory the Holy Spirit will be taken away from the earth, and great fear will reign as men are suddenly awakened to judgment.
And by the way, Jesus never said anything about the Torah in the Bible. He referred to the law and the prophets often, but never the Torah by name. The name Ahmad is not in the Bible either nor is Allah or Mohammed, and to the Christian nothing supercedes or replaces the Bible as truth.
2007-05-01 18:33:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I love it when Muslims only quote the first half of that statement by Jesus. What he actually said was, "And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which the world can not receive." Jesus specifically states that this Comforter is the Holy Spirit, third person of the Trinity. So unless you are claiming that Muhammad is divine - and he is Allah Himself, then this is not a reference to Muhammad.
Please try actually reading the Bible before you try to use it to proof your religion.
2007-05-01 18:28:19
answer #3
answered by dewcoons 7
Paraclete means a helper, who is the Holy Spirit of God.
(peh ruh cleete) Transliteration of the Greek word Jesus used in John's Gospel for the Holy Spirit. Literally, “One called alongside,” Paraclete is translated many ways; “advocate” (applied to Christ, 1 John 2:1) and “Comforter” (John 14:16). See Advocate; Comforter; Counselor.
This is clearly.............GOD!
2007-05-01 18:27:43
answer #4
answered by Eartha Q 6
Now, how do we enlarge our vision, so that we are no longer looking at the darkness of earth, but the glory of heaven?
First, we must realize that at a certain depth (or height) of the mind, our subconscious takes over and our memories are no longer available to us. This is important to note because it is the moment where we do not want to go to. However, what we do want to do is focus on our humble existence alongside this metaphysical concept.
If we conclude that it is right to be human, then we must conclude that all our actions are just, in the same manner that we believe all of God's actions are just. For if we know God's judgment to be one of understanding, in that we will gain knowledge from our error, we must make it imperative to comprehend new areas of ourselves every day.
How do we find such areas? By examining the qualities of our mind that are sensitive.
2007-05-01 18:25:49
answer #5
answered by Julian 6
it's greek. parakletos is translated "one of the same" or "of the same essense". the paraklete refered to the Holy Spirit, another Divine person of God, not a prophet, whom the Father sent (Acts 2).
the Bible (especially the NT) and the Qu'ran aren't similar. Jesus spoke aramaic, koine greek and hebrew, and Ahmed or Muhammed is an Arabic name.
2007-05-01 18:39:27
answer #6
answered by Hey, Ray 6
The Christian Bible does not say that Christ foretold the coming of another person. He foretold the coming of the Holy Spirit.
2007-05-01 18:23:02
answer #7
answered by Poohcat1 7
Periqlytos means comforter or advocate.
1) summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid
a) one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate
b) one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor
1) of Christ in his exaltation at God's right hand, pleading with God the Father for the pardon of our sins
c) in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant
1) of the Holy Spirit destined to take the place of Christ with the apostles (after his ascension to the Father), to lead them to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth, and give them divine strength needed to enable them to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the divine kingdom
Mohammed has not stayed with you forever. He died and was buried.
2007-05-01 18:27:52
answer #8
answered by sdb deacon 6