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Do you believe there is a true church and if so what is it?

2007-05-01 07:37:49 · 24 answers · asked by austin 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

The heart of mankind in unity with the God

2007-05-01 07:43:21 · answer #1 · answered by nikola333 6 · 0 3

After many years of searching for the true church and studying the bible, I can tell you which churches are NOT true. Any church that does not believe in the 10 commandments. Matthew5:17-18"Don't misunderstand why I have come,I did not come to abolish the law of Moses.No, I came to fulfill them. I assure you until the heavens and earth disappear even the smallest detail of God's law will remain."Isaiah42:21"The Lord has magnified the law and made it glorious". Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Sabbath=Saturday not Sunday. God gave us His Holy law and humans changed it for their own convenience. But the bible says,Revelations22:19"If anyone removes or adds any of the words from this book, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life" Other important factors about the true church: the bible states that when we die, we do not go straight to heaven. We sleep until The Lord's second coming. Verifiy for yourself:Read-Job14:10-14/1Corinthians15:52-55/Ecclesiastes9:5,6,10;12:1,2,7 The Lord's second coming: every eye will see Him-Matthew24:26-35If anyone tells you the Messiah is out in the dessert, don't believe" 1thessalonians4:17We will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever" Anyone who pretends to be Christ but walks the earth is FALSE. Read Matthew 24. Read revelation13 compare it to the book of Daniel 7. The USA plays an important role in the prophesies. If you are honestly interested in religion/christianity, read, search for the truth. For we have a loving God waiting to give us eternal life if only we remain firm to the end, obeying his commandments and trusting in Jesus.

2007-05-01 09:04:48 · answer #2 · answered by delmar 3 · 1 1


Roman Catholic faith is the earliest form of Christianity, copies of the Eucharistic prayer have been found from as early as 65 AD.

Fundamentalism came into existence in the mid 1800s as a response to early German Lutheran Higher Criticism in theology.

Roman Catholic faith believes in the Nicean Creed as it was created out of the Apostles Creed at the Council of Nice (Nicea) in the early 300s.

Fundamentalism believes in the "Bible" as the sole source of doctrine. They will assert that the autographs of the Bible preexisted the Roman Church -- that is a provable lie. The Bible came into existence in any recognizable form as a direct result of an action of the Council of Carthage in 397, acting on a resolution from the Synod of Hippo in 393. Prior to that some churches had a book, some had no books, some had several books -- some of those books are books in the present Bible, many were books that aren't in the present Bible. The autographs however never existed (see Dr. Bart Ehrman; Misquoting Jesus; Harper)

Worship-wise, the Roman Church continues to celebrate the same sacraments that were celebrated in the first century. Fundamentalism uses a type of worship, depending on the branch, developed sometime between 1650 and 1920.

That about covers it. I am not Roman Catholic btw -- but I am honest.

2007-05-01 13:48:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The one true church have to have these qualities

Revelation 12:17 And the dragon (devil) was wroth with the woman (church), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (people), which keep the COMMANDMENT of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

1. It will appear and do its visible work after it emerges from the wilderness in 1798 (Revelation 12:6, 13-17).

2. It will teach the same truths the apostles taught, and all of its teachings will agree with the Bible (Revelation 12:17).

3. It will keep the Ten Commandments, including the Bible Sabbath (Revelation 12:17).

4. It will have the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 12:17; 19:10).

5. It will proclaim God's three end-time messages with a loud voice (Revelation 14:6-14).

6. It will be a worldwide movement (Revelation 14:6).

7. It will teach the everlasting gospel, which is salvation through Jesus Christ alone (Revelation 14:6).

In addition , John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.

I don't know who that church is...but i can tell you its not The Catholic Church.

2007-05-01 08:29:56 · answer #4 · answered by Eric T 3 · 0 2

The Church is not an organization you can join. The Church is an organism that God must add you to. It's not a building, it's not a list on commandments. It is the people God calls out of the world to take His name to the lost. It has been that way since Peter and John walked among us. Jim
Acts 2:46-47
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

2007-05-01 07:53:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The true church is the body of true believers in Jesus Christ. Each person who is truly a beleiver in Jesus and is saved and born again is said to be a living stone that is being built up in Him to be a holy habitation of our Lord Jesus. Many profess to be members of churches, but the church they belonbg to is a actual building you find on the street corner. A true member of the true church is a living stone and he or she goes where they go. And the place they meet is merely a gathering pace of fellowship with one another. But we true believers each are the temples of the living God.

2007-05-01 07:50:49 · answer #6 · answered by biblestudent07 3 · 1 1

A church that teaches the Gospel of Christ truthfully, and with love and compassion.

Im not really sure what you mean by true, but that is what a church should be.

Also they should never hide the world of from anyone.

2007-05-01 07:41:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There are several claiming to be the one and only TRUE church Bride of Christ!.
I believe the Worldwide Church of God use to and still might
The Church of God of Prophecy also use to believe it but they changed their belief and a split occurred and now the ones that still believe it are called "THE Church of God"

2007-05-01 07:43:18 · answer #8 · answered by Just Me 3 · 0 3

A church is a physical place of worship. Is there a true god? NO.

2007-05-01 07:48:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"True church" is a term of social control used by some churches to distance themselves from others that they dislike or disagree with.

2007-05-01 07:41:34 · answer #10 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 2 1

How could any church be the true church when they all insist that they are the one.

2007-05-01 07:41:36 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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