If LDS is a "cult," Catholicism certainly comes in second with all it's ritual condemnation and self denial. I was one of those born Catholics and refuted church teachings when they got to the part where "animals had no souls" despite St. Francis' evidence to the contrary. Actually took the time to learn about the Mormon Church (still have the "free Mormon Bible") and what stopped me from being baptized was the fact I still smoke as I found these people to be sincere and I did not want to join on a lie or self-deprivation. The LDS folk have a good grip on reality with their program of stocking a year's supply of food, their support record for members dealing with hard times, their amazing geneology project which includes tribal contact and birth records of my Native American ancestors as well as tribes from Mexico. As I understand them, your church teachings do not encourage lifetime singles like myself sans the interest in marriage so I never committed to probably the most sensible religion which is on par with Judaism in my book. Funny thing, I recently dreamed I attended a Mormon service which tells me I could use a little help from God, but my life tells me I cannot be rescued. Oh yeah, have also heard about the "inner court" and the underwear garments ritual and the three levels of Heaven which I find unusual, but I was not raised up in your religion so any criticism of it is not forthcoming due to lack of facts. All religions seem to carry such customs, including Paganism and until we get there ourselves, who is to know until we can ask GawdAwmighty hisself? Pretty minor issues if you think about them and maybe I should have continued my studies, but frankly, I'll probably go to Hell with a Marlboro in my hand and serve as a bartender to Lucifer. At least the Devil can count on me not to skim or drink up the profits.
2007-05-01 08:02:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I could not agree with Adam and Eve obeying satan and disobeying God in order to progress.Or that African Americans were never allowed in the Celestial Kingdom until 1978 (because they were never allowed to go to the temple or get the priesthood, a mormon must have these in order to go to the Celestial Kingdom) and that Christ's suffering for sins in the garden never covers all sins, that is why the indians had to be cursed with dark skin and the African American had the Mark of Cain. Sweetie I was a mormon for 35 years, even though you have an open canon = ever chnaging theology, I still know what you guys believe in dear. Hannah I doubt you ahve ever been to temple and you will find the tempe prep classes very vage, so since your church needs to be secret, you don;t find anything wrong with this when the bible has five open books in the bible on how to run the temple and the LDS ckearly do not do what these five books say??? Even though Jesus to fulfill the law, and now there is no need of temples anymore, but mormons claim this is the only way to get into heaven and not allow the black proplr into heaven until 1978.
2016-05-18 01:24:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was raised as a Mormon. I've had problems believing many of the things they teach (and mormonism is very specific, either its all true or its not). I try to be supportive of my other family members decisions and certainly don't discuss my beliefs with their children. Still ...
Take Joseph Smith for example. He was a Masonite. Funny how many of their ceremonies are echoed in the temple.
Or polygamy. An angel, with a drawn sword, told him he would be killed if he didn't practice it. And supposedly polygamy was to help the widows and families who had lost their fathers, right? How is it then that Joseph ended up married to a bunch of young women - including several 14 year olds. Even in 1840 that was considered extremely young.
I could go on but this is already rather long.
2007-05-01 08:14:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I see it as a somewhat scarier version of the Christian "Church Universal." (I'm a Methodist.)
The town I grew up in has a lot of Mormons, and I can honestly say I have never met a mean spirited or selfish Mormon. I can, however, say that I have met some close-minded Mormons with a very narrow view of the world.
I'm rather off-put by a church that emphasizes (heterosexual) families above all things and allows families to cut-off those who chose not to live their lives as Mormons. If I chose to become a Catholic, my family wouldn't stop talking to me just because I went to a different church.. furthermore, my church wouldn't encourage my family to do that.
Also, a friend of mine married a mormon.. she converted to church of LDS for him. Her parents (Catholics) were not allowed to go to the wedding at the church because they aren't Mormon! So that's probably where the cult accusations come from... that and the baptising of the deceased non-Mormons. That's creepy and hostile towards other faiths.
2007-05-01 07:44:50
answer #4
answered by Daniel R 2
look the word cult up in the dictionary the definition in Websters is "any formal religious worship." which means all churches are cults.
it is simple they call us cult because they "hate what they wrongly believe about the church." there is a line from a song in beauty and the beast that says "we don't like what we don't understand in facts it scares us." or there is one in Pocahontas as well "they are different then us which means they cant be trusted."
this is what most think that is why others are persecuted and it is not just mormons but many other people jews, blacks, cathlolics ect. we really do live in a sad world if people have so much hatred for those who are different
2007-05-01 11:26:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I've just started going to my local LDS church(Toton, England). I used to go to an evangelical church, and can understand why some believe it to be a cult. Compared to the evangelical church, LDS is much more stronger in its views and the way of life it intends for its followers. Although the latter church was much more relaxed, this one gives guidelines and a greater community spirit for members. (Am I right in saying they are even more 'forceful' in America?)
2007-05-01 07:53:38
answer #6
answered by Corsair//Dread 2
Well, I'm LDS, so naturally I think it is a great church. I have spent a lot of time praying to God, studying the Book of Mormon and Bible and learning about church history. I have received strong confirmation through the Holy Ghost that it is true. We really can be with our families for eternity, and we can repent of our sins.
I do not feel that all other religions are made up entirely of lies. All churches have their good and their truth. The LDS church is the fulness of the gospel restored to the earth.
2007-05-01 07:39:23
answer #7
answered by moonman 6
I think it is mainly because your blind following of one or two men, ie Brigham and Joseph, who are neither prophets or men of god, and hence you find that their doctrines such of those of blood atonement and polygamy are not christian either. THerefore they church is painted to look like a christian church but you follow the false prophets and the wolves in sheeps clothing. THis makes your church a cult when you follow a man or men more than you follow God and the Bible.
2007-05-03 12:04:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I feel it is a Church that was founded on a bunch of lies by people who wanted to profit from them. I think that the underlying foundation of the church does not hold up to any real scrutiny.
That said, I know that people cannot control what religion they are born into or brought up in, and I do not believe that most of the church members have ill intentions is attending that church. I'm sure they are mostly good people, trying to live a peaceful and meaningful life.
2007-05-01 07:36:09
answer #9
answered by Karla 4
If you are doing what you want to do and you aren't hurting anybody else then just go for it.
If someone bothers you by saying that your religion is like a cult ask them how their religion is not like a cult.
The answers should be entertaining.
2007-05-01 07:37:47
answer #10
answered by Alan 7