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My son was being picked on on the school bus yesterday afternoon. Some bullies were calling him names and some were even kicking him in his throat. The bus driver witnessed the entire thing happening and put my son off the bus 10 miles from home. My son had to walk all that long way by himself. I was outraged. My son was cold, bloody and bruised by the time he has walked all that way.
I went up to that school to complain this morning about what had happened. The principal told me that the driver was within his rights to put my son off the bus as part of the new "man up" law that went into effect on December 1st. He says that this new law states that if a child doesn't man up and defend himself while on the schoool bus then the driver has the right to put you off for your own safety. Is this right? Should my son have been treated like this?? He is only 6 years old. Help please

2007-05-01 03:54:00 · 24 answers · asked by Flushing06 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

24 answers

OK Listen to this ...You can take this to the School District..

Last Week Keithon Ellis, a 14 year old boy that was attending my sons' middle School (Highland Middle School) here in Fort WOrth Texas, was strcuked by a car while crossing a busy intersection on his way to school. He was taken in critical condition to the Hospital and died that night. I then learned through my son that Keithon was kick out of the bus that day....
Tell the Schooll this. If you research you will find out that Keithon was indeed killed by a car. The district is not yet displaying the information behind his death. He was buried today.
If that would have happen to my Child, I would be Screaming and yelling to them so they fire the bus driver. HE CANT DO THAT, THERE ARE PROCEDURES.
My son was suspended from the bus last year, but I received a notice two days before the suspension, so I knew I had to take him and pick him up.

Kids sometimes dont behave the way you wish they would, but still we have to protect them and care for them regardless.

Please take care of this issue, in Keithon's Names, We dont want another child killed or injured becausse a dumb driver lost his patience and kick him out of the bus!!!!

2007-05-01 13:27:25 · answer #1 · answered by Nicole E 4 · 1 0

Call the police. I cannot believe that there is any such thing as a "Man up " law since hitting is considered assault. I would call the police and have them investigate the school and the bus driver. Neither of which sound right to me. This is outrageous and disgusting. It is of my opinion that the bus driver was responsible to stop the bus and stop the abuse. He could have called the police rather than have that type of behavior on his bus. This man should be fired so should the principal of the school.
Take this to the highest level of power that you can. If you do not get satisfaction after filing a police report first for assault (the children) and then for abuse (the bus driver) who incidentally endangered the welfare of your child..... then I would take this to a private lawyer who is willing to take the case pro bono and let the school and bus driving company take the brunt of the law suit charges....let the %^&*( pay for what they did, and more so because they are giving you the run around and hope that you will go away. Don't, fight the &*(*&%!!!!!

2007-05-01 04:02:39 · answer #2 · answered by Kimberlee Ann 5 · 1 0

Not only NO, but HELL NO!!!! If I were you I would go above the principal and go straight to the superindent and if that doesnt work I would go to the school council meeting and pitch one hell of a fit! On top of that...I would demand that my son either be put on another bus route or have that driver removed from his job! First off...how dare he make a 6 yr. old boy walk 10 miles home, if that was the case then the other kids should of been kicked off instead of your son! Personally I would look into obtaining a lawyer bc that just doesnt seem legally right that a grown adult could watch a small child get beat up and then proceed to kick him off the bus and make him walk that distance. Anything could of happened to your son on his way home, including abduction! If I were you I would be raising ten kinds of hell with the administration, the school bus system, and the school system! There is no way in God's green Earth that I would stand back and allow them to get by with doing that to your precious baby...FIGHT BACK w/ a vengence! You have all rights to protect your child and the rights of other children in that position! Raise HELL honey!

2007-05-01 04:53:08 · answer #3 · answered by Nicki H 2 · 0 0

Yes I do have experience with this due to the fact that I had to repeat the second grade for the same reason. I have dyslexia which means my brain is geared differently than most peoples.I have difficulties know right from left. I was fortunate to have a grandmother with a BA who retired from teaching the 2nd grade and spent a whole summer 3 months total tutoring me.Then I learned how to read.It was not the school that taught me. You have to sound out the words and think what does the e make the a say.Like you see in dictionary's with the bar above the word. He needs PATIENTS and more time than the school can give.It's not the schools fault it's uncle sams. Try your local community college and ask about a summer program to help with one on one reading.

2016-05-17 23:55:55 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 1

I ain't buyin this crap. Does anybody have any clue just how long it would take for an ADULT to walk (10) TEN MILES let alone a 6 year old? And by the way...there is....in no state...a law such as this. Nice one, though. Oh yeah, read her other questions. It is obvious she is lying as well as disturbed. The real scary thing would be if she actually had kids. I don't know if she actually does, but if so, are they as screwed up as their mother? Come on, folks, none of you really bought this, did you? All the "I feel so bad for yous" HELLO.....it's a big, fat, hairy LIE. Bathing with your brother in law. Having your 11 year old take care of you by working full time. And if you are OK with sending your 11 year old to work in someone's basement, (yeah THAT one sounds like a real winner) then what's the problem with making your 6 year old walk to and from school alone? You wanted the 11 year old to "man up" and pay your bills. So what's the difference? Did your mommy not love you enough? Is that why you feel the need to make up this ****? Wow, it must suck to be you. It must suck even worse for your kids. If you have any. Please tell me you don't have any.

2007-05-01 04:33:29 · answer #5 · answered by Made You Look 3 · 0 0

no your son should not have been put off the bus
the driver should at the very least loose his job.
and what state has such a stupid law on the books that puts a 6 year old child off a bus ten miles from home i would take that fight to the top and get that law changed. and then sue the school district

2007-05-01 07:00:47 · answer #6 · answered by ricky t 1 · 0 0

My first instinct would be to have four or five healthy men go meet the bus driver and see how well he can "man up". But a wiser course would be: Be charges against him for child endangerment. And / or child abandonment.
If that is truly a law, it should be repealed. And how would such a law apply to a six year old? Something is fishy about this. And that driver needs to be driving a penitentiary bus.

2007-05-01 04:15:49 · answer #7 · answered by oldmanwitastick 5 · 0 0

I think I would make some more phone calls about this one. 6 is really young to kick off a bus let alone 10 miles from home. Maybe call your local legislature, school board, or the police to get more information on this law. Then go from there. Did the other kids get kicked off too?

2007-05-01 03:58:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I just went back and edited my long *** answer after reading your other questions and think you are trying to get attention. After trying to send your 11 yr old son to work to pay"your bills" I find it hard to believe you care about your kid walking miles at 6 yrs old. If you are really in this situation, call a lawyer or the schoold district office. If this isn't true, I believe you are trying to get a record for most answers. Some people on here really want to help others and give advice. If this is fake you are wasting our time. I have learned something from answering your question though, and that is to check out a user's other questions before wasting my time.

2007-05-01 04:45:36 · answer #9 · answered by wolfdance1978 2 · 1 0

If there is such a law, it is certainly not a fair one. Putting a child off a school bus is not making hime or her safe. It is the school bus driver's responsibility to keep order on the bus and the school's responsibility to punish the bullies.
Check the statutes to see if there is indeed such a law and consult legal counsel. The whole thing sounds fishy.

2007-05-01 04:06:31 · answer #10 · answered by fangtaiyang 7 · 0 0

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