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Ban bullets and you stop guns. But how? Make it a serious crime with massive fines and prison for 10 years including teens. Time to get serious.

2007-05-01 03:29:52 · 26 answers · asked by keith b 1 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

26 answers

stop making and seling them. i really feel for that family that lost their little girl this morning after she was shot by her brother. messing with a gun.

2007-05-01 03:35:03 · answer #1 · answered by shell 5 · 0 1

Nice thought in a way but it would not work as others have said. We can't even stop people from coming across the border much less a truckload of bullets. That cat is out of the bag.

If someone wants to do harm they will find a was to do it regardless. Say the VA Tech guy. He was wacky but apparently smart. Sure smart enough to look on the internet and construct a bomb if he wanted to.

On that note one should think about society as a whole. When one reads about it older prison inmates complain that the younger ones have no honor. Back in the day when say the Mafia or whatnot wanted to take someone out they would wait for them to be in a place where no women or children would be hurt. Nowdays a gang starts shooting and you read about some kid that got killed.

The Irish fought each other for years. But same thing..... no women or children. Even if they were bombing a police station they would call and give them 5 minutes to clear out. After years of this what began the change was when a child was killed. People, particularly the women on both sides said enough was enough.

And here..... used to be for the most part if one was going to kill themselves they did...... not shoot up a school. There have always been lots of guns and once upon a time it was easier to buy them. No ID and no waiting period you just went and bought a gun.

So the root of the problem is society itself in some way. Could be a lot of things. Less nuclear families, both parents working to make ends meet, the media, the social system and inequality in earning potential? Who knows. Banning guns is not the answer....... looking at why is.

2007-05-01 05:59:37 · answer #2 · answered by jackson 7 · 0 0

Wear to start with this question.
The UK is an island and as such it should be easy to prevent weapons coming into the country, however we do not have an effective border control and as such the customs people are more concerned with catching people who have to much duty free.
Most of the fire arms used in criminal action's are from the old soviet block countries with a same percentage being converted fire arms.
It is a lot easier to build a gun from two pieces of pipe and a nail as to try and convert a de-activated weapon.
In the UK gun crime is relatively low and does not effect the majority of people on a day to day basis, however the media highlight every event as it is "Unusual".
Don't think that by banning the sale of ammunition that the problem will go away, as this is a complete non starter. If a criminal purchased a gun he will also purchase the ammunition to fire that gun, both the gun and the ammunition are illegal.
The UK government needs to look at the reasons why kid's think they need to carry weapons round with them to "Protect themselves"

2007-05-01 22:22:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Time to eat sh!t. We don't need to ban guns, we need to ban stupid people. It would probably be easier to get rid of stupid and crazy people than it would be to get rid of bullets and guns. Why don't we do everyone a favor and start eliminating the people who shoot up schools and go postal and shoot up workplaces. Seems to me this would be the place to start, not with the inanimate object some crazy asshole used to kill people with.

I mean it would be nice if banning guns would stop crazy people from being crazy, but it won't. They are already that way and can you imagine the mess if they have to start using axes, or nail guns, or chainsaws to massacre people, I mean who the hell wants to clean up that kind of mess.

Its a very sad thing that some times people snap and feel they must kill a couple dozen people. But every few years when this happens, everyone jumps on the "ban the guns" bandwagon without even thinking about the crazy bastard that did the shooting. There are many people out there who use guns and have respect for what guns are capable of doing and use them wisely. We should ban these people from these things because some whack-job went postal...I DON'T THINK SO! Don't punish the whole country for what one idiot did.

Not to mention all that banning the bullets would do is set up a wonderful black market for them wherein people would kill and be killed just to get their hands on some. Don't be an idiot too, think about what your saying and the ramifications of those things. Don't fall into the knee-jerk reactionary position too many people in this country do that as it is. Thanks and have a nice day.

2007-05-01 03:41:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The English legal system likes guns but only if they are used by rich people to shoot wee birdies with. Thus guns and bullets will never be banned.

You are correct in saying that gun crime is a problem but the banning of hand guns has failed as we all know.

The police prefer to tackle and jail sick people such as drug addicts and the mentally ill. This allows them to keep up their arrest statistics without any persional risk.

Unfortunately this fills the jails so there is no room for really bad people such as armed robbers and murderers, and drug wholesalers.

The are not called the 'filth' for nothing!

P.S. I just remember that the present king of Spain killed his brother whilst cleaning a gun. It is so sad when these things happen.

pps. We were given guns to play with at school. I was given a Lee Enfield and a bren. That's they way to make guns boring. Like Shakespeare, I have no interest in them now!


2007-05-01 03:41:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ammunition is a lot easier to make than guns are. Thousands of people are already reloading their own ammo.
A ban on guns or bullets would have a similar effects that prohibition on alcohol had. Illegal gun and ammo sellers would make a lot of money just like the bootleggers did.
The organized crime families that so corrupted the 20th century political sytem got the money from prohibition first.
You are on the right track though bigger fines and longer prison terms for gun related crimes might help some.
When the police can better protect me I might give up my gun.

2007-05-01 03:49:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Banning guns? Hell, why not ban alcohol? It kills more people in the USA due to drunk drivers than gun violence does. Or why not ban cars while your at it? More people die in car accidents. Does nobody remember hurricane Katrina? The police were unable to cope and unable to protect people. Gangs of thugs roamed free, and privately owned weapons saved people from being victimized. People like to claim how some European countries have lower gun violence due to their laws. Oh really? Ever think it's easier to govern a country the size of Texas than one the size of the US? And about those countries, do you know that in places like Germany the police can stop you and search your car without any reason? In socialist countries, they make restrictive laws for public behavior whether it revokes your rights or not. America doesn't work that way. If there was a cop standing near every person in America all the time, then there would be no crime. Obviously this is not the case. Even the most hardcore anti gun activist would grab a gun if someone was trying to kill them. How many people a year make hopeless calls to 911, knowing that the police will never arrive in time to save them. How many of those poor souls would use a gun to save their life in that moment? Think about it. Think about how much a gun activist hates guns. Then think about how you would feel if you woke up in the night with someone in your home; knowing that you are now responsable for saving your own life. Then imagine yourself having a gun at hand. Would you use it? Of course you would. I'm a soldier, on my second Iraq tour. I carry a gun in the states with a concealed permit the same way I carry it here. As a deterrence. I have had to aim my weapon several times, but have not had to take a life yet. It is my goal to never take a life. I was also once almost assaulted at an ATM while taking money out at night. Due to my pistol, I was able to drive off the attacker without injury to either of us. The rights to protect yourself is the inherent right of all persons in the US and should remain so. Some claim it is America's gun culture that is to blame. But then why did the VT shooter who was brought up in a country (South Korea) where guns are illegal, motivated to do what he did? Clearly insanity. I wish that one of the people he attacked would have been able to respond with a gun. During his 17 magazine changes, he could have been shot. Unfortunately nobody was armed. If you take guns away from everyone, you ensure that it will only take ONE gun to cause that much havok, because nobody will be able to confront you. I honor the founding fathers for putting the 2nd ammendment in the Constitution, because they knew that just because we live in a democracy, that doesn't mean you can take away people's rights to safeguard their life, libery and the pursuit of happiness. The sad thing is that there are people in this world who want to take those things away from innocent civilians. Defend yourself!

2007-05-01 06:01:48 · answer #7 · answered by 63Mike20 1 · 1 0

The only guns and bullets that are banned are the legitimate ones. The ones our COLOURED friends carry for their own self importance come in from countries such as Russia, Bulgaria etc. Guns are easy to get hold of if you know the right people.

Whats wrong with th ecoloureds blasting each other, keeps the population down! and remember they breed loke rabbits!!!!

2007-05-01 03:46:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay, for one, guns are not bad, neither are bullets, it is the person operating the weapon that is dangerous, and the people and pshycology that goes behind that person to make him dangerous, if you banned bullets, there would be a riot, we have the second ammendment, (in america) to bear arms, this right cannot be violated, unless people that are weak hearted come in and destroy the foundation of a good thing. I agree guns do kill, they are lethal, but if you set a gun in a corner, its not going to kill you, if you put a mentally insane person in a corner with the gun, chances are, you've got a dangerous situation. I say, DONT BAN GUNS ban the stupid people who do stupid things with guns, like taking them to schools, and colleges, and shooting people, not the people who hunt to provide for their families, or the people who compete for money for their families. People think that this world should be perfect, and I disagree with removing firarms, Strongly disagree, I am a proud owner of several, and They will never be out of my reach, I will see to it. (if the mental thing offends anyone, sorry, and also if the menacing ending sounds threatening, it was not meant to be) I'm just voicing my opinion, that's all.

2007-05-01 03:41:32 · answer #9 · answered by Typewriter 3 · 1 0

You can't. People with bad intentions will always find a way to get one. What about the law abiding citizens who want to exercise their right to bear arms?
Yes, make it a serious crime for poeple who commit the crime and give them massive fines as well. But don't take that right away from the silent majority.
Educating your teens on gun safety and teach them responsibility for their actions is way to go.
Semper Fidelis

2007-05-01 03:43:41 · answer #10 · answered by joey8421 1 · 1 0

You don't try to stop guns, when you do that your only taking them away from law abiding citizens who use them for recreational uses such as hunting, target practice, protection. Criminals are going to get guns and bullets whether they are legal or not. Look at all the illegal drugs in this country. If we try to ban guns the same thing will happen that's all ready happening with drugs. Why not instead try to enforce the laws we all ready have and make it harder for criminals to get guns. Its already easier for a criminal to buy an illegal gun off the street then from a licensed gun vendor.

2007-05-01 03:35:42 · answer #11 · answered by flyguy03 3 · 3 0

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