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They have increased border patrol to 250 more guards, plus added helicopters, cameras, etc. and still haven't made a dent on illegal crossings at the border. It's like the old saying: "Every time you make a better mouse trap, the mice get smarter." Shouldn't we then consider supporting a guest worker program so they can come here for a specified amount of time, save their money, pay their fare share of taxes & then go home once their time is up?

2007-05-01 03:20:22 · 19 answers · asked by mstrywmn 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

19 answers

Stop the employer ,stop the availability of any jobs,stop the cheese that looks so yummy .Eliminate the cheese and the mice will look else where and perhaps learn how to process their own cheese. Make them accountable for providing their own chees in their own country,. Maybe they need to catch the rats in their own government and make them share the cheese in their home country.

no rats = a better government and a livable nation
So no need for them to be in the USA .

We have enough legal workers to get all the jobs in the USA done and done well.

Its a metaphor people I'm not calling any one mice,just using the posted reference to "mouse traps "

I too am Anti Illegal Alien
I too am Anti Amnesty,and I'm not the least bit ashamed of saying so either.

What has color or a persons nation of origin have to do with being illegal aliens.Put down the race card . I don't want any illegal aliens here. It has NOTHING to do with race.It has to do with
breaking this nations laws and DEMANDING
they get rights they do not deserve here in the USA. Its not a race thing to me ,its a damage issue. I see the damage being done daily to my city ,my state and my country,by illegal aliens that hate America and legal Americans.

Amnesty under any disguise is still amnesty !

2007-05-01 03:43:12 · answer #1 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 0 1

The guest worker program is just another form of amnesty,the guest worker program is being manipulated by politican's as a back door approach to full amnesty.
We need to take them out of the process and put it on the ballot as a referendum,I doubt that would actually happen because 75%of the people would be for it, the politicans will never let it happen.
No the guest worker program will not do anything to solve the illegal problem.

2007-05-06 07:59:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Amnesty? Is a bad message and will just increase the immigration flow to the US...
Crime will go increase etc. In the border like inside the US...
Is just not a good idea.
A lot people will heard the word amnesty then will pack and come here...

Bad people=drug dealers=smugglers etc you name it...
Will make more business out of the people that try to cross the borders etc.

I always say that company's that hired illegal immigrants should be charged with fines....


So start with the company's etc.
If company's etc. don't hire them...
Do you think they will be coming here looking for jobs?

And yes a guest worker program...Not path to citizenship...And they can be able to renew if their company are willing to sponsor=like to keep theit jobs more years etc. That's all.....
And yes the company will sponsor them again and again if they are good workers etc.
That guest worker person , shouldn't be charged a big amount of money at leats for the process to be check up if they still elegible to be here working...Like no crime etc.

Wait and see crime will decrease.

Always remember if they can go back home, with out the problem that they will not get back here to work then it will be OK .
They can come to work pay taxes etc...and go back home to see family ...
Most of illegal come to US because they are HUNGRY...
And they can't make a living in their country so.

I am a conservative person in any way you people can think...
But for the sake good and safety of the American people and the foreing need it peopel that can't make a living in their country that is my best suggestion.

So we will know how many foreing people are here and that the are here legally so any profile can be done...If is need.

2007-05-01 03:27:27 · answer #3 · answered by nena_en_austin 5 · 3 0

Best Idea I've heard all week. My Friend U R smart and right on the target, If U look at my profile, I answered the same idea 2 a Q: If U C any problems with border Mexico, (some like this). And my answer was the best one.
U R logical, and I Hope one day everyone think logical.

Best Regards.

2007-05-01 19:38:57 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

YES.....and i also fully support total amnesty for anyone who has resided in this country for any amount of time and proven to be a worthwhile citizen of the community. most people who enter this country are forced to do so by destitute conditions in their homeland. there is not one bigot on here who can truthfully say that they would not sneak into another country illegally to work and send money home to their starving family, if this were their only chance for survival. as a former police officer i have met thousands of American citizens who deserve deportation far more than most immigrants. before you start your libtard /neocon banter iam a registered republican and very much a conservative. i voted for George bush Sr. and Jr. both times (although i regret the latter) starvation and poverty are not partisan issues. we need to look past the color of peoples skin and into their hearts. i can only hope and pray that some of you people one day face the same hardships and then maybe you will wake up and discover your humanity.

2007-05-01 03:42:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Absolutely NOT!!!!!!! A guest worker program will just do what it's always done -- invite more illegal immigrant lawbreakers! ENFORCEMENT -- STRICT ENFORCEMENT will do the job. Once the enforcment is begun with vehemence, they'll go home or stay home.

Illegal immigrants are stealing from american citizens, their children should go back with them to their country of origin. The family reunification should apply the same as it applies to other lawbreakers. Separate them from their families, jail the criminals and get them into the foster care system so they can see what it's like to be a criminal in the land where laws are enforced and you get to visit your family in jail.

What would make any criminal obey a law when they know they are getting a free pass from law enforcement? What would make anyone obey a law when they know that they can get away with whatever crime they want to commit. They'd just hole up in a church when they get caught.

2007-05-01 03:36:34 · answer #6 · answered by MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! 5 · 1 2

That’s like telling your child “it’s ok to write on the wall with a permanent marker. We can always get it out!” When obviously it is not ok! It only furthers more insubordination!

If we give some the “guest worker” program now, we will have to 5, 10, 20++ forever from now! We will be come an over-crowded jungle!

And to Victor:
There are many other countries with people in much worse conditions that the people in middle America. I don’t see you shipping them over? I am sure they want a better life and to feed their families just as much or more! huh?

2007-05-01 03:42:50 · answer #7 · answered by aangita 3 · 1 2

No , but combat would. Lets say I wanted to go to another country . All I had to do was serve the government for two years in the military. Would I? The strange thing is I served two years in the military for this country. I was drafted in August of 69' The only choice I didn't have was to stay where I was at the time. Going to Canada or prison where a few other options. Do I regret my choice ? Not One Bit. Would I have done things differently ? Yes- I would of gone in the Army right out of high school.

2007-05-01 03:37:55 · answer #8 · answered by Savage Grace 3 · 0 2

If you think that the illegals would abide by such a law, you are very ignorant of how they operate. The American employers need to be fined $2000 for hiring them. The local police need to be given the power to go out and arrest them. Slum lords need to be fined for renting to them. We need to boycott their services. Do not hire them.

2007-05-07 00:14:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's not the way it is going to work. Once they get through with their guest worker status, they become citizens. I'm not for 'amnesty' at all under the guise of a 'guest worker program'. It's just not fair to all of those who are in this country legally, abiding by the rules.
Illegals shouldn't be put to the head of the line in order to supply demand for low wage jobs.

2007-05-01 03:24:49 · answer #10 · answered by Big Bear 7 · 3 3

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