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2007-05-01 03:18:54 · 16 answers · asked by Jewel 1 in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

Well you just have to the research and see if it seems what is best for you. You especially shouldn't be listening to yahoos for this. But I'll give you a quick rundown of what I did when making my decision. Just check out the recruiting website. Then if you like what you talk to your local recruiter. However don't buy into everything they say and let them rush you into a qucik decision. Take your time and ask as many questions as possible.

Just take your time and think. You'll know better than anyone else whether its the right decision for you. Don't let other people tell you what to do or you'll make the wrong choice.

2007-05-01 03:29:09 · answer #1 · answered by Tha Truth 4 · 0 0

You can never be 100% sure that anything is for you...so....you just know i guess. Its kind of like getting married...you never know if that person is 100% for you but, you take the chance because you believe they could be.

My husband joined the army with the mindset that he really thought it was for him..but if it wasn't then he would do his years he signed for and then move on. Now that hes in the army...he would never wish to be anywhere else. He loves what he does. You have to have a good mindset going into it or else you will never make it. You have to be prepared to get torn down and built back up. The army isn't an easy thing...but its definetly one of the most amazing things that anyone can do in life.

You will get amazing training in any job you select, learn to respect and be respected in ways no one else can understand, and you will learn discipline that you couldn't learn anywhere else. Its hard for some people to get through but its because they don't have the push and the want to actually make it. You have to be prepared for what you are getting yourself into. But....once you are there...it really is an amazing thing. I was planning on going in myself...but i got pregnant just before i was going to sign the papers.

You have to know that if you go in...you will be ready to deploy and defend this country at any time they call you to do it. Its hard to think about that when thinking about going in..but thats part of the job. Good luck with everything.....its a hard choice..but its so worth it in the end! Thank you for even considering. That shows more guts than half the people in this country have!

2007-05-01 10:28:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dont listen to some of these idiots, joining the military was one of the best things ive done for my life. It is a large decision. You have to ask yourself, why do you want to join, what can the army give to you, I am currently in the Army and it has been the best time of my life. You can read some of these peoples answers to this question, joining the military is never right.....or your a girl you dont belong in the army.....b.s, is what I have to say about that, the military has needed women as far back as the civil war where they were primarily used as field nurses, but in WWII is where the goverment realised how useful women can be to our military, which is when they started the U.s. army women corps. which back then some jobs were given to women so that the men could go out to battle and fight the war. Nowdays women are in combat, there equal to men in the military, and I say if your able to cut it and you have heart, go on and do it. Just cause you enlist doesnt mean your going to combat, i had to volunteer to get deployed, and just cause you go to war doesnt mean your going to die, some people are also idiots. Now if your not sure if you want to go active army try the reserves out. The army does have alot to offer you, and you to the army.

Sgt. Jones
U.S. Army
101st A.D. B 502

2007-05-01 11:23:00 · answer #3 · answered by DJ 1 · 0 0

You don't say what your family situation is or your education goals.

Nevertheless I believe that a TWO year stint in the military is one of the most character building steps a person can achieve.

The army teaches you discipline, regimentation, chain of command, team effort,camaraderie, survival tactics, patience, endurance and many other qualities that seem to be lacking in our present laissez fare world.

After my army phase I found that my life was easier to organize. I use the things I learned in the army every day and to my advantage.

Of course, nothing beats education but army life IS education. It is not just "book larnin'". It is preparation for life's many battles, the ability to see both sides of any situation, to conjure a plan of action when disaster strikes, it makes you an instant leader when all around you is chaos.

I can't think of a better way to prepare for your future than a short term in the military. The later benefits are incalculable.

2007-05-01 10:49:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you have a problem with authority, it could be good for you.

However, if you just can't stand inefficiency, it is absolutely not for you.

If you lack personality, and you want someone to give you regular, idiot proof directions, then it's for you.

However, if you already have personal vision and drive, I would take it to a place where someone will appreciate it, because in the Army, it could take many years for anyone to appreciate it.

You will get dirty. You will get yelled at. You are wrong whether you are really wrong or not. You will get an article 15 for trying to sneak an iPod into the barracks during Reception... they aren't joking...

You have no rights. I was "promised" a visit with a chaplain and an AR600-20 (a form requesting religious accomodation) when I arrived at reception. It never happened. I was told that the chaplain was too busy for the likes of me. So I was denied the First Ammendment that I was joining to defend. So I called the IG, made waves in command, and instead of giving me my rights, they discharged me.

This is not uncommon. You are denied everything.

So anyway, if you decide it's for you, I wish you the best. If you go to Ft. Jackson for BCT, and you're in Alpha Co. for reception, tell the First Sergeant and Drill Sgt. Whitehead that Pvt. Pappalardo and her husband say hi. They'll get a kick out of that...

2007-05-01 10:35:25 · answer #5 · answered by Birdie 3 · 0 1

If you like being told what to do, like getting dirty, like waiting, like wearing uniforms, like doing useless stuff, then by all means the army is right for you j/k. But with all seriousness, there are a lot of opportunities but before you sign check some of your other options. It also depends what you want to do in the future. If I could do it again, I would have joined the air force or the navy simply because the stress to work ratio is a lot lower. At the end of the day, just ask yourself is this what you really want because once you are in, you are in. Take care

2007-05-01 10:24:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jewel, you won't. It's not like buying a car, where you can test drive it first. It's not like anything that you have ever done in the world. I will be the first to admit that military life is not for everyone, but it's a GREAT beginning.

Think of all the benefits. Free college, college money, the chance to travel all over the world for free, no bills, paid twice a month, the chance to jump out of airplanes or rappel out of helicopters, 30 days vacation every year, etc, etc, etc. You do your minimum time, and then get out if you don't like it. It's like I told my kids when I was a recruiter, "Do it until it's not fun anymore, then get out." For the amount of time you put in, you get SO much out of it.

Honestly, tho, you won't know that the Army is for you until you try it.

Good luck

2007-05-01 10:52:38 · answer #7 · answered by My world 6 · 0 0

Figure out what exactly in the Army you want to do or some options for you. Then, talk to people that are currently in that field. Find out from others experience whether or not it is right for you so you can get an idea.

2007-05-01 10:27:15 · answer #8 · answered by Victoria 2 · 0 0

In time of war, joining the military is never the right thing to do. Take it from someone who has worked with and for veterans for years after they have come home from a Combat Zone, War means death and suffering for everyone involved.
If you join, you will be sent to the Middle East, probably Iraq. You will see so many ugly dead bodies that you well dream about them This will drive you crazy because sleep deprivation is no laughing matter. Then you may be divorced by your husband or boyfriend because you will have adjusted to real daily danger which has changed you inside into a walking and talking adrenal junkie.
You may wake up in the middle of the night as you slap your sleeping spouse while he sleeps. Or walking around outside in the dark with only your bed clothing on.
This is just a few looks at what returning combat veterans well find at home when they are out of their new environment, combat!

2007-05-01 10:50:10 · answer #9 · answered by zclifton2 6 · 0 2

are you strong mentally and physically? what do you want as an mos in the army? shop around see if the navy, or air force suits you more if not join the army instead.

have a good day!

2007-05-01 10:38:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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