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How many of you have actually looked at the data from the State Dept. as opposed to just buying the MSM headlines? Given the fact that terrorist attacks have increased only because they have increased in Iraq and Afghanistan, doesn't that undermine a) Dems' claim Iraq is not a part of the war on terror, b) the notion we can/should leave, and c) show how irrational leaving Iraq is compared to calls to increase troops in Afghanistan?

Source: http://newsbusters.org/node/12431

2007-05-01 03:00:21 · 8 answers · asked by Tired o 3 in Politics & Government Military

Bright, you aren't, any real answers?

2007-05-02 02:14:38 · update #1

Erudite, please read before you post. Foreigners never learn.

2007-05-07 03:42:13 · update #2

zedealme…, you're a real soothsayer huh? How could you ever predict more attacks are coming....hmmm. Maybe the list before you wasted my time w/your response was a hint.

2007-05-08 08:34:55 · update #3

"they increase in those places where terrorist have the expectation of killing Americans." Ummm, so that would be any country in the world since we have a military and otherwise presence there. Wouldn't America be the greatest likelihood of expecting to kill Americans? Duh.

Plus, you didn't answer the question, typical.

2007-05-08 17:03:52 · update #4

8 answers

all of these events happened before the Iraq war in the name of allah..

1972 Munich Olympics Sep-5,1972 (Black September)
1976 Entebbe Hostage Crisis, June 27, 1976
1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, Nov. 4, 1979 444 days
1979 Grand Mosque Seizure, Nov 20,1979
1981 Assassination of Egyptian President, Oct 6,1981
1981 Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul the Second
1982 Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister, Sept 14, 1982
1983 Bombing of US Embassy in Beirut, April 18,1983
1983 Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, Oct 23,1983
1984 Hezbollah Restaurant Bombing, April 12,1984
1985 Egyptian Airliner Hijacking, Nov 23,1985
1985 Rome Airport murders
1985 TWA Flight 847 hijacked, U.S. Navy diver murdered
1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, Homicidal maniac lived in saddams Iraq
1986 Aircraft Bombing in Greece, March 30, 1986
1988 Pan Am 747 Flight 103 Bombing, Lockerbie, 100's murdered
1988 Berlin Discotheque Bombing, Dec 21,1988
1990 A Muslim Named El Sayyid Nosair Murders Israeli Political activist Meir Kahane. Nov 1990
1992 Bombing in Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17,1992
1993 Attempted Assassination of Pres. Bush Sr., April 14,1993
1993 First World Trade Center bombing, February 26th, 7 Killed, Hundreds injured, Billions
1994: A small bomb explodes on Philippine Airlines Flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman. It is later discovered that Ramzi Yousef planted a bomb on the aircraft to test a bomb for his terrorist plot.December 11, 1994
1994 Air France Hijacking, Dec 24,1994
1994 A Muslim Named Rashid Baz shoots at a van filled with Hasidic boys, on the Brooklyn bridge murdering one of them. FBI calls it "Road Rage". March 1, 1994
1995 Attack on US Diplomats in Pakistan, Mar 8,1995
1995 Saudi Military Installation Attack, Nov 13, 1995
1995 Kashmiri Hostage taking, July 4,1995
1996 Khobar Towers attack
1996 Sudanese Missionaries Kidnapping, Aug 17,1996
1996 Paris Subway Explosion, Dec 3,1996
1997 At Empire State Building; Ali Abu Kamal shoots at tourists, kills one and wounds six before killing himself, Mayor Giuliani informs the public "he had many enemies in his mind".Feb 24,1997
1997 Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, Sept 4, 1997
1997 Yemeni Kidnappings, Oct 30,1997
1998 Somali Hostage taking crisis, April 15,1998
1998 U.S. Embassy Bombing in Peru, Jan 15, 1998
1998 U.S. Kenya Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1998 U.S. Tanzania Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1999 Egypt Air flight 990's co-pilot crashes plane killing all 217 people on board, officials post no link to terrorism, even though the co-pilot is heard on black box tape exclaiming "I rely on Allah" 11 times as he crashed the plane.- Oct 1999
1999 Plot to blow up Space Needle (thwarted)
2000 USS Cole attacked,17 U.S.Navy sailors were murdered and 39 others were injured- October
2000-2003 Intifada against Israel - 1000's dead and injured
2000 Manila Bombing, Dec 30,2000
2001 4 Commercial airliners hijacked, 250+ murdered
2001 World Trade Center attacked, 2800+ murdered
2001 Flight 93 murders
2001 Pentagon attacked, 180+ murdered

2002 Los Angeles Airport; Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet shoots and kills 2 people, FBI begrudgingly admits this as a terrorist act after evidence reveals it to be. July 4, 2002
2002 Reporter Daniel Pearl, kidnapped and murdered
2002 Beltway Snipers, John Muhammad & Lee Malvo;converts to Islam,goes on a shooting spree killing 10 people.Oct 2002
2002 Philippines American missionary, Filipino nurse killed
2002 July 4, El Al attack Los Angeles LAX, several murdered
2002 Bali bombing - 200 dead, 300 injured
2002 Yemen, French Oil Tanker attacked
2002 Marines attacked / murdered in Kuwait
2002 Russian Theater attacked, 100+ dead
2002 Nigerian riots against Miss World Pageant, 200 dead, dozens injured
2002 Mombasa Hotel Attacked, 12 dead, dozens injured
2002 Israeli Boeing 757 attacked by missiles, fortunately no one injured
2002 August Hotel bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia. 12 dead, dozens injured.
2003 Russian concert bombing

2007-05-08 06:02:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1


You whether go through life with the sense we are good people in a good world , or you go through life with fear and then everybody turns into an enemy "only in your sick mind"..

The recent Virginia Tech. attack , I believe, is a very important indicator that terrorism/violence is becoming a common practiced thing in the American society itself, every 3 min. an American citizen would get killed by a crazy gun holder, no controls !
I believe instead of sending troops to the middle east to "only" increase hate against America and bring more civilian people to death , it would be more appropriate to work on the increasing violence inside the American society and stop calling others "terrorists" , when acts practiced at Abu Ghorib for example are worse and more inhuman then what any terrorist might have done one day - or at least won't be much different of it , and do anything to reduce the violence /terrorism practiced by Americans against Americans and non-Americans alike

2007-05-08 20:33:23 · answer #2 · answered by shdtt 4 · 0 0

They have increased in Iraq and Afghanistan. They increase in those places where terrorist have the expectation of killing Americans.

2007-05-08 16:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by johnfarber2000 6 · 0 1

Attacks have not increased worldwide. But in Iraq and Afghanistan the terrorist attacks increases. It is all under the coat of the US is present there, but in reality, they would have killed each other any how, The US is only a scape-goat to legalize their murders and other crimes

2007-05-07 00:15:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

This Administration has proven that it has no idea what is really going on, who the enemy really is, what the enemy really wants, and how we might be able to defeat them. From what prominent Democrats say, they only get the half of it - the war as we now fight it cannot be won, but they have little or no idea what to do instead.

First point - there is no war on terror. Terror is a tactic, not an enemy. By definition, terrorism is a surprise, violent attack on civilian populations or targets for the purpose of frightening the victims enough that they cause a change in their government's policy. An attack on a military target is sabotage, or warfare, but not terrorism, because military targets expect to be attacked and plan for it, and are therefore not frightened after being attacked. Since the objective of terrorism is to change government policy, it only works on countries where the will of the people is taken into account when making policy - more or less democratic countries, not dictatorships or absolute monarchies.

Second point - of the more than 500 suicide bomb attacks recorded world-wide between 1960 and 2006, more than half were committed by the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka, a Buddhist group, against India, a predominantly Hindu democracy. The tactic of suicide bombing has no inherent relationship with Islam, the first Islamic sucide bombing taking place in 1984, 24 years after the Tamil Tigers invented them.

Third point - all known suicide bombings, 500 plus, have been directed at foreign occupation of territory beloved by the perpetrators. This includes Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Hamas, Israel/Palestine, the six attacks by al Qaeda against the US between 1993 and 2001, and the attacks against the European members of the Iraq war coalition. All suicide bombings have the same message - "get the @#$% out of MY country!" In the case of al Qaeda up through 2001, it was the stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia to counter Saddam Hussein that was the issue.

Point four - they do not hate us, or our freedom. They want freedom like we have, to collectively determine their own affairs, free of both outside interference and internal tyranny. They do hate the policy of our government which puts stability of allied regimes above popularity, supporting dictators all over the world and opposing popular left wing movements. This despite the fact that the American Revolution was itself a popular left wing movement in revolt against a monarchy.

So, in fact, numbers of sucide bombings in Iraq may be up, but the purpose of them is to drive out the Americans, so if and when we leave (and we must, sooner or later, leave) the suicide bombings in Iraq will stop.

The war, the real war, is with al Qaeda. Every major Muslim cleric in the world, including some of our staunchest enemies, has condemend the September 11 attacks as contrary to Islam and thus criminal. We must pursue al Qaeda, not in Iraq, where we cannot catch them, but in Waziristan, where they hide in the provinces that the Pakistani government does not actually govern. The counterattacks on al Qaeda cannot be conventional military operations - they have no country, no war production, no civilian targets, no fortresses. They have hiding places we must find, and training camps we must obliterate. The local headmen of the nearby villages know who and where they are. Even the kids playing in the streets know who and where they are. They keep to themselves. We can jump on them, kill them, and fly away, leaving the locals happy that these troublemakers are gone. We cannot march on them in force because Muslim hospitality rules require the locals to defend them against hostile armies - we must sneak up on them and murder them out of revenge, a motive and method understood and approved of in the local environment where they are hiding. We can buy the intelligence from the local headmen, or send in local language speakers under cover to ferret them out ourselves.

We can stop almost all the attacks on the US by just getting our troops out of places where they are not welcome: Iraq and Saudia Arabia, mostly. We can station them where they are welcome, instead: Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Oman.

There is another conflict going on in Iraq, which, although it is our fault that it is happening, is beyond our power to reduce. Our enemies in Iraq were clever, while our Coalition Provisional Authority was stupid. The CPA pretty much cut the Sunnis out of Iraqi power by its "de-Baathification" orders. Al Zarqawi managed to set the sects at each others throats, by bombing the Golden Mosque, by assassinating moderate clerics, and by committing atrocities against Shi'ites. Iraq has no functioning army, no police, no civil service, and no civil order, thanks to us. However, we are The Occupation, so everything we can do, except leave, is counterproductive now. If there is a bloodbath when we go, it will have been our fault based on misdirected actions taken three years ago which cannot be undone now. If we stay or go, the locals may either settle or fight. If we stay, they are less likely to settle, and we will sutain casualties, We will sustain fewer casualties if we leave. They will not sustain fewer casualties if we stay because we have stayed.

We have to get out of Iraq, the sooner the better, no fooling. We have to find and kill al Qaeda, where they hide, covertly. We need to capture the al Qaeda personnel computers, which will have on them the real names, real countries, and maybe current missions of all the 100,000 or so followers they have world wide. They enemy are few, but so far they have played it many times smarter than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. Clinton, at least, took a couple of shots right at them (they missed.) W and his guys have not yet taken one single direct shot at Bin Laden and his gang.

2007-05-09 01:13:50 · answer #5 · answered by vdpphd 4 · 0 0

Yes! George made it worse because of the Iraq war. The Americans will never learn.

2007-05-06 16:35:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Americans are Infidels and terriorists because you're killing innocents around the world and now everyone knows this don't you ? Don't you know your Media system who teaches you words like Iran, Al-Qaida and terrorists to blame all of your negative?

2007-05-01 03:10:21 · answer #7 · answered by bright 3 · 0 5

Not really. But just wait...

2007-05-08 08:13:24 · answer #8 · answered by zeca do trombone 5 · 0 1

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