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What do you think the answer is to this problem. As a mexican-american I know what people have to do to get to the states and I also know why they do it, mexico is really poor.I personaly think that the u.s should help mexico so the country can in return make better paying jobs...still don't know why they don't do that.we can go to a country and setup a gov. But we can't help a country next door.

2007-05-01 02:34:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

20 answers

I don't think there is any good solution.

Living in Florida, I will tell you that the Spanish immigrants will "out work... and have better work ethics" than American workers. They also are willing to work for MUCH less money than an American. And any American that says the Mexicans' are stealing our jobs, are full of ****. I want to see an American work 80 hours a week in the hot sun doing landscaping for 7 bucks an hour. Get the picture? These immigrants are not stealing our jobs. If we deport them, our economy will go to ****!

In my opinion, I believe that the US government chooses not to improve the economy in Mexico so that we DO have an immigration problem. It's actually not a problem, they just have to make it seem like one. Think about it, employers here are thrilled that they've found someone that actually is greatful to have a job. These immigrants are respectful to their employers and don't complain. Now imagine taking these people out of the country...millions of businesses will go in the proverbial shitter because you're just not gonna find an American that will work this hard for these wages.

Coming from a midwest born American - I think our government is using Mexico and it's citizens for it's own good. As far as deportation issues, I think that's to keep crime in check. It gives the government fair reason to toss out the bad immigrants. If the US helped strengthen the Mexican economy it would weaken ours. It's really a shame that it all comes down to the almighty dollar. In a perfect world, everyone would treat each other with respect, love and understanding. But then again, I'm not running the country!

2007-05-01 02:59:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Mexico has a government elected by it's people. The USA does help Mexico hugely! Do some research and you'll see just how much Mexico is supported by the US. The problem is not an immigration problem, it's an illegal problem. People can become citizens by following the law. Sure most people crossing the border illegally are looking for a better life, nobody disputes this fact. It's too bad Mexico could care less for it's people, but should that mean they do not have to follow the laws like everyone else does?
I really don't understand why the majority of illegal aliens from MX feel they have the right to break the law. The jobs preformed by illegal aliens used to be good paying jobs for US citizens, but now the positions are filled w/cheap labor.

The idea that the US needs the cheap labor in order to fill jobs that Americans will not do is complete bull. I'd love to have a job in lawn maintenance and landscaping, but the wages are so low now that I couldn't manage a decent living. These jobs used to pay $15 - $20 per hour, but now not even close. The same thing in the construction industry.

And then there is the burden on governmental services, health care, etc...that our tax $ pays for. The taxes paid by illegals is not nearly enough to cover the burden. Not to mention the fact that the wages are now lowered, which means less taxes paid....We could go on all day about this. I do have sympathy for families being separated, but it was their choice to break the law.

2007-05-01 03:03:45 · answer #2 · answered by Robert B 3 · 0 0

I believe: that the US Gov't has allowed these folks to come here by not policing the border properly; that US employers use these people's backs, minds and work ethic to further business interests/profit margins; that these people have proven to be hard workers, for the most part; that they are God's children and deserve our help when necessary, education facilities,medical assistance and other human necessities; that illegal immigrants MUST be instructed on the US Government, the country and its peoples prior to being assumed into its citizenry; that an organized return of these people, each and every one of these 11million+ people, to their home countries is absolutely impossible, and we MUST all work together to make it happen. Do I have some misgivings about what has happened? Of course - but we must accept the FACTS on the ground and insure that we don't treat these people any differently than we want to be treated. They MUST be accepted as US citizens and be subject to ALL of its laws. I pray that we won't string this out any longer - all of us deserve a definitive answer and resolution of this humanitarian and fiscal problem.

2007-05-01 02:53:28 · answer #3 · answered by Pete W 5 · 0 0

Actually, the answer isn't to migrate to the USA. The answer is to spend as much time and energy fixing your own country as you spend demonstrating and trying to screw ours up. The US doesn't owe Mexico a damned thing and the fact is we already help Mexico a whole lot more than we should. Most Mexicans thank us by protesting our law enforcement, refusing to speak English and instead of lifting themselves up, they are dragging the USA down to their level of corruption and incompetence. At this point, I and nearly 100% of our members, plus a huge majority of people across the United States want strict law enforcement against illegal immigrants. We don't want to give them any breaks whatsoever because of the way they've behaved after past amnesties. We're sick and tired of giving up to give thankless lawbreakers anything else. The mere fact that you call yourself a Mexican-American is one of the reasons we've become so hard-hearted. If you are in the United States and you want to be American, then you have to be American first and Mexican only when someone inquires about your heritage. Otherwise, you are not American, you are still Mexican and you should go back where you belong.

The answer is now and always has been -- ENFORCE OUR LAWS, arrest, detain, deport all illegals, fine all those who hire, harbor and help them and then jail those who persist. No benefits, no amnesty, no pathways to citizenship. Your countrymen screwed us several times and we're sick and tired of it. If the government won't enforce our laws, then we'll simply discriminate against you. We shouldn't have to obey the laws if your countrymen don't. Fair is fair. Additionally, I don't want my children associating with people who live their lives by breaking the law and demonstrating against our law enforcement and then demand that we treat them with respect. We don't respect lawbreakers regardless of the reason.

I will personally help an American Citizen anytime. However, I will no longer help anyone who doesn't speak fluent English and doesn't appear to be following our laws. I will help law enforcement apprehend them.

2007-05-01 02:58:49 · answer #4 · answered by MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! 5 · 0 0

Well we could annex Mexico and the other central American nations and begin to manage them in a way that would create jobs and a good economy, I mean really if they all want to come to the USA why not just make that part of the USA and get it straightened out down there. otherwise we need a big fence and better round ups because we can't afford to pay for all their problems when they get here and run the cost up of health care and schools, not to mention welfare.

2007-05-01 04:07:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) build a wall, make it high, make it a double fence with land mines in between the fences. Place troops on the border with orders to shoot to kill. Do the same on the northern border. Discontinue all sanctuary programs. Stop all entry via air and sea. Discontinue all government programs for non citizens(education, health care, welfare, etc). Deport all criminal aliens. Arrest all who hire lleagles and jail them for the offense. Only by shutting off the safety valve of immigration will the Mexican government ever be forced to reform and build an economy that will sustain it's people

2007-05-01 02:44:21 · answer #6 · answered by espreses@sbcglobal.net 6 · 1 0

I dont see just ONE magical answer... but I know somethings that might help. 1) repeal NAFTA its why theyre running this way to begin with.. we made it so their farms cant afford to sell their produce so theyre running out of work... and heading this way. To stop that we need 2) a workable fence... 30ft high... preferably with a second fence 20 yards away with a road in the middle for our border patrols to use.. OR.. fill the gap with mines and have towers every 1/4 mile manned with 3) snipers. If they realize that what they are doing is INVADING our country, and we start fighting back, maybe they wont be in such a big hurry to jump or cut that fence. But jobs arent the ONLY reason they are comming. The promise of free healthcare and education is also bringing em up here by the thousands daily, so 4) make laws that dont make heroes out of them, in fact make laws that they arent ALLOWED access to things they havent earned and dont deserve. When you consider that several states, not just the border ones, but starting with them have gone bankrupt trying to keep up with the demand for benefits by persons not elligible for them, then maybe the outlawing of giving these benefits doesnt seem like such a bad idea... In fact, many will argue that the cost of fencing, patrolling, prohibiting, banning, and changing the way we look at our immigration problem is too high... but then ask towns and counties that have gone totally broke trying to help out people who are here illegally, and have NO intentions for the most part of joining us. Yeah... the cost is high... but... greyhound is always advertising specials.. 39.99 from anywhere to anywhere.. how bout.. from everywhere.. back to El Paso and other bordertowns....?

2007-05-01 02:55:03 · answer #7 · answered by amadeus_tso 2 · 0 0

Being poor does NOT grant you any right to commit crimes in somebody else's country. Period.

Mexico's problems are Mexico's. Why do you people believe it's our responsibility to solve them?

But the solution is faily simple, eliminate the motivation for these criminals to be here.

1) Major jail time ( in addition to increased fines ) for anybody who hires criminal immigrants.

2) Elimination of anchor babies. You must be here legally in order for your children to get citizenship.

3) Any assets acquired while engaged in crime in the US ( such as being here illegally ) will be seized.

4) Any non-immigration crime carried out by criminal immigrants will get double penalty.

5) You MUST be a citizen to recieve any social services.

2007-05-01 02:51:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because Mexico is the most corrupt government in the Western Hemisphere.

2007-05-01 02:48:07 · answer #9 · answered by Armed Civilian 4 · 0 1

The answer to the ILLEGAL immigration problem is to enforce the laws as they are written and secure the border.

Mexico's economy is none of my business.

2007-05-01 02:39:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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