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They're already abusing the U.S. bankrupting hospitals from their overuse.Burdoning the free clinics.On top of these things,the crime rates are drastic from these people along our borders.Now they're protesting again.I believe they are enemy combatants and should be treated as such.If they were from a mid-east country do you think more would be getting done?

2007-05-01 02:27:14 · 13 answers · asked by George Washington 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

13 answers

Expand on that a bit more.. it gets worse...

Why are we funding illegal immigrants education.... in THEIR language???? In the last 15+ years, education funds nationwide have gone bankrupt from all the "Expansions" not to mention the fact that they are hiring teachers who MUST SPEAK SPANISH... cause we arent teaching them in English... so DOUBLE the cost of teachers in the school budget... and it doesnt seem to be getting any better any time soon.

2007-05-01 02:33:58 · answer #1 · answered by amadeus_tso 2 · 9 1

i really don't know, but it's hurting our children's education by having them in the schools, it's taking away time from teachers who have to deal with them not speaking English, they are bringing down national test scores so low it's ridiculous. they are causing more crimes and disturbances in the schools, by dealing drugs, gang activities etc. i don't believe they should be allowed in the school let alone the country!!!!! if they were from a mid east country you know the government wouldn't allow it!!!

2007-05-01 09:39:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

HOLD YOUR HORSES "MATT G"----who ever said that immigrants don't pay taxes? Every immigrant who works here and gets a check has to pay taxes that get deducted from their pay! All you people need to do some research before opening your big *** mouth. Illegal immigrants pay 175 BILLION dollars in taxes that are NEVER returned to them because they can't file taxes---(see that----it's 175 followed by NINE zeros.) And what the hell does this have to do with Mexico? mexican's aren't the only ones who immigrate to this country. I guess we have to start kicking out all the europeans, asians, southern americans, central americans and EVEN YOU for tha matter. Or what, did you forget that your ancestors were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TOO? they came here and took over land that didn't belong to them. STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT YOU NEED US!

2007-05-01 09:57:47 · answer #3 · answered by ImmgrntSOWHAT? 1 · 0 5

This stupid people judge all Latin people the same, there are some of us that want to be succesful in this country of opportunities. And EVERYBODY IS AN IMMIGRANT!!! HELLO!!! Americans wasn't originated from this country, they came from EUROPE or some other country, U.S.A. had just indiginous people, and when europeans came they didn't kick them out, they gave them land.

2007-05-01 10:03:26 · answer #4 · answered by !!!V3r0!!! 2 · 0 5

I have no idea but I bet there are plenty of liberals who can give you a good answer, or maybe they won't bother to even try.

2007-05-01 09:35:12 · answer #5 · answered by ray4vp 2 · 3 2

Why are we(legal America) allowing the illegal aliens almost free reign in this nation. Why are they allowed "rights" under this nations laws ?
The only rights they should have is the right to be treated humanely as they are deported back to their country of origin.. I for one am tired of this giving away of America by the liberal bleeding hearts and the demands of racists extremist groups such as the Marxist leaning La Raza Unida,The Brown Berets and others,who advocate the hostile take over of the US southwest.

"We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party

Brown Berets, we're here today to show L.A., show the minority people here, the Anglo-Saxons, that we are here, the majority, we're here to stay. We do the work in this city, we take care of the spoiled brat children ... We're here in Westwood ... to show white Anglo-Saxon Protestant L.A., the few of you who remain, that we are the majority, and we claim this land as ours, it's always been ours, and we're still here, and none of the talk about deporting.

"If anyone's going to be deported, it's going to be you! ... Get out! We are the future. You're old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we're already controlling those elections, whether it's by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we're going to take over." Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.

Is this what you want to happen in this nation ? If not then you better wake up America. I live in Arizona ,we are on the frount lines of this invasion of illegal aliens . Its time the rest of the USA woke up to reality. They are a threat to this nation.

In Arizona as in most border states 98% of all illegal aliens work for cash,they dont get checks. The few that do pay taxes with TINs or stolen,fake,rented or borrowed SS cards dont pay enough taxes to off set the amount of public services they use and abuse.

The $1.3 billion in costs incurred by Arizona taxpayers is comprised of outlays in the following areas:

Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in Arizona and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Arizonans spend approximately $820 million annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings.

Health Care. Uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to the state’s illegal alien population is now estimated at about $400 million a year.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year (not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

The unauthorized immigrant population pays some state and local taxes that go toward offsetting these costs, but they do not come near to matching the expenses. The total of such payments might generously be estimated at $257 million per year.

The fiscal costs of illegal immigration do not end with these three major cost items. The total costs of illegal immigration to the state’s taxpayers would be considerably higher if other costs such as special English instruction, school nutrition programs, or welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal alien workers were added into the equation

Legal immigrants from ALL nations are welcome,America was built by Americans that came from all over the world. Americans of all colors,races and ethic orgins. Legal Americans.
Not illegal aliens !

2007-05-01 09:47:29 · answer #6 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 2

You wanna know why?
because if we do not allow them a JEW Lawyer will get in on the act and suit the the hell outta the goverment (your money).

All lawyers need to be lined-up and shot for the protection of the USA.

2007-05-01 09:40:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6


2007-05-01 09:37:05 · answer #8 · answered by Matt G 1 · 5 1

Liberals make that posiable....... Liberals ruin everything. They hate America.

2007-05-01 09:30:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

because every child is entitled to free education on american soil...illegal or not....something like that..

2007-05-01 09:55:50 · answer #10 · answered by sayasyoulike 4 · 0 5

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