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DUDE, i am muslim and we have been coming to america or canada way Way b4 9/11 just tryng to live a decent life like everyone. We believe in Jesus christ and try to implement his teachings too. The only problem is that in the era of technology we failed miserable against the west, so now to make ends meet we rely on the west because our forefatehrs could not place any good strategy for our future. We are humans who share a human loss, the only problem is like ur media we have mosques where some people just want to diss USA and Isreal since they have nothing better to do. I would love to beat them up but unlike popular belief that we would love to kill, we dont Actually know what to do! The only thing we know is,
now God/Allah is showing all of us Our real face in Iraq , SUNNI VS SHAIS and he is showing a real face of corruption as in Democrats and Republicans. This is what happens when we dont implement tolerance and justice. We would live in a more confused world!

2007-05-01 02:16:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

You are very right !! Just have mentioned in an other answer..........That we muslims are also responsible for our problems.......We are divided and not following our proper teachings of islam....and unfortunatly few redicals have hijacked it and we are not worried about it........this is our problem and for that we are suffering....but it does not make all 1.6 billion muslims terrorists..........Now when we done a mistake, West projected it as a crime.....if a muslim kill a fly it become a public issue in west and all projected by media that they are evil. people are not using their brain but thinkging through media !.but anyways.....tolerance is rare and this have made peace rare now.....!you are right, we are living in a confused world ! very confused world ...!!

And ignore these hateful answers.........they would bash you when you would keep queit and they would bash you when you would clearify yourself........LOL, actualy they don't want you on earth at all ! Again lack of tolerance you know !!

Peace be with you !!

2007-05-01 02:33:55 · answer #1 · answered by ★Roshni★ 6 · 2 1

He ought to be the two Sunni, Shia or Sufi and could be a Muslim. If he's duped into transforming into to be a member of the deviant nejdi cult wahabi/salafi - then he could be exterior the remit of Islam. He could then be following a terrorist outfit. He could then be a follower of Abu Sufyan, Muawiya and Yazid. via the did you be attentive to... the great Islamic pupil, Abu al-Qasim Mahmud ibn Umar al-Zamakhshari, writes: "there have been 4 people who have been concept to be Mu’awiya’s father, Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah" for sure, Hind did no longer do Mutah on the time that Muawiya became into conceived, else his paternity could have been previous doubt. She opted for Nikah Ijtimah somewhat…and Muawiya had to confess to being a bastard. source(s): Rabi al-Abrar wa nusus al-Akhbar quantity 3 website 551

2016-10-14 06:14:53 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I often ask myself the question Where is the Ummah? Until all of Islam unites as the Ummah we will remain divided. The West loves the fact that Muslims are divided so they strive to make the division greater. Can't we all see this?
I urge all Muslims to unite as the Ummah ("Community of the Believers" )
Allahu Akbar! God is Great

2007-05-01 04:02:02 · answer #3 · answered by Chery 5 · 0 0

Human beings are oftenmost a nasty inbred nano-something in a transition of which they do not know much about. Human beings, the God-chosen ones and so also those of the master race (herrenvolk), always try to subdue and to exterminate others who might not wish to surrender or to withdraw.

There are also people of some dusty desert, those who admittedly "miserable (miserably?) failed against the west", extremely inbred ones, hostile tribes with fixed ideas and bloody religious dogmas about life and the hereafter, and whose females walk the streets of a potentially friendly "western" world covered head to feet like frightening spooks, and the males of whose people are shown in the media kneeling down in great numbers in their huge temples and with their **** and their arms in the air and their forehead beating the floor praying unto a God that was defined for them many thousand years ago, contrived in their own image and declared to have created them in His own image and of whom they do not know much about as He reportedly is ever mysterious, immense, almighty.

The real thing is what you immediately can see, what the dude media directly show to the dudes of the world and also to others willing to see.

There are ideal and even bright potentialities of the real thing, but those have yet to come true, and to be "rightly" grasped, and that in fact may never come, and that in fact may never be graspable by such inbred minds of inbred races and tribes of a dusty and wind-swept world whose prevalent aim is to subdue and to even exterminate neighbors and so also others in other regions who are not in the same way, and who do not think in the same way, those others who would like to enjoy some freedom freely walking the streets anywhere, freely sitting at a public bar where males and females freely want talk to each other and to drink coffee or tea or wine or whatever else freely together.

Some people want to implement tolerance and justice, they want to intolerantly implement their own so-called tolerance and justice, and so the dudes of the world are required to tolerate the intolerant, the dudes of the world are demanded to make space for the inbred and for the inbred's life-stile and prostrating creed.

A decent life should be allowed for all, not just for some intruders entering your world and calling you a dude and wanting your acceptance and your space. They escaped from a nasty hostile world of murderous inbred tribes where they could not sit toghether at some round table and in a friendly way solve the problems of their living together in the world without machine-guns and bombs and hanging ropes and scimitars.

Confused people make a bloody confused world.

Good luck!

2007-05-01 03:40:13 · answer #4 · answered by pasquale garonfolo 7 · 0 1

I know the real Islam and realize it is another false religion.
I'm glad you don't want to hurt people in the USA. That's good. Many from your religion do. Sad eh?
But I have a few questions;

Why does Islam deny the Jesus died for the sins of many when it was foretold over 300 times in the Old test?

Why does Islam deny that our bible is indeed true, we have the dead sea scrolls to back up the fact that God's blessings were on Isaac and not Ishmael. That Isaac was in line with the Christ.

Why has Islam put their entire faith on one mans testimony? We have the bible written by many prophets. Why did the Jews first then the Christians reject Mohammad when he brought his false gospel?

2007-05-01 02:28:50 · answer #5 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 0 2

Do you believe in Jesus as the only begotten Son of God/Allah?
I believe what you are saying is true, In America the wealthy class are ruling and screwing everything up for everyone else but the majority are just regular folk, I think in Iraq there is a group of terrorists screwing everything up and then there are the regular folk.

2007-05-01 02:23:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Your religion protects your own kind, no matter what their sin is. If your brother kills an infidel, you will not report him, you don't believe our laws, or anybody's laws apply to 'Muslims'.

You're probably here for one reason...economic prosperity, like Mexican illegals...you hate American culture. Do you or any of your family intend to join our military? I doubt it.

2007-05-01 02:30:12 · answer #7 · answered by Thomas Paine 5 · 0 2

No need to be confused. No need to think of any religion which parts human being. No need to believe in Allaha or god.

2007-05-01 02:26:22 · answer #8 · answered by rajendra k 3 · 0 2

most the muslims are violent and do not tolerate other religions. anyone who does violence towards another human being is truly not following the way of their gods be it allah or Jesus or whom ever you worship. CAN'T WE ALL JUST LIVE IN OUR OWN PART OF THE WORLD AND GET ALONG?

2007-05-01 02:22:49 · answer #9 · answered by whitelily 3 · 1 4


2007-05-01 02:27:44 · answer #10 · answered by gframesch 2 · 1 1

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