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I know i'm going to get some stupid answers but I am really interested in mediumship and clairvoyancy and would like to know if you can train yourself into becoming one or is it just a gift you are born with?

2007-05-01 02:12:07 · 34 answers · asked by Ami J 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

You weren't kidding about the stupid answers especially from the bible thumpers!!!

Everyone has the innate ability of some psychic gift. Unfortunately, most everyone has squashed that ability upon the belief that it is bad & evil. If you're really interested, it is possible that you already have this gift and you just want to be able to enhance it, because you are already drawn to it.

If you learn to meditate and open yourself you should start to be able to "hear", "see" and/or feel. I say hear & see with quotations because you usually don't hear with your ears and see with your eyes, but rather inside your head, but you know it's not your voice (no, I am not talking about schizophrenia - yes I'm talking to you, doubters...). Sometimes this will require lots of patience and faith. Don't be discouraged - practice makes perfect. You might try asking for a message from one you know and trust that has passed on, your specific prefered diety, or guardian angel(s), and just listen.

Be forewarned, once you're able to hear/see/feel, it's hard to turn it off. There are times you can tune it out, but that itself is a learned ability as well.

On another note - most of the bible statements are messages from God; according to some of these statements, those messengers should have never been believed in for they received messages from a being that does not exist on this plane - talk about an oxymoron!

2007-05-01 02:36:01 · answer #1 · answered by Witchy 2 · 1 2

Everyone has psychic potential it is just a case of finding the right medium to work in. Imagine you are learning to dance or play music. Some people aren't good singers but are incredible at playing the guitar. If you have a gift for the visual you might like to work with the Tarot. If you have the gift of nurturing you may be a good healer. As an ethereal process it is just finding a channel. It is also a creative talent so explore this potential within yourself and you will start to find the magic.
For clairvoyancy the best way to start is take an image or symbol and meditate on it for a short while. Take note of the responses you have in a book. They don't have to make sense straight away, then go back to these notes a few days later. You will also find that images are relayed to you when you're least expecting it. Stay true and good luck.

2007-05-01 03:21:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course you can learn but this isn't for everyone. It kind of depends on your personality type. You have to be wicked good at bluffing. If you have the ability to perform tricks or bluff in cards convincingly than you are half way in the door already, another part however pertains to how much of a quick thinker you are. If you're the type of person who can have an answer for everything, and if you like attention, you've met most of the qualifications. Anyway, you know most of this or you wouldn't already be trying to join a mediumship. Nobody is born with the ability to see the future or read minds, etc. The masters are the ones who simply have a very high level of intuition and can take a pretty good guess at an outcome. Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers are usually pretty good at this.
If you ever find a real clairvoyant, be sure to have them predict the next Katrina, 9/11, etc. so they can save lives or something for a change. The reason that doesn't happen is obvious. So I'd say your chances are good at getting in, it comes down to how bad you want it. Good Luck

2007-05-01 02:24:11 · answer #3 · answered by blphnx 3 · 0 3

I've had a multitude of psychic experiences and some spiritual. Now, I had a very serious, life threatening illness. As the illness progressed it compromised my nervous system and the worse it got the more of these types of experiences I had. Because of the nature of the illness my medical notes went out for research. At the time I kept a diary of everything I experienced and this has also been retrieved and examined. The premonitions and a whole lot of other things actually happened but do seem to co-ordinate with the disruption to brain function. I think scientist right know believe that this is a natural ability of the human being that can manifest when certain types of brain function occurs. Most people who experience it are not ill as I was. So yes it is natural. But a word of caution accessing different types of brain function is possible through meditation but is it advisable-take care.

2007-05-01 02:31:06 · answer #4 · answered by purplepeace59 5 · 0 2

You can learn if you don't mind becoming a manipulative, lying sack of horse crap.
No one is born with the "gift", it is entirely imagined by the person as a means of exploiting the fears, insecurities and grief of people who are too freakin gullible to see a scam when it's smacking them square between the eyes.
Just look at the people who claim to be psychic and who make a very public living from it with TV shows etc.
Derek Acorah, Colin Fry and so on, they are just so full of it.
Why do people buy this rubbish when it is so obvious that they are winging it with guesses and obscure references that the person feels obliged to accept and not question.
If there really was such a gift, do you think it would be given to people who are so creepy that they wouldn't look out of place in an episode of Crimewatch?

2007-05-01 05:13:02 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

Yes you can.
All theese are psychic powers of our unconscious, our seventh sense that everyone had from the start of mankind.
All thoose powers are a mixture from the same source, the third eye / pineal gland that is in between our eyes, a bit up on our forehead.
If you awaken this third eye, you will regain thoose natural powers. The first things happening uses to be seeing auras, energies; precognition (getting a phrase our act in your head a short moment before someone says it / does it) then later it goes on to clairovoyance and thoose acts of mediumship, it is even possible to see through things like walls or material. The eye also works as a normal eye, and blind people often develope the third eye unconsciously, therfore they may see small things without their two eyes like energies of other people et.c...
Sit in a meditative position, focus on your lower forehead, between the eyes. Visualize a golden light there. Put your tounge on the roof of your mouth; and as you close your eyes roll them upwards looking at the position. The third eye feeds of your attention. Do this a 30 min a day and you'll be a medium in no time.

2007-05-01 02:48:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Often it comes naturally & people are either born with it or develop "the gift" at a young age, but we are all psychic to a certain degree so you can certainly develop this ability with practice. I know it's slightly different to what you want to do but I learned to be a psychic healer. I did a Reiki course & got to practicioner level, & then started the Master's course but I couldn't finish it as I began to be guided & the healing I was doing wasn't Reiki anymore. I found I didn't need to follow any of the Reiki guidlines as this totally guided healing method worked better for me. There is a whole world of spirituality out there. I believe that if you keep trying & have the right motives in your heart you will find what you are looking for. People are only given the psychic gift to help people, not so they can set up a get rich quick scheme. (I'm not saying this is your intention) Good luck!

2007-05-01 02:33:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Now here's a thing... I was born a Medium... have been one all my life... was recorded as such by the the Church of England in 1973... by the then bishop of Peterborough... and I hated the title... and didn't want my gifts because they scared me and everyone around me... because I picked up their fear and let it affect my abilities until I was 28 years old... and then I overcame fear and accepted what I am.

I have never... and will not... join any organisation that puports to 'teach' it... but I can tell you that EVERYONE is psychic to a degree... that Mediums... are both psychic and mediumistic... and if like me... they're also spiritualists as well (not the churchy spiritualists... but spiritualists in that they can speak with the dead... all these things are a gift not to be taken for granted or used for selfish ends... I will not use my gifts to make money) but psychics... are seldom mediums.

I know... difficult to grasp... but that's the way it is.

I was sceptical about other Mediums who advertise their services for gain... and many are con artists... but... some are good and genuine. It takes one to know one!

You wouldn't want the life I have had... it's weird to say the least... and I kept a low profile even though I was front paged in 1973... because the church asked me to speak about my experiences.... I only agreed to use my Christian name... to stop people dabbling with the occult... which is dangerous... and because (like some in here) have bad things to say about Mediums...

So I kept quiet and only used my gifts when they decided to encroach if I was with someone who spirit knew... was in need of spiritual advice... and I can shock myself as well as them when suddenly I know too much about their lives... yet we've never met... since... it really doesn't give me any choice... I never know it's coming when it does!

Sometimes it's light and easy... funny too... sometimes it isn't... and sometimes it's deadly serious and you have to decide on just how much to say... or not... for example... you DO NOT ever tell a person they are going to die... even when you know they are... you just beat yourself to bits when they do...

It is not a game... it is not a lie... it happens... and whether you who doubt like it or not... you are spirits inside physical bodies... and one day you will know that you are... when you leave the burden of your bodies and connect back to your maker.

If god had not meant for me to have such gifts... they wouldn't happen... but using them without loving others first and caring for the way you use them... using them as a career option to make money... I don't agree with that... and I never will be able to.

A 62 years old Medium from birth who didn't want to be one... but slowly realised over time... that they can and have been beneficial to many other souls.

God bless everyone!

no edit

2007-05-01 04:01:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone has these gifts. How many times have you walked into a room where people may have been arguing and could just feel the tension? You may not of heard them but you know what was going on without the normal senses. How many times have you met someone and got a bad feeling about them? Another way of using these abilities. So many times you will just know something without knowing how you know. People wish to deny them but they are there. There are many great books out on developing your own abilities to be sharper and more accurate. I have listed some sites below that also teach how to do this. Please don't be put off by all the negativity that some of the people here are throwing around. Trust yourself and what feels right to you. Good luck.
Love & Light
One Planet = One People

2007-05-01 02:33:36 · answer #9 · answered by Soul 5 · 1 2

hard to say....the only factual corelation made so far is that people within the design industry (the designers that is) tend to fair better in tests than normal folk (test being the one with cards depicting squares, triangle, cross and circles) one person has to guess what card the other one has.... apparenlty the normal hit rate is around 25%, but with design people its 60% success rate..... the question then becomes... can you train as a designer or are you naturally one.....and as desingers tend to be left handed (disproportionately higher than the general public)...is psychic talent connected to the left hand....and arguably does not the devil sit on you left had side???? Mmmmmm.... leave it alone no good will come from it! Arguable why the victorians in the piety trained all to use their right hand...however, have you not noticed that there was a higher occurance of stuttering people during this period of time...as training the brain against itself causes mental issues of insecurity...which can lead to psychosis... including beleiving you can do things you cant really do..... spooky its all connected!!!

2007-05-01 02:24:53 · answer #10 · answered by michael s 4 · 0 2

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