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Do you think he deserved it or not?

2007-05-01 02:10:00 · 27 answers · asked by Kim Possible 3 in Sports Auto Racing NASCAR

27 answers

ok first of all if we want to talk about gordy poo he's such a whine bag, when he's not winning he's always whining about something. second of all check the records he still has a couple of championships to win to beat sr.'s record. sr. is the best always will be end of subject on that. and i would of been there gordon would of got more than a beer can at his car. he just acts like he's respecting sr. he's not he never could stand sr. because sr.s the man, the legend....so all you gordon lovers get over your self he's nothing but a cry baby.....

2007-05-01 05:20:09 · answer #1 · answered by ? 1 · 0 3

The verdict seems to be in. 14 answers and they all pretty much say the same thing.
I will proudly admit that I am a Gordon fan, and I'm a Gordon fan because of why I hate NASCAR fans.
Being a progressive-liberal from Minnesota, I don't really need to explain what about the "NASCAR culture" bothers the crap out of me...that's for another question and another answer, lol.

But this does "reinforce" my "stereotype" of these people. Wow, an articulate northerner beat your savior. Do you not remember that Dale and Jeff were great friends? Even business partners? Have you not heard Gordon talk about how much respect he has for #3, and how much he learned racing with the #3.

What these fans did degrades their own sport. It also degrades why we like sports: competition. Records are made to be broken.

That being said, I want this stuff to keep happening so that people can see how remedial and deficient the confederate culture truly is. I mean, I still hear Richard Petty say that women shouldn't be allowed in a racecar. I still see the Confederate flag at the racetracks.

As long as the culture won't grow up, I will continue to root for Gordon because he is one of the best to ever race in NASCAR, he is educated and smart, he is from above the Mason-Dixon line, and he enfuriates the fanbase. Personally, I just think the fans are more angry because they realize how Dale Jr. will never, ever be the driver his daddy was.
He won't even come close.

2007-05-01 10:53:29 · answer #2 · answered by Lars 2 · 1 0

No, he didn't deserve it but I think to soley blame Earnhardt fans for throwing things is an easy cope out. Fans could have been upset about any number of things in addition to Gordon winning who weren't Earnhardt fans. Now, not that I condone throwing anything because I don't but what voice do the fans have? I wasn't there and wouldn't have thrown anything but the race ended under caution and I'm not really upset about that even though I have been to races ending under green and yellow and to be in the stands that long and end under yellow does really suck. Gordon passing Dale (Huge 3 fan) was farthest from my mind. I saw the wreck and my very first thought was wow, that caution came out fast, unlike Daytona where they said the wreck was behind the leaders and waited until a car flipped allowing the leaders to race back to the line. Hello, consistency knocking but now one answers the door. Like it or not, fans are frustrated to see Hendrick cars win week after week and I would guess equally frustrated to see them be in the right place at the right time (Gordon last week on the yellow). No Gordon didn't deserve but it probably just wan't Earnhardt fans.

2007-05-01 18:29:57 · answer #3 · answered by Donny H 3 · 0 0

First of all, he did not deserve it. I'm sick of the excuse that "Earnhardt fans are passionate". I guarantee you if Dale Sr was alive he probably would have gotten out of his car and stood next to Gordon's car and stared into the crown daring someone to throw a can. Let's be honest, anyone who threw a can is a cowardice ****** and a loser. I guess their lives are so pathetic it gives them a sense that they did something or accomplished something by throwing a can. Just ask the kid who received 38 stitches in his head from getting hit with a can.

But the funny thing is going to be when they ban coolers from Talladega. That is a dry county on Sunday so people won't be able to bring in or buy beer. Guarantee those throwing the cans will complain the loudest.

2007-05-01 11:21:19 · answer #4 · answered by DOC 3 · 2 0

Jeff Gordon fan I am not, but he didn't deserve what those so called "fans" were doing. He earned the win and earned taking over the record. Throwing things on the track is just wrong.

2007-05-01 09:57:45 · answer #5 · answered by Sibby 2 · 1 0

He didnt deserve it.In talledega if they see gordon or any hendrick car win a race they probably will throw crap at the car, b/c every1 is a DEI fan. When Dale Earnhardt took that lead for that one lap every1 was standing up and cheering for him and b/c he lost the race they felt like taking it out on gordon... I think they should make higher fences so no1 can throw stuff onto the racing track

2007-05-01 18:30:44 · answer #6 · answered by nintendoboy9009 2 · 0 0

Of course he didn't deserve it, nobody does. Like him or not you have to respect his accomplishments. I'm not a Sr. fan but I have to respect his accomplishments even though most of his wins (and championships) were won when there were only a few cars capable of winning. Gordon is doing it in the most competitive time of the sport. I think a lot of Sr. fans do respect Gordon and his accomplishments and for those who don't GET OVER IT!!!!

2007-05-01 10:19:21 · answer #7 · answered by 3x8=24 1 · 0 0

I don't think he deserved it, but Earnhart fans are passionate about Dale's legacy. I don't blame them for resenting Gordon taking his place in the record books, but what I don't understand is why they don't see the continuation of Earnhart's legacy in Jeff Gordon. Gordon and Earnhart were business partners and friends, and Dale taught Jeff everything he knows about racing. Sr's fans should be proud that, in many ways, Gordon carries Sr's legacy with him in his successes. The Intimidator has left his mark on NASCAR, and his legacy as one of the greatest is assured. However, you have to expect that others will come along that have great success in the business. Richard Petty fans don't throw crap at drivers, and he is widely recognized as the greatest of all time. I would encourage Earnhart fans to honor Sr's memory and legacy by respecting the insitution of NASCAR, and celebrate the successes of those who credit him as their role model and inspiration. Even if you don't like Gordon, you have to recognize the kind of dominance he is having on the Nextel Cup this year. It seems vaguely familiar, like a certain "intimidating" driver in black so many years ago.

2007-05-01 09:18:57 · answer #8 · answered by Been There 4 · 1 0

I am a Gordon fan and he isn't going to get hurt in the car,but I was at Taledega last year and saw a 2 year old girl get her head cut open by trash being thrown from above.It needs to stop before some gets hurt bad !!

2007-05-01 12:37:28 · answer #9 · answered by David G, Jeff Gordon Rules !!!!! 7 · 0 0

I am not a big fan of Jeff Gorgon, but those people were ridiculous. The reason everyone hates him is the reason that people don't like the Yankees or Duke, they are good. Jeff Gordon is an intelligent NASCAR driver that wins races and people don't relate to him and therefore they hate him.

2007-05-01 09:13:38 · answer #10 · answered by dug742001 1 · 1 0

hi, diehard nascar fans like me who have followed the careers of both dale sr. and jeff gordon. know they were hard competitors on the track but real friends off the track. also both shared racing information. dale sr. was real helpful to jeff. both dale sr.and jeff gordon (are true champs). go 24! the fans throwing objects at drivers shows no class at all. get a life fans.

2007-05-01 14:05:05 · answer #11 · answered by hotrod57 4 · 1 0

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