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I got sick at work yesterday, (puked) and the owner of the restaurant made me stay and wait tables. He kept asking me "you're not going to call in tomorrow, are you?" I kept saying, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, until finally I said, "No, probably not." So he would leave me alone about it.

I have never called in once except for today, (I called in three hours early) to tell him that I've been puking all night and he goes "THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU TOLD ME YESTERDAY!" I replied, "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel well." And he screams "Thank you!" and hangs up in my face.
Is this fair?
I wonder what is in store for me tomorrow.

2007-05-01 01:10:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

18 answers

Why would you want to work for this guy? Get a doctor's not if it bothers you that much and you really want to keep your job. It sound like you should see a doctor anyway. If he fires you, you can report it to the Board of health. They won't agree that you should be at work while vomiting.

2007-05-01 01:16:45 · answer #1 · answered by Miki S 3 · 2 0

It happens. Restaurants are notorious for not giving a sh*t about their employees. They have really high turnover rates to begin with, and their employees are very expendable. Which means basically that if you won't do the job -- its very easy to find someone else.

But for you this means that you can easily find another job.

I worked in a restaurant for a while where I was treated like that. I was in "management training" (which basically meant I waited tables, hostess-ed, bartended, and was a busboy -- for way less than the salary I was offered when I took the job). The GM didn't work out my training schedule when he should have so I ended up having to cram 2 months of training into about 3 weeks. He had me working 70 hour weeks. I would work from 6 am to midnight with about 15 minutes in the middle of the day to sit down and have something to eat. Needless to say I got VERY sick from lack of sleep and being overworked. I came down with a TERRIBLE cold and lost my voice. One day I had a server shift in the morning and a hostess shift in the evening. I worked my server shift and took a quick break and came back to hostess. I couldn't speak -- I had completely lost my voice -- so he sent me home. When I came in the next day that asshat made me feel bad for missing work the night before!

I don't work there anymore. I now work in retail -- and my boss actually appreciates me.

2007-05-01 15:12:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your boss is being unfair to you and his customers if you Handel food and have a stomach bug /diarrhea then you really shouldn't be any where near food as you could contaminate someones food in this way,your boss should already know the law on sickness and handling food ,I'm sure if there was an out break of food poisoning in his premises he wouldn't bee too happy as environmental services would be called and he could be closed down ,you've done the right thing not going to work if you've a working contract check it and see what your sickness entitlement is your boss is a psycho right enough.hope your better soon.

2007-05-01 03:49:54 · answer #3 · answered by Mea 5 · 1 0

He obviously does not care about the health of his employees and very obvious that he does not care about having a clean restaurant. What if you would have puked on a customer, or in someone's food?

Don't go back if you still feel sick the next day.

I would seriously start looking for another job.

2007-05-01 05:45:40 · answer #4 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

Damn. That's even worse than my boss. Like, do you have to be a complete d!ck to manage a restaurant? I called out one day and my boss said, "If you really wanna p!ss me off, you won't come in today!" and I was like, "Sorry, but I'm gonna have to p!ss you off!!!".

However, I know that my boss loves me and that I'd never get fired for something like that. You are obviously in a different situation and I would suggest finding another job. Server jobs are a dime a dozen. You really shouldn't have to take that abuse. That is F'ed up!!!

2007-05-01 01:40:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your bosses attitude towards you is indicative of a serious case of "I could give a rats tail about anyone"; he is there to run a business and not manage one; there is a signficant difference as managment involves employees and running anything usually results in it running into the ground.

Do not count on your boss as he counts on you; he demands you work while sick, this is a clue to your future there; find a new job.

2007-05-01 04:12:37 · answer #6 · answered by Adonai 5 · 2 0

I'm afraid this is life. Most jobs you'll have will consist of having an a*ss of a boss. Sometimes we put up with it, sometimes we don't, but mostly we do because there's bills to be paid. It's a sad fact is that there's just a lot of weirdos in this world. Either quit or take it, because if you retaliate he sounds like that kinda guy who would fire you

2007-05-01 03:09:33 · answer #7 · answered by starla_o0 4 · 0 1

That's crazy. I don't want someone who's sick serving my food. Nasty. Your boss has issues. and no sense of decency. Any chance you can find another job in the area? You deserve better than that. Everyone does...

Maybe some ginger ale will help your stomach.

2007-05-01 01:40:53 · answer #8 · answered by Penelope Smith 7 · 1 0

i'm surprised that such a lot of people are desirous to pay lots of money to consume. some places have expenses three times what the food is properly worth, and that i advise bearing in mind a first rate income.

2016-12-28 06:15:30 · answer #9 · answered by orkwis 3 · 0 0

Thats terrible! He has no right to treat you that way. If you are sick then you need to stay home or you risk infecting him, his customers, and his staff. Try telling him that, and see if it works. Unfortunately as he is your employer theres not much you can do.

2007-05-01 01:16:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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