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I am unfortunatly one of these parents who lost a child through an accident which could/should of been prevented.

I want to hear from other people who have been through this.

Im tired of being angry and want to learn how to 100% forgive and fully except and mean It. How many years does It take to forgive?

And for the parent who was responsible for their child dying ( through accident) does the guilt last forever?

2007-05-01 00:14:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

3 answers

go to your church and ask if they have a group there where you can discuss your feelings openly, or ask for a referral to some group in your area. The reason you go to your church first is that faith pulls you and your mate together. A lot of people divorce because of this kind of situation because the guilt "may" last forever. It's like men in the military in war, they see something happen to their buddies and they remember it for a lifetime, but it takes discussion groups and a lot of work over a long time to forgive, but you never forget.
So you need professionals (psychologists or counselors or even an anger management course) to suggest to you how to work to ease the feelings. Then it's up to you to take the suggestions and work on them.

2007-05-01 00:20:34 · answer #1 · answered by sophieb 7 · 0 0

My sincere sympathy for you. Try this site, hope it helps you.


2007-05-01 07:21:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you cannot find out, ( and i am sure if you google that info you can), then Create one! i am sure there are others that need what you do...
and i am sorry for your loss

2007-05-01 07:18:55 · answer #3 · answered by bronzebabekentucky 7 · 0 0

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