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what do i do we dont get along in the first place ... but she knows the colour scheme and it my wedding and me my fiance and my parents are paying for it..... hot pink will she look dumb?

2007-04-30 17:26:48 · 19 answers · asked by PEBBLES777 1 in Family & Relationships Weddings

19 answers

Look I'm 50 and I resent that Bridezilla! I look frigging awesome in pink! Maybe she will too?
Take a chill pill & leave the woman alone - she'll look fine and is at least fitting into the color scheme. If you want to have any kind of a relationship with your MIL you'd better get over it. She can make your married life a living HELL if you start off this way. So not worth it. Change the flowers - or just get over it & try and be happy - you are getting married!

2007-04-30 17:33:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

Is she trying to "show up" at your wedding, or is she trying to go along with the color scheme? Whatever she wears, no one pays attention to the mother of the groom anyway. yes, she will be the pictures but they will look fine no matter what she is wearing.

I am sure she knows at 50 (that is how old I am) that the bride and grooms mothers usually dress very low key for the wedding.

2007-04-30 19:11:50 · answer #2 · answered by Patti C 7 · 4 0

Pink is at least a happy color. My mother in law chose Black with tiny (very tiny pink roses) all thought she was rejecting us or me.... who knows.
I think pink is fine for a summer wedding....
I really wouldn't worry about something so small...you have so many other issues.
I am sure she is adult enough to know what looks good on her and what doesn't, if not then all will see her for that.
Thinking if you already don't get along, this will make it worse if you bring the topic to light...I don't think I would want to start my marriage off this way...tread carefully.

And only make you shine even more...

No worries and congrats!

2007-04-30 18:32:02 · answer #3 · answered by travelingirl005 5 · 4 0

I don't think she was trying to cause trouble, even if you two don't really get along. It seems like she is trying to fit in at the wedding, which is flattering. I know it might not be your ideal dress or color for her to wear, but it's not like she'll steal your thunder or anything. Just because she isn't paying for anything doesn't mean she doesn't want the wedding day to be perfect, I mean, it's her son's day too. And if she does end up looking silly in the dress, no big deal. It's not like you are going to look silly just because she does. Relax!

2007-04-30 17:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by laird6372 2 · 5 0

My mother is 56 and looks beautiful in bright colours, you don't have to fade into the background and wear pastels as you get older. At least she made the effort to get something that matches your colour scheme, if anything I would say she is more considerate than you!!!!

2007-05-01 00:26:42 · answer #5 · answered by sparkleythings_4you 7 · 2 0

I'm with Laird637...relax!

She'll look like a hot foxy mumma. Just because she's 50 doesn't mean she can't wear certain colours, that is ridiculous...and hey if she does end up looking silly it is no reflection on you. Just relax and enjoy the things you CAN control on your wedding day!:-)

2007-04-30 18:24:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Its wise just to be happy for your day and let her wear whatever. I believe she will look fine and blend in with the pink. So I wish you much happiness on your wedding day. bettyk

2007-05-04 17:30:24 · answer #7 · answered by elisayn 5 · 0 0

it really is as a lot as you, yet imagine of it this kind. How previous is she? maximum older females do not seem very solid in warm red. it really is a mushy man or woman's shade. i'd not change a element. you cherished that shade, you picked that shade, and ordered vegetation to copy that. merely bypass ahead and bypass with the bypass. the thanks to do this now, because it appears like you extra efficient be getting use to it. solid success.

2016-12-05 03:48:44 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If that is the color she wants to wear, don't be upset by it - its not like she is wearing white or cream. There is nothing wrong with wearing any color at any age, as colors are not age related. If you are that upset by it, try speaking to her.

2007-05-02 04:27:12 · answer #9 · answered by Scarlett 4 · 0 0

She will prolly stick out like a sore thumb has you h2b talked to her about this? Is she the kind of mil that likes to be center of attention???

2007-05-01 04:36:47 · answer #10 · answered by MICHELLE WILLIS 2 · 2 1