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He likes meatloaf, hamburger patties with mashed potatoes and gravy, Mexican food, and chicken stirfry. I'm SO TIRED of making this stuff. I literally know six different meatloaf recipes by heart. I could go through the store and pick up all my stirfry ingredients blindfolded. What's something new that I can cook for him? (He won't eat fish, enchilada sauce, or artichokes - but everything else is fair game.)

2007-04-30 14:51:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

14 answers

Make chicken cordon blu. Take boneless, skinless chicken breast and pound thin, place a slice of cooked ham and swiss cheese on each chicken breast. Roll up to seal in ham and cheese, secure with toothpick, coat in italian breadcrumbs completly. Bake on lightly greased cookie sheet till golden brown. Delish!

2007-04-30 15:00:06 · answer #1 · answered by me 4 · 1 0

How about meatballs with a rich Italian sauce.(serves 4 people, you want to make for more people just double everything)

You just get 1kg mince, grate 1onion and a few garlic gloves, add some salt, pepper dried oregano a tyme and fresh parmesan cheese, mix well and shape into semi small balls, grease your oven tray put the meatballs on them cook them in the oven till browned and cooked through, (you could fry them if you like). In the meantime make your sauce, by chopping up a few garlic cloves fry them a little then add 2 Jars of Italian pasata sauce (its a strained tomato sauce you can buy from a good Italian Deli shop), 1 cupof red wine(cheap is fine) add salt to taste then cook a few min then add fresh basil leaves torn, the more the better, but add as much as you guys will like, turn down the heat, check to see your meatballs are cooked if so transfer them to the sauce and let it simmer and bubble away for 5-10 min or until sauce is a little thick and not too runny. Your done, you could serve it with crusty bread or over pasta,

It's easy to make and it tastes great, If he doesn't like them then wak him over the head. Lol.

2007-04-30 23:25:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey there,
why don't you try a pasta bake it's as easy as and also cheap, i actually made one last night and after it was finish they were still asking for more, all you do is cook any type of pasta you like (how much you need depends on how many people your cooking for) til it's al dente,get a baking dish, place a bit of pasta sauce and cheese on the bottom, place the pasta on top, then get a bottle of tomato pasta sauce or you can make your own, you can add mince, roast chicken, garlic if you want, with the sauce for something different, or use it plain to make a vegetarian pasta bake and then cover the top with as much shredded cheese as you like, cook it in a oven at 190 C for 30 Min's or until cheese to golden brown, steam some of hubby's fav vegies, Bob's your uncle instant cheap meal plus if you don't eat it all just heat the leftover's in the microwave for a couple of Min's, he can even take it as lunch the next day

2007-04-30 22:10:09 · answer #3 · answered by ghostchick3000 1 · 0 0

when I was chef at a wine bar/resturant one of my favorites to make was a stuffed chicked breast. filled with ricotta cheese, sun dried tomato, fresh basil, and prisciutto(a cured italian meat) (salty but very good).
First take a filet knife and cut a hole in the side of the chicken breast and run it inside to create a pocket.
Second take the prosciutto and dice it then warm it in a sautee pan (DO NOT ADD OIL)
If your sun dried tomatoes are dried soak them in very warm water until they are soft.
Third take the prosciutto, ricotta cheese, FRESH basil(note that I stressed FRESH) (ha ha ha)and sun dried tomatoes and put them in a food chopper or food processer.
Fourth take the mixture and put it in a piping bag, or take a ziplock bag and cut off the bottom corner of it to create a small hole and put the mixture in that. and pipe the mixture into the chicken.
Fifth you can cook it 2 ways. One is to put it on your outdoor grill to sear both sides and to put nice looking grill marks on it and then finish it in a 400 to 450 degree oven. Or second user a saute pan and finis it in the oven.
Sixth take the chicken cut in half (on a bias)and place over some nice spinach fettucine with an alfredo sauce(add a little bit of tomato paste to give the sauce a nice pinkish color. Or instead of an Alfredo sauce make a white wine cream sauce and still add the tomato paste(actually I prefer the white wine cream sauce)( it is actually called a cardinale sauce)(cardinale because of the added tomato paste)(get it red=cardinale)Spoon the sauce nicely over the chicken , garnish with a little bit of fresh basil and ENJOY. Your hubby will be your slave for the night ................................I hope this was helpful this recipe earned my a nice review in the local paper and lots of compliments from many faithful patrons.

2007-04-30 22:19:03 · answer #4 · answered by scott b 4 · 1 0

My husbands fave is Corned Beef Brisket. It's super easy, it comes in a sealed package w/ a seasoning packet. You just put it in a large pot, add seasoning, cover with water (just to the top of the meat), bring it to a boil then cover & simmer for an hour per pound. It takes a little while but it's worth the wait! YUM!!

2007-04-30 22:09:10 · answer #5 · answered by She's on fire! 5 · 0 0


This is a wonderful dish!!

2-3 lbs. of boneless skinless chicken (cut into bitesize pieces)
1 of each: red, yellow & green pepper (cut into strips)
1 red onion (cut into about 1 in. pieces)
1 each: yellow squash & zuccinni (cut into circles or 1/2 circles)
1 pkg. sliced fresh mushrooms
1 lb. penne pasta
1 pkg. Knorr's pesto sauce
1 pkg. Knorr's garlic herb sauce
about 2-3 tablespoons of chopped garlic (in the jar)

saute chicken in garlic and a little butter and black pepper
meanwhile, boil pasta
once chicken is most of the way done, add veggies & saute together. cover to cook evenly, but stir occasionally.
meanwhile, cook both pasta sauces in same pot by directions.
once pasta is drained and chicken and veggies are done, add everything together.


2007-04-30 22:03:08 · answer #6 · answered by gr8estmanager 6 · 1 0

Chicken Picatta....mmm.
Bratwurst (boiled in beer, then grilled.)
Beercan chicken is always a hit...it's something he can make since it is bbq'd (see link...use indirect heat)...plus it's a wonderful conversation starter.
Sticky Coconut chicken is also a hit, even if you don't like the taste of coconut (see link)

Also, try secretly substituting ground turkey or chicken meat for the meatloaf, taco meat, or spaghetti sauce one day and see if he notices.

Chicken is healthier than beef, and turkey is healthier than chicken (turkey tends to retain less disease than chicken).

2007-04-30 22:17:28 · answer #7 · answered by Ken F 5 · 0 0

Make him some homemade lasagna with a meat sauce since he likes hamburger. Add some great garlic bread, salad and a bit of wine and my guess is you'll have a nice evening. You can be his dessert....hehe......or just make him his favorite dessert so that everything's not alllllll new.
Enjoy! :) Melissa

2007-04-30 22:04:04 · answer #8 · answered by beautifuldreamerinlr 3 · 0 0

If he like ground beef try sheperd pie it has ground beef with cream of corn and potatoes,or stuffed peppers. hamburger patties with onions and pepper grilled with gravy brown on top of the patties. sloppy joes.

2007-04-30 22:00:20 · answer #9 · answered by Yvonne S 2 · 1 0

It doesn't sound like he's picky, just boring. Go to recipezaar.com and browse around. You're sure to find something that sounds good to you, and something that he'll want to add new into the rotation.

2007-04-30 21:57:31 · answer #10 · answered by Karin 5 · 0 0