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I am having severe doubts about the truth of the LDS Church and want to see what other Mormons think about antimormon claims before I decide to leave. I think it's only fair that I should listen to both sides before making my decision.

2007-04-30 09:30:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Many. See sources

2007-04-30 11:20:51 · answer #1 · answered by mormon_4_jesus 7 · 6 1

Sure, I can and so can anyone who is honest. There is no doubt that man probably was based on a lower animal. What none of these explain is how we managed to leap light-years ahead in evolution. You see, modern man, as we are called by scientists, first appeared some 70,000 years ago according to the earliest fossil remains. What is so remarkable is that modern man simply seems to have "appeared". What I mean is that Natural Selection does not, cannot explain why man ever came to be. Natural Selection is based on successful reproduction. The species able to reproduce at a rate greater than they die off succeed and those that don't go extinct. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Have you ever seen a foal (baby horse) born? Within hours the young horse is up on its legs and walking and nursing. Within a couple of days it is running and keeping up with the herd. Obviously, a good reproductive strategy. Look at apes. They give birth and within a few days the baby is able to cling to the mother so she has her hands free to climb branches. It takes about three years for a baby ape to become totally self sufficient. That, too, is a good reproductive strategy. Now look at man. Born completely helpless with a massive brain. It takes several years before the child can even walk and considerably more before it can keep up. A human baby is pretty much helpless until it reaches around 10 years of age. Add to the fact that they have no furry coat, no armor plating, no great fangs or claws and you have a pretty lame excuse for a species and a not much likelihood of survival. Add to this the fact that the earliest modern man had the same brain as we do today. Why is that remarkable? Because our brains have an enormous capacity for memory and amazing capacity for learning and reasoning including language and mathematics ability. But why would the first humans have these abilities when there was no language was not math and was far less to lean in order to survive long enough to reproduce? It doesn't make Evolutionary sense. Don't want to believe in God? Ok, don't but someone obviously intervened and did some pretty dramatic genetic mods to turn ape into man in such a short time. Natural Selection's own rules would not allow man. Glad I could help sort you out about this. *

2016-05-17 11:32:54 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I was trying to find a talk in a recent general conference about a missionary who had questions about anti-Mormon literature too. The mission president did not have the answers, but said he would find them for him. In the meantime he asked the missionary when the last time he had read the Book of Mormon. The missionary indicated it had been a while. So until the next visit he asked the missionary to read the Book of Mormon each day. When they met again, the president had the answers, but the missionary said he did not need the answers any more. Still the president made him listen to the answers.

I could not find the talk it for you, but get a copy of the last two conference additions of the Ensign and read all of the talks. I am sure it was in one of them. Likely the priesthood session (is that in the monthly Ensign?). Also read the Book of Mormon and pray (as others have already pointed out). It is much more uplifting than what you see at those other sites.

2007-04-30 12:04:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

The one I would have listed is the jeff lindsay one. It's the best I have found as far as showing why claims against the church are wrong, or just plain funny. In fact, I started listing that site a while back. Guess people really like it!!! The fairlds site is really a good one too.

I would say that a lot of the people who are anti-LDS are willing to believe a lot of things about us that really aren't true. They don't want to learn the truth, so they will keep believing.

What others have said is true. Prayer will be the thing that will help you the most. Good luck on your search!! I hope things work out for you, and you find what you need in life.

2007-04-30 12:18:49 · answer #4 · answered by odd duck 6 · 5 1

This is a very fair questions to be asking, and I think it is important to understand the true history behind our religion. Also, remember to rely on prayer and the spirit. You may doubt the LDS church for a time, but you can still rely on the God. He will manifest the truth to you, and you will talk away with a stronger testimony if you hang in there. I do not know of any websites, besides the ones above, but many of them are pretty good, and provide at least equal evidence to the antimormon claims.

2007-04-30 09:44:06 · answer #5 · answered by moonman 6 · 7 3

There are many. I find it fascinating however, with those that say the pro-Mormon sites cannot be trusted, as if to imply that those advocating their points of view can. Eccentric logic. Why not look at both sides of the coin, research both the pro and con side of thing, pro LDS and anti LDS, then take the matter before the one being who knows all truth: God.
Ask him with real intent, an honest heart, and he will reveal the truth to you.
I did, and that is why I am a Mormon, true blue, died in the wool, through and though.

2007-04-30 09:55:47 · answer #6 · answered by Kerry 7 · 10 1

exmormon.org has a lot of references on it and they can all be backed up from LDS sources and texts. Unlike many mormons who think you should go searching for you faith and positive things, I say good on you for looking into both sides first. To mormons I am nothing but a mormon basher, when I am only converned that to many mormons are getting told what to believe rather than finding it out for themselves, through study. Having said that if you leave the LDS church please do not leave Jesus altogether, the things mormons are taught about the christian churches being corrupt/harlots/whores of babylon etc are untrue.

2007-05-01 15:44:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My grandfather has a book written by a non-member... It's a pretty interesting story..

There was a journalist that became a soldier in WW2. At one point, he was stationed in SLC. He really liked what he saw of the "Mormons," and began commenting about it to others, after he was transfered. Of course, he then began hearing the anti's views. The journalist in him couldn't rationally see how what he'd seen and what he'd heard could both be true.

So after he was done with his military service, he began to look for a fair, unbiased report of what the LDS church was all about. He couldn't find one, so he decided to write one. He went back to SLC, spoke with the church leaders and explained what he wanted to do. They agreed, and gave him access to many records. He read, interviewed, observed, etc.

I read his book, and even though he may not quite have the "Mormon culture" down quite right, he did get the gist of what we teach, what we believe-- our doctrine. (BTW- His view of polygamy was pretty interesting!!)

I don't think it's still in print, but I may be able to get you a copy-- "Those Amazing Mormons"....

Let me know if you're interested.

2007-04-30 13:44:49 · answer #8 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 3 1

I want to share somenthing with you....
2 years 1/2 ago i was having several doubts about the church, I was going to served a mission and before i recieve my papers i was in some antimormon web sites and doubts were all over me and i didnt want to go and share lies, it was so hard for me day by day before i recieve my papers and I felt that my head no just my head also my entire soul was spinning, the time when i recieved my papers i wasn't sure at all about the church, then i was reading the bible and i read when our Savior SAID:
John 14
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you ALL things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 16
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into ALL TRUTH: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Then I realized that i needed to ask our Father because He knows all things, and didn't want to follow men's opinions. Well i did it and I recieved the answer as our Savior promised us through the Spirit of Truth and as the apostle paul told the galantians about the fruits of the Spirit

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Now I know, not through man, history or science, but through The Holy Spirit of Truth that the Church of Jesus Christ the latter Days Saints is true. After this i went and served a honorable full time mission with all my heart and trust in my Lord and I've been a witness of many miracles since.

YOu can ask people to show you the truth or lies but they will give you their own opinion based on History, science but if you really want to find out then go with the One that knows everything. our Father in Heaven.

Jer. 17: 5
5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

Good luck with your search.

2007-04-30 11:32:39 · answer #9 · answered by Dragonik 2 · 9 1

Uh, the only and best place you need to "check out" is on your knees praying to your Heavenly Father. He is the ONLY one who will not lie to you or will not lead you away from His gospel. Ask Him. If you are truly sincere, He will answer you. BUT, remember, the answer(s) may not come how or when you think they should...be patient with the Lord and He will reveal his truths to you through the Holy Ghost.
Good luck

2007-05-01 09:43:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Look at how the antimormons answered your question... they obviously aren't in favor of a fair choice. I second moonman.

anyways, sites:
you already got some good ones...but here are some more.

these are ok, but not great.

Hope you can pray about your decision! Hope you find peace again.

2007-04-30 09:52:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

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